Chapter 16 - Trust Me

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I wasn't sure if my plan was going to work or not. But they say if you believe hard enough, it will work. That's what I will do for these few minutes. Believe.

"What makes you think I have heels?" Niall says.

"Because one thing I know about guys like you, you have weird stuff in your car. Now hurry. If you want to get into that party, best follow my plan." I say in my most determined voice.

"Oh yeah? And what do you know about getting into a club? You don't even have an ID." He says.

I grab my small bag and took out my fake ID for him to see.

"That's fake. It looks exactly like mine. There is no way that guard is going to let you in."

I grab his ID card that he was holding on one of his hands and compared my card with his.

It was slightly different. Mine had more complicated numbers than he had.

I gave his card back to him and smiled, "We'll see who's card works."

"Now give me the heels." I went back to my serious mode.

He gave me a look to find it in the backseat. I give him a look too, letting him know that I'm not goung to do that.

Unfortunately I can't hold the look for as long as he could so eventually I gave up and move to the backseat.

Hah! I knew there were heels in here. I found a pair of red heels and moved back to the front seat to replace my converse shoes with them.

I look back up to face Niall and I notice his eyes was filled with shock. Probably at how fast I could find the heels and change shoes in a flash.

"What?" I ask, trying to hide my smile.

He looked back to the front and had that gloomy expression again.

"Let's go." I say, having enough of looking at him feeling upset.

"We can't. What makes you so sure?" He says, as I had to open his car door since he didn't follow me out.

"Come. On!" I say, trying my best to get him out of the car by pulling on his arm again.

He finally did, because clearly he was annoyed. But I knew he didn't feel like being harsh to me anymore, so I took this as a perfect way to get him out.

I closed his door and locked his car before facing to Niall again. I felt taller than him now, which felt kind of nice but weird at the same time.

He didn't budge. Just stood there looking worried.

"Hey. It'll be okay. Come on." I say, leading the way to the security guard.

"Umm...hold on...wait." I hear him say. His voice was softer, how odd.

I slow down and turn back around to walk back to him, but I didn't need to. He had already caught up with me.

I look to him, waiting for him to say something. Instead he pulled my hairband out.

I gasped. I'm trying to be nice and this is what he does? Tries to make me look horrible again?

He starts fluffing my hair about while I stood there in shock.

"Why on earth did you do that?!" I say in a whisper shout.

"Just to add the perfect touch." He shrugs.

How is this a 'perfect touch'? In fact, what does he know about perfect touch? I look like a mess now. That ponytail took forever to be neat. He completely ruined my mood of helping him.

I turned back around and notice my reflection in a car window. I made sure that noone was in the car before checking my reflection to avoid any other embarrasing things going on.

Suprisingly, I didn't look that bad. My hair actually does help with my look. Helps me look more mature and got to admit, hot. I tied the bottom of my flannel top just right below my chest, this would let the security guard know who he is messing with. Though I can't really describe who I am trying to be, really.

I look back to Niall and notice that he needs a bit of a fix up too.

"What?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Do u have a jacket? A bomber jacket maybe?" I ask.

"Got it." He says, snapping his fingers and heading straight to his car. Funny how he is now just contemplating to what I just told him to do. Guess he is joining in on my plan.

He came back wearing a dark green bomber jacket. Now he just looks like a guy who just came back from snowboarding, but oh well. It was a better and much cooler look than before.

His hair was messed up so I told him to fix it. Though I don't think he understands how to fix his hair because he just made it worst. I let out a giggle and step in closer to him to fix his hair.

He let me do it, not saying any harsh stuff or anything, which I really appreciate.

"Okay, let's go." I say, leading the way.

The security guard stopped us from going pass the door and I take out my ID card to show it to him, hoping for the best. To my relief, he nodded his head and gestured for me to go on ahead. I try to not let my relief show or else he'll find out about the lie.

My smile falters as he stopped Niall, "Hey it's you again. You ain't going to fool me with your new look. Sorry buddy, you can't."

I had to do something quick. "Umm...he's with me." I say as sternly as I could to the guard.

The guard scoffed and let out a chuckle at me. "Yeah right. Please just go in, maam."

At that moment, I had another idea.

"Excuse me?! He is my boyfriend! He has the right to come with me."

The guard shrugs then moves closer to me, "I hope your boyfriend knows that he is lying to you about his age."

I look at the guard in disbelief to add more drama before saying, "You honestly think I would date someone younger than me?! He isn't younger than me. I've seen his birth certificate and stuff. Okay yeah I know he has a fake ID, but that's because he never had the time to get a real one!" I shout. I was so frustrated at this security guard. There is no way he is making someone upset like this. He isn't going to ruin my hardwork.

The guard didn't say anything, as if he had been ignoring everything I had said.

I sighed and groaned then said, "See babe! You should've made that damn ID card. But no, you just had to bring that fake one you always use. I tried warning you, but oh well." I say, pretending to walk away.

"Wait." I hear the security guy groan.

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