Fallen Angel

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I'm ready. Take me now. Take me while I'm emotionless. Take me while I have nothing. Because once I have something, I won't want to leave. Take me away, while I'm still only skin and bones. My heart is broken, take me while it's still unfixable. Let me have my halo, let me grow my wings. Let me fly away. My youth is gone, I can't touch the sky. No, not until I have my wings. Let me die. I want to fly...

      Jin got out of his car and walked up to the school doors. He checked his watch before he entered. Monday, 8:14AM. He sighed and walked in, heading towards the library. Once he took a seat at an empty table, he pulled out his notebook and flipped through it. He stopped at a torn page. Digging through his pocket, he pulled out the piece about the Fallen Angel. He scanned over it before folding it and placing it into the notebook. He sighed and sat back in his chair.

      Just then, the door to the library flew open and in came... Taehyung? It was The Fallen Angel himself, heading straight towards him. He hadn't been to school in two weeks... Where had he been all that time? Jin stared at the brown haired boy as he approached him. Was he coming up to talk to him? Why him? Jin took a deep breath and tried to prepare himself for a conversation. He was nervous. More nervous than ever before.

"Do you still have that piece about a Fallen Angel?" The boy asked once he got close enough so Jin could hear him. He didn't bother sitting down, he just stood across the table, waiting for an answer. Jin gulped.

"Y-Yes... Why?"

"Can I have it? I found it really interesting."

"I don't know... It's a homework assignment due tomorrow. But I guess you can have it," Jin whispered. He flipped through the notebook once again and pulled out the loose piece of paper. "Here..."

"Thanks, means a lot," Taehyung said with a smile. Jin hesitantly smiled back.

"You know, I feel like we have a lot in common," Taehyung said, catching him off guard.

"Really? I-I mean... yeah... I feel like we do, too," Jin whispered, more to himself than to Taehyung. "Well, if you're still here after school, maybe we can talk more."

Taehyung gave a small grin before responding.

"Trust me, I won't be going anywhere with these broken wings of mine."

He was so focused on the boy standing before him that he didn't even have time to register the gun in his hand.

Jin didn't even scream when he heard the bang. Frankly, he didn't even care. He was okay with dying. He was okay with being shot. In fact, he was grateful. Grateful to be dead. Thanks to the Fallen Angel, he found his halo. And now, he could fly away.

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