Chapter 17 - Oops

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I stop in my tracks, but not turning around to face the security.

I heard the security sigh a silent sigh before saying, "Just go in."

Before I knew it, Niall was already standing beside me. Usually in a moment where I helped someone, they would hug me and thank me. But I knew Niall wasn't that kind of guy. Well, when it comes to me, at least. 

So I look to him and showed him my smile that proved my plan had worked. He sighed jokingly but chuckled, then gave me a smile back hesitantly, "Thanks for the help. That was...that was cool. Okay, very cool." 

I let out a giggle to enlighten him a bit. 

"Yo Niall! There he is! Niall! Where were you? From the ice kingdom?" Someone shouted.

Niall didn't understand and just looked dumbfounded, but laughed along anywyas, probably assuming it was because of the drinks they had taken. But I knew what the guy had meant about Niall looking like he was from the ice kingdom. It was because of the jacket. I didn't tell Niall anything though, just watched as he went to join his friends. What surprised me was, he turned back around to face me, as if he just remembered I was there.

"You'll be fine right? Just try to mingle around and stuff-"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." No, I won't, I say. I've never been in a party where I knew no one, but I understood Niall doesn't want his friends to know anything about me being somewhat related to him, so what else have I got to do? 

Though, he can't blame me if I somehow made friends with someone he was close with. I don't even know who his friends are. 

When Niall was no longer to be seen, or somewhere in the crowd, I decided to look for a restroom. It must be somewhere on the sides. I groan, at least I have one thing to do for the whole night, finding a restroom.

After a while of giving up, I decided to ask the security that I had met up front. 

He sighed when he saw me, as if he was saying "What do you want now?'

He gave me directions towards the restroom which was apparantly on the far side of this club. Which would mean I need to go through the crowds of people. I imagined all those sweaty disgusting bodies that smell like alcohol all crushing into me. The though alone made me want to puke. I took a deep breath and stayed on the sides while trying to keep my eyes on the restroom so I didn't lose track of where I was going.

I'm starting to think I look like a person afraid of small spaces. Imagine what the people here thought I was doing. But who cares what they think? They are probably too drunk to notice, or probably think I was too high.

I saw this in a movie called Ted. I couldn't remember whether it was the sequel or not, but I remember someone smoking some sort of weed or pot (excuse me for not knowing stuff about this), and one minute later they were leaning on the walls for dear life.

After making it to the bathroom, I wanted to die after looking at how messed up my hair looked. That car window lied to me. I grabbed my hair tie and tried to retie my hair as neatly as I could.

While doing so, I heard...what is that sound?

My hands stopped what they were doing and I stared at the closed stall door right behind me through the reflection on the mirror.

I heard a girl giggle and saying, "So, found the girl you want for tonight?"

"I've found a few. Just got to find the perfect one you know?"

"Umhmm well good luck with that. I was kind of hoping it would be me, but I know you only want the V's on your birthday." The sound of the girl giggling again comes. I jump a bit as the stall door opened.

I thought quickly and pulled my hair tie out again, revealing my messy hair. Well, at least I had something to do.

I could still see the beloved couple through the reflection. They seem startled to see me too, but didn't quite care. The girl looked familiar though.

She continued giggling at the guy she was with.

I tried to focus on where I've seen the girl before, but then she caught me staring and I quickly pretended to know what I was doing with my hair.

The guy she was with held her hand to go out of the restroom, but then the girl stopped for a moment and smiled at me.

Oh God, this is it. I practiced some sort of speech in my head to apologize for accidentally coming in when they were making out or whatever they were doing.

"Hey." The girl says, a bit giggly I might add. I look through the mirror to see her, or more likely, face her and that was when I finally notice the guy she was with.

Damn. He had this glare, as if he could kill someone just by staring at his eyes. He was eyeing me up and down impatiently.which made me feel uncomfortable so I dart back to the girl smiling.

Unfortunately the girl was doing the same thing as him. God, did I really dress that badly? I can understand the hair, but the outfit?

She pointed to my shoes and giggled, "Haz, isn't it funny? I have the same exact shoes as her, the one you bought for me. And you said it was limited edition, can you believe that?"

"Babe, there are a lot of black heels out there. Let's just continue the party okay?" He says, giving her a kiss on the cheek and giving me another glare before pulling her out of the toilet.

That guy's stare gave me the creeps. Why can't he be all smiley smiley as that girl from the tailor shop?

I gasp, mentally, of course. That's it. No wonder she looked familiar. Wait, I thought she was Niall's?

Does that mean she was cheating on him? Oh my God, I can't believe I just witnessed her cheating. I better tell Niall later. He doesn't deserve a girl like her. Or maybe he does.

Why am I helping a guy who cares nothing about me?

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