Chapter 1 - My army

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🎶When I'm with you🎶
🎶Standing with an army🎶
Army - Ellie Goulding

Cheers roared as I sang through the microphone and strummed the last verse of the song on my guitar, alongside my three favorite people in the world. Cameron was of course the loudest one to cheer and clap. He was known for that throughout the school.

"Thank you everyone." I began, speaking through the microphone. I took a deep breathe before saying, "It hurts me that...that this would be my last, but not least, campfire night with you guys. You all have made my whole school life amazing in here. And for that, I thank all of you. Especially to those who have grown so close to me." I was trying my best to hold my tears as I looked to my three beloved friends.

The three of them stared at me, their eyes glowing, trying to hold their tears too. "Aww we love you, Selena." Maggie says as she hugs me. "Group hug!" Cameron's loud voice chirps up. Blake joined in too. Everyone awed, saying "We will miss you too, Selena!" I looked back to the other students, and wiped the tears that had fallen off my eyes. I managed to let out a smile as I looked through everyone's face around the wildly lit campfire. They were all just staring at me with friendly smiles around their faces. This is what I love about this school. Everything just seems so perfect.


I unzipped the zipper of my tent that I share with one of my best friends, Maggie. Maggie followed behind me as I enter the tent and prepared to sleep on my sleeping bags. The whole camping ground was silent, declaring that everyone was asleep. As Maggie was about to zip our tent closed, Blake seems to have stopped her. "Blake?" Maggie whispered. "Yeah, and Cameron too."

"What are you guys doing here? Go back to your tents for goodness sake." Maggie continues whispering, trying her best to not wake any of the teachers up. "No can do. We can't sleep." Cameron says. Maggie unzips our tent and the both of them walked in, while bringing their sleeping bags too. "Woah, what are you guys doing? You know boys and girls are not allowed to sleep in one tent." I whisper as they laid their sleeping bags inside the tent.

"Hey, this school allows you to dye your hair pink. I'm pretty sure they can make an exception for this one too. Besides, this tent is big enough for the four of us." Cameron whispers back, already settling inside his sleeping bag right next to me. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, it definitely fits the four of us." I say sarcastically before laying down, trying to be as comfortable as I can in the amount of space in this tent.

After a few minutes of closing my eyes, someone shifted beside me, making me open my eyes. "Cam?" I ask. He seems to be looking at Maggie and Ben, who I assume are already sound asleep. He looks at me and smiles before wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to face him.

"Hi. You comfortable now?" He whispers, showing his bright smile. I smile back, "How do you know I was uncomfortable?" He scoffed while rolling his eyes, "You're too obvious, Selena."

"Well, I'm much more comfortable now thank you very much." We stayed in this position for a moment, just staring into each other's eyes. "Remind me again why you're moving." Cameron sighs. "Oh come on, Cam. You know how I don't like talking about it. I've told you that business isn't doing well for my father. So, my mom decided that it's better to move to a new place to save more money, especially with the price of my house and this school." I say.

"What?! We could help you with that payment. And sooner or later, your father's business will be okay again."

"I know, Cam. parents wouldn't accept. Neither will yours."

Cameron sighs, "Will you move back here when your father's business improves?"

I shrug, "I don't know. Maybe. I hope."

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