Chapter 22 - Goody Two Shoes

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Harry's POV

"Where is she?! You both were supposed to keep an eye on her!"

"We did Haz. No one came out of the room." Louis whined.

"Well then how can you explain that she is not in the room now?!"

"Hold on let me check." Zayn says, walking in the room.

"Haz. Her shoes are near the window. She must've gotten out."

I walked to where Zayn was standing. Sure enough, her shoes were there like a motherfucking Cinderella. Only this time, she left both of them. But she couldn't have gotten out. The locks on the window are still locked from the inside. If she had gotten out, it would have been unlocked by now. I didn't say that idea out, knowing that she is still hiding in this room. 

I looked around the room for any suspicious looking hiding spot. The closet, it has got to be the closet. Under the bed won't fit for her anyways.

I walk to the closet and opened the door and smiled. She's there. I didn't see her face, nor did she see mine. But I see her piece of clothing hiding behind the stack of clothes. I close the closet door and walked over to Zayn.

"We need to go find her."

I waited for Zayn to go out of the room and gave him a signal that the girl was still in the room. He nodded and gave a thumbs up before walking away.

I closed the door quietly and waited. 

Selena's POV

After all the endless shouting, the room grew silent. Oh my God I can't believe my plan worked. I must be the smartest human being ever. Now to get out of this stinky closet and walk out of this room.

I open the closet door and slowly step out of it. I can't wait to finally take a shower at home and just lay on my bed.

"Well hello there." I startle as I hear the man's deep voice again. How is he still here? I thought he said he went out. No, no, this can't be happening. I shook my head, tears swelling up again. 

"Get the hell away from me!" I shout. 

"Ssshh, shhh, baby girl. It's okay." The man came closer to hug me but I stepped back. Did he seriously just call me that?

He shook his head at my reaction and chuckled an evil laugh. "You really think I was that foolish, huh? Well...think again darling."

As he came closer to me, I bolted towards the door. Thankfully the door was unlocked. YASSS thank you God for showing me the way.

"Come back here! Guys catch her!" 

I gasp, looking around for any of his friends. But there were none, another point for me. I ran as quickly as my feet could take me.

Okay, I remember going through this corridor, and this one. There's the club! I need to get there. I need to go to Liam. But he wouldn't be such a good choice considering he is Haz's friend.

I wanted to shout help, I really did. But who knows who are his friends in here, right? Maybe this whole club is jammed with all his horrible friends. Even if I did make a scene...what would my reputation at school be like?

Instead of doing any of those things, I ran out. 

"Sorry, excuse me." The words I had to say from bumping into so many people. Not like they care anyways. 

I walked out the door, the same door I used to go in. 

"You alright?" A familiar voice said. I jump in shock, too many traumas for tonight.

But it was just the guard. I look around, no one was lining up anymore.

I cried, I let everything out. I'm tired, lost, and scared. 

"Woah, woah, what happened?" The guard asks.

"I just...please help me. There is a guy in there who trapped me in a room, and wants to do stuff with me and I managed to get out, but now I bet he told his friends to catch me and I'-"

I heard footsteps and shouts, "She could't have gone far! Go find her!"

"Come her quick." The guard told me, I went to him and he his me behind some sort of pillar. I crouched down and hugged my knees.

"Harry?" I heard the security guard say.

"Hey Uncle Sam. Um...have you seen a girl with wavy hair and no shoes on walk out of here?" The deep voice spoke again.

"Wavy hair...bare feet...oh yeah. She ran very fast, that way. I have no idea where she was headed, she looked like a crazy maniac. But I let her be." I hold in a chuckle at the word 'crazy maniac'. Do I really look like one?

Harry's POV

I sigh. Here we go again. I knew something was fishy when my uncle didn't ask me why I was looking for the 'crazy maniac' girl. 

That girl must've really think I am stupid or something. Well she got one point, my uncle's side. Doesn't she know I could see her hiding behind that pillar? She is so terrible at hiding. 

I can't grab her easily now, not when my uncle is there.

I gave my uncle a nod and walked back in. 

"Found her, Haz? She has been really causing a lot of trouble for tonight." Zayn says.

"Find Liam."

Liam's POV

I can't believe it. She honestly was able to escape Harry's dungeon. Or as it seems to be. I have to say, I'm proud of her. I hope she is in a safe place now.

I'm so glad she hadn't ran to me first to say goodbye, that would have been an easy catch. 

"Liam, Haz wants to talk to you." Louis says before making way for Harry to come. He was in such a bad mood. I almost chuckle at him.

He suddenly smashed his fist onto the hard table, but it didn't catch too much attention. 

"Woah what's up, Haz?"

"Find the girl. Bring her to me. You know her right? She will trust you."

Is this guy serious?

"What? We just met, still strangers. Besides, where on earth am I going to find her? I also still have a shift here, man."

"She's outside. Right next to my uncle. There is no way he is taking her home. He needs to work. Now go!"

I shook my head at him, "You really need to stop doing these things, man. This is not your kingdom where you can jus-"

"Just do it Liam! Or else."

"Or else what?" 

He let out a smirk and a chuckle, "Or know what happens to your girlfriend. It's a pity she can't come. But if she did, I would have fucked her endlessly by now. "

"She isn't a virgin Harry! Leave her alone!" I shout, I couldn't take the image of seeing Camila, my girlfriend, getting hurt in his arms. 

"Then do the fucking job, Liam!"

"Yo just do it man. Don't cause a ruckus." Louis says.

I shook my head and sigh. I can't believe I'm friends with them, oh I know why, because if I wasn't, they would have no one to use as a goody two shoes.

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