Chapter 13 - Plans

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Still Niall's POV

I sighed once more, I need to forget about all of this stressfullness for a while, it's driving me crazy. Hell, from the moment I saw my so called new family in my apartment it has been driving me insane. I missed Kendall and mother so bad. Ever since mother moved with my sister, I never got to see her again, I don't even know where they live now, neither do they know where we live. I only get to see Kendall. Oh God, I need to go see Kendall again. She always knows how to lighten the mood and cheer things up, even in a mess like this. Maybe I should go to the tailor again. Dad never gets mad at me for talking to Kendall at school, so I take that as it isn't a problem to him. His only problem was if I wanted to go and visit mother I guess. I did that once, and he found out and scolded me for hours non-stop. Completely annoying. 

I recall Kendall mentioning a party, I knew whose birthday it was and whose house was the party always held in. I looked at my watch, perfect. I'll just take a quick shower and straight away drive to Liam's house. Oh I can't wait until I get to hear Liam's whining about how his house was not the best place for a party. Hey, it's not our fault his house was so enormous and his family is rarely around. Plus, his house cleaners come over to clean the house every morning, so it isn't much of a big problem. He was always such nice kid in my friend group, but we sort of tried to make him let loose for a while. 

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I quickly picked it up. It was a message from Kendall.

Kendall: Hey, just going to tell you that the party isn't at Liam's house. Birthday boy wants it at this awesome club. You know the one. Prepare your fake ID's;)

Wow, never thought this day would come. Let's just hope those fake ID's actually work, or we are in big trouble. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when a knock came through my window. I looked through it and frowned, it was Selena. What on earth does she wants? I turned the ignition off and open the door to step out of my car. "What do you want?" I scoffed at her.

She stepped back a little, putting her hands behind her back. It's actually pretty funny to scare her, she does this weird wince and her eyes won't look me straight in the eye.

"Sorry. just wondering where you went. You're usually in your room by the time we get home and all. So I checked here, and aparrantly you're still in the car for some reason." She stuttered but then explained way too fast for me to understand what she is saying. 

So I look to her and say, "I'm fine. The radio was playing my favorite songs that's all." I walk pass her towards the elevator. She follows me silently until we reach our room. I can't believe this girl just came looking for me, really ruining the mood. 

After the shower, I changed to my denim jeans and put on a black shirt before walking back out. "Wh-where are you going?"

I stop in my tracks hearing the stutter of Selena's voice. I turn my head to look at her sitting on the couch, watching some old boring show that she somehow finds humor in. "To a friend's house. As usual." 

I continue to step out the door as soon as I saw a glimpse of her nodding. "Niall! Come back here." I hear my father's voice shouts. I groan, what now?

I turn back around and walked back inside the room. "What now dad?" I ask, clearly annoyed. 

Sarah was talking silently to him, making me very curious of what is happening. What is this, a family meeting?

I looked to Dad then back to Sarah then back to Dad, not knowing what is going on here. My dad suddenly motions for Sarah to go tell me something, but she looks to afraid.

"Son, I know you're going to a party-" My dad begins. I took this time to quickly interrupt, or more likely, fix, his words.

"Who says I am? I said I was going to a friend's hous-"

"On a school night? I don't think that's what you usually do. I know it's your friends birthday, you do this every year. I know you do and you know it."

I sigh, "Fine, you got me. What do you want? It's not like you ever make such a big fuss about it." Technically, he didn't got me. I'm going to a club not a normal house party. But I wouldn't want t tell him that or that's going to be another problem added to my list. 

I start leaning on the kitchen counter because of how tired I am, and waited for whatever they have to say next. I heard Sarah clearing her throat while taking a step closer towards me. "Listen, Niall. it too much to ask if um...Selena can come with you?"she says quietly.

My eyes widened and a loud laughter bursted in the room. I look towards Selena in the couch, who was covering her mouth and apologizing for her sudden outburst. Then I look back to dad and Sarah, "You're kidding me right?" 

We are going to a club for goodness sake, only they don't know that. Suddenly Sarah starts talking fast, too fast. Just like Selena before. Now we know where she got that from.

"It's just that well...tomorow's the first day of school and this would help her a lot to get to know someone and make friends so she won't feel lost tomorrow and-"

"What she's trying to say is, it would help Selena a lot for tomorrow. It's just this once, no harm in her going with you." my dad chimes in, helping me understand whatever Sarah is saying. But that still doesn't mean I am taking Selena with me. Does she even have a fake ID? 

Suddenly I have a plan. I'll take her with me and let her wait in a shop or something until I come back to take her home. Perfect idea.

"Did I hear someone say my name?" Selena asks, she lowers the volume of the television and starts walking towards us. My dad gives me a nod and I sigh. 

"You're coming with me to a party."

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