Chapter 11 - Privacy Please?

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I quickly stood up and rushed to find my diary inside my bag. When I found it, I grabbed a pen and went back to the place I was sitting before.

This was my first time forgetting to write something memorable on my diary, so I didn't know how to begin to explain how I felt yesterday. Before I could write a single word, my headache came and my mind couldn't focus on anything. What was I thinking? Writing right after waking up?

I placed my diary beside my bed, on the nightstand and went to my suitcase to grab my clothes. I really need my own closet soon. I could share it with Niall, but his closet looks messed up, so better not.

I walked out and accidentally bumped into my mom.

"Hey sorry" I say sleepily.

"Hey. It's a good thing you're up. Got a lot of things to do today." My mom says, clapping for a random effect for her cheerful mood.

"Does it involve Niall driving me around?" I sigh. My mom gives me a sympathetic look and goes to hug me.

"Hey, it'll be okay. He ain't that bad if you get to know him."

I scoff at what she said and proceed to walk to the bathroom.

"When is my room getting ready?" I ask, noticing that I don't see anything changing in this apartment.

"Until we find a place to put all that storage in that room over there." My mom says, pointing to the storage room. Great, my new room is going to be full of dusts. I shudder at the thought of me sleeping there.

After changing to my clothes, I walked back to Niall's room. He was already up, this time with a shirt on, thankfully.

He was resting on his bed, reading a book. I wonder what he reads, how does a jock like him even know how to read. Speaking of reading, I need to write on my diary.

I walk over to my side of the bed and went to grab my diary on my nightstand, but the nightstand was empty. Hmm..that's funny...I exactly remember putting it here.

I look under the bed to make sure it didn't fall or something. But nope, it was completely empty. Maybe Niall has seen it, though I wouldn't think of saying that I have a diary.

I decided to just look around in my bag for it. It can't just disappear out of nowhere.

"What you looking for?" Niall asks.

I started to think fast, I can't say I lost my diary.

"I left book on that nightstand over there. Have you seen it?"

"Oh you mean this book?"

For a minute there my heart stopped beating. No, it can't be.

He let out a chuckle and I turned around to find him still reading the book. Oh God, it's a pink book.

I quickly jumped on the bed to snatch my diary away from his hands.

"Give it back!" I say. He was doing such a good job to keep the book away from me, but he finally gave it back. I wanted to hit him, but I'm scared to hurt him, so I threw a pillow at his face. How dare he read my private stuff.

He was chuckling loudly while holding his stomach. I don't even feel like writing anymore, ugh thanks Niall.

I shove my diary back inside my bag. This time buried underneath it.

"What kind of person reads someone else's private stuff?" I ask in annoyance of his laughter.

"What kind of diary doesn't have a lock?" Niall asks, earning another chuckle for himself.

I roll my eyes at him. "It doesn't have a lock because I'll lost the key. And I don't want anyone thinking that it is a diary."

Niall, still chuckling, then walked out of the room carrying clothes and I knew he was going to shower. Ugh can this day get any worse?

I hop on the bed and just lay there. I wonder what did Niall read, it's a good thing I haven't wrote anything bad about him yet. Though I wish I did, so he'd feel guilty.

"Who's Cameron?" Niall's voice soon came. I opened my eyes to find Niall walking in the room, his hair still wet.

"He is a friend of mine."

"Doesn't seem like a friend to me." He shrugs. He then proceeds to lay on the bed with me, resting his head on one arm.

"How long have you been writing?"

"Since last year."

"That book fits everything?"

Why is he suddenly taking interest in knowing about my stuff, especially my private stuff.

"I don't write everyday. Only the memorable stuff." I answer, getting tired of this conversation.

I assume he finally gets me, when he stood up and says, "Come on. Got a lot of things to do today."

"Like what?" I say, not getting up from the bed.

"I don't know. Hmm...let me getting your school uniform duh. Think a little." He says sarcastically. I groan. Back to douchey Niall.

"You do realize we don't need a car to go to the tailor right?" I say as we were walking towards the parking lot.


"You're ruining the environment."

"What are you, an environmental specialist? Listen, we are not walking. I wouldn't be caught dead walking with you." He says, sounding pissed. Ouch, what happened to Mr. Nice Guy?

We made it to the tailor in under five minutes. I had to walk inside the tailor shop alone and the shop was empty. What was the guy's name again? I pondered and pondered to figure out the name of the tailor I had met a few days ago, but I couldn't remember at all.

"Hello?" I say, as loudly as I could. A young girl who looks just about my age came, she was more beautiful than me though, and taller. She was chewing a piece of gum and looking at me with a bored look on her face.

"What do you want?" she sighs lazily. "Um...I'm here to get my uniform?" I say.

She widens her eyes at me for some reason before going to the back of the room to get what I asked for. She comes back with the familiar colored cloth on her hands. The uniform was wrapped inside a plastic. She handed it to me says, "So you're the new girl." She says, this time her voice more clear than before, same amount of unamusement.

"You school there too?" I ask, trying to make conversation. Instead of answering my question, she started shouting, "Nialler!"

Nialler? I turn around to find Niall walking inside the shop, worry across his face.

"Hey Kendall." He walks closer and goes to hug the girl behind the counter. "What brings you here?" She asks, her tone of voice more excited than when she was talking to me.

"Just passing by and decided to check if you were working." He says, giving her a wink. She giggled, "Well you just made my day. I was bored, this punishment is giving me headaches, but I could use some allowance. Anyways, you coming to the party later night? Parties on school nights are always the best."

"Of course I am, I always do." My eyes caught to his hand gesture behind his back, and I realize that he was telling me to go back to the car. I do as told, knowing that I have been perfectly ignored. It was a weird feeling, I've never felt ignored before. The people in my school were always listening to whatever I say, so this is new.

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