Chapter 5 - Room Trouble

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I dozed off once again. This time while walking. I kept on scolding myself for not finding out his name or his phone number to keep in touch with. I didn't even bother with my bags while we were waiting for it at the luggage section. George took it for me, and I'm pretty sure he didn't mind. He was trying his best to make me happy, but it ain't working.

It took a while to get a cab since the airport was pretty busy, but thankfully we got one after having to call the cab department. The weather wasn't so good either. It was raining hard and I felt really cold. I should remind myself to buy jackets the next time we shop.

I didn't understand why we needed to get a cab anyways. Couldn't George just send a driver to drive his car and pick us up? It seems much more efficient rather than waiting for a cab in this horrible weather. Plus, me and my mom wouldn't be shivering right now. George seems to be used to all sorts of weather because he is standing as if nothing is wrong.

I spot the cab's plate number that we were assigned to and hailed it over. I can't wait till I finally can feel the warmth of the cab or until I finally get inside my new bedroom and snuggle up in a comfortable blanket. My mind eased just thinking about it.

Sadly, when I went inside the cab, it didn't have a car heater so I had to stick with waiting patiently until I can snuggle cozily on a bed.

The taxi driver was pretty talkative. And she was a girl, which surprised me a lot since it was unusual for a girl to drive a cab. She told us that we should praise her since all the other guys were too much of a coward to go through this heavy weather. I let out a giggle when she said that.

I looked out at the window and I could finally see a lot of people roaming about here and there. There are a lot of interesting monuments that I would definitely have to visit to take awesome pictures in. Soon the busy streets turned to quieter streets, and I wonder where does George even live.

Soon the taxi stopped, but I looked around and there were no houses. Just plain old tall buildings that looked abandoned. Maybe there is something in front of us, but nope there isn't.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask my mom and George as they were stepping out of the car. "We are here." He says, one of his eyebrows raised at me.

I raise an eyebrow at him back, and proceed to step out of the car too. We grab our bags from the trunk of the cab and me and my mom followed George to an alleyway that seems to lead to another tall building. I wonder where the house is, but as soon as I saw George stepping inside the tall building, my mind clicked. He lives in an apartment. We are going to live in an apartment. I start to panic, hoping that the inside of the apartment is better than the outside. Like a quote Never judge a book by its cover.

Truth be told, the inside was a lot better than the outside. As soon as my eyes saw the elevators, I told myself that this wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

The elevator stopped at the 14th floor and we stepped out. A few people who were in the elevator with us were annoyed of the amount of bags we had. I was just glad that I wasn't the one having to move all the moving boxes inside the apartment.

We carried all our bags until we stopped in front of a door. My arms are already killing me. I watched as George was fumbling for his keys. In the end, he dropped it and out of frustration and immediately knew which key to use since it had the writing 'Home' on it.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside the room. It was empty, noone in sight.

"You can go look around if you'd like. Make yourself at home." George says from behind me whilst clearing his throat. I turned to him and notice him rubbing his hands on his pants again. A nervous tick I can tell.

I set my bags down on the side of the kitchen counter and walked around the room. There was a small aisle that I had to go through. I guess that lead to the bedrooms.

I opened the nearest door that I passed and my eyes filled with bluem everything in this room was mostly blue. The bed spread was blue, the walls were blue, I spot jackets that were blue too.

My eyes gazed at the posters on the wall, football stuff, interesting, a jock. I then remembered that George had a son that I would have to get to know soon. This room is pretty tidy for a guy, maybe this is a sign that we will get along.

"I had to force him to clean it all up last night. His room isn't usually like this." George says uneasily.

I should really take it easy on this guy, so I give him a smile to lighten him up. "How did you make him do it?"

"I said his allowance would be cut off if he didn't clean it." George smiled, I let out a chuckle.

I decided to look around more. I was excited to finally see my room and redecorate it. But so far I've only seen bathrooms and my parents room. I passed a storage room too. It was kind of creepy on there to be honest.

Let's see, which door haven't I checked? Or is there another room that isn't in this aisle? After a while, I gave up and asked, "Umm...which one is my room?"

"Oh isn't wuite ready yet. Sorry about that. We figured it would be alright if you and Niall could share a room. And you guys would bond. It won't be for long. Just until...your room is ready." George explains to me.

I just shrug, not in the mood to put up a fit about a room. I wonder if we could buy those bed spreads where one can be half blue and half pink, like the one in movies about twins sharing a room but have different personalities.

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