Deal Or Threat

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      Jimin sat in the locker room, staring at the ball in his hand. He tossed it up in the air and caught it. Tossed it. Caught it. Tossed it. Caught it. He kept doing that over and over again until a knock came from the door behind him. He scowled when he saw Taehyung.

"What do you want?" Jimin spat. The boy walked over and took a seat next to him. Jimin suddenly felt awkward.

"I just came by to visit. I knew you'd be in here," the brunette smiled.

"You haven't been to school in like... A week. Why'd you decide to show up now?" Jimin asked.

"Because I want to talk to you-"

"I know what you're doing. You're trying to steal Jungkook away from me. Well that's not going to happen, not while I'm still alive," Jimin interrupted.

Taehyung looked somewhat surprised.

"What? Me? Steal Jungkook from you?" He let out a laugh. A strange, evil laugh that sent shivers down Jimin's body.

"No no no, I'm not here to steal your lover. I already have somebody," Taehyung said. "Or at least, I did have somebody. They don't know where I am now."

Jimin was confused.

"Anyway, I just wanted to chat, you know? Learn more about my bully," Taehyung grinned.

"I don't consider it bullying. You're just my punching bag," Jimin said with a small smile. Taehyung didn't seem bothered.

"Well, I'm fine with being your punching bag. It'll all end soon anyway," his voice trailed off.

"But I just wanted to ask why. Why me? Why do you hate me?" Taehyung asked. "Are you... Jealous?"

Jimin chucked the ball at the boy's face.

"I'm not fucking jealous. And I'll never be jealous of someone like you." Jimin scowled.

"You sure about that? Because I think you're jealous of me and Jungkook-"

Jimin slapped the boy across the face.

"You and Jungkook have nothing. Nothing. Have you two ever played football together? Have you ever been to his house? Do you even know where he lives? Do you even know his problems? Have you ever kissed him before?" Jimin growled.

"I don't know anything about him. I'll give you that. And I'll also give you this," Taehyung pulled a small gun out of his coat pocket. Jimin jumped back when he saw it and threw his hands up in surrender.

"Relax, I'm not going to shoot you. Even though I have perfect reason to," he muttered that last part, but Jimin still heard it.

"P-Put it down. And then we can talk,"
Jimin stuttered. Taehyung sighed and threw the gun onto the floor. "Okay, let's talk," Taehyung patted the spot on the bench next to him. Jimin hesitantly took a seat.

"Alright... Let's make a deal, shall we?"

Jimin didn't respond.

"You take that gun off my hands, and I'll never talk to Jungkook ever again," Taehyung bargained. Jimin considered it for a second.

"What's wrong with the gun?" Jimin asked, skeptical.

"Nothing's wrong with it. I just... Don't want it. That's all," Taehyung folded his hands nervously. Jimin didn't trust him.

"How do I know it's safe? What if it's a... A bomb or something?!" Jimin exclaimed. Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Just take it okay? I'll never talk to Jungkook ever again if you just take it," Taehyung was suddenly becoming annoyed.

"Hell no! I don't trust you! Why the fuck do you have a gun, anyway?! Sorry, but I'm fine if you talk to Jungkook. I'll make sure he likes me and not you. I'll make sure of it," Jimin said, scooting away from the boy. Taehyung thought for a second.

"What if I were to say... If you don't take this gun, you'll deeply regret it," Taehyung said.

"Are you threatening me?" Jimin said in a low whisper. Taehyung nodded his head.

"You can't make me regret shit! Now take your gun and get out of here, bitch," Jimin snapped.

"If you say so. You're going to regret not taking it though," Taehyung muttered as he stuffed the gun back into his coat pocket.

"Yeah, whatever," Jimin sighed.

      With that, Taehyung flung open the door and stormed out. Jimin chuckled to himself. 'That guy really thinks he can threaten me?! Yeah, right. He really is a pathetic loser,' Jimin thought as he picked up the ball and continued tossing it.

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