Chapter 28 - First Second Day of School

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After what felt like an hour of sleeping, I woke up. I find myself wrapped in a blanket and notice how dark the room felt.

"Morning." A cheerful, sing-song voice say. I look around to find Dylan's girlfriend, Summer. She was holding a mug in her hand, taking a sip of  whatever's in it.

I give her a smile, and try to sit properly in the sofa. Well, at least now the pain is gone. 

"Dylan told me what happened to you. You feeling better now?" 

"Well, yeah kinda. I can walk painlessly now, that's for sure."

"Do you want some breakfast? We don't really have anything here. I usually eat at the place where I work and make Dylan go there too. Or if it isn't my shift, we would go somewhere else." She explains, walking back towards the kitchen area.

"Um..breakfast? Oh no...I overslept. I'm so sorry."" I look around for a clock, but it was a bit to dark to see anything. "Hey relax. You aren't bothering us. It's 4 in the morning by the way. Sorry for the darkness, a bit uncomfortable to have the light so early in  the morning." Summer says.

She came back with a cup of warm coffee and hands it to me. I declined her offer, I wasn't allowed to drink caffeine anyways. 

She looks at me suspiciously, but shrugs. "So what do you do for a living?" She asks out of nowhere.

"Oh um...I haven't start working yet. In fact...I need to get I missed my first day yesterday. What a nice new student." I groan at myself.

"Well you better get going." She chuckles. "Well...if you don't want to skip again."

I smile at her and stand up to walk out of the apartment. "Thanks again for letting me oversleep here."

The last thing I see before leaving is her smile. 


After getting ready, I realise how difficult using uniform was. I really miss the old no uniform policy.

I looked horrible in this uniform. It makes me look twice as big as my actual size. And the shoes couldn't get any better. My height does not suit at all. If only I could change these to heels. Yeah...not a good idea.


I rush to get out of the lift but accidebtally bumped into someone and dropped all of the books that I couldn't manage to fit in my bag

"Sorry there love." That voice...

I look to see the random stranger and shifted to a mood I can't explain. Anger? Sadness? Fright?

I quickly gathered all of my books and ran out of the apartment lobby.

"Selena!" A familiar voice calls.


"Hey. I came to give u a ride to school."

I pause to look around if any of his friends are around. Thinking that this might be another plan.

"How did you know I'm in the same school?"

He shrugs, "Niall's your stepbrother. Figured you're in the same school."

I scoff, "Yeah, with him not wanting people to know I'm related to him or whatever."

He chuckles, "Yeah. I'll keep you away from him."

"But aren't you his friend?"

"Who cares? I can hang with anyone I want."

I giggle, "ooh, loving this rebel vibe." I hop onto the back of his motorbike and held onto him. But then paused for a moment.

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