Chapter 18 - Please Not Her

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After finally convincing myself that I looked fine and my messy hair isn't noticeable, I took a deep breath and walked out.

I planned out what I was going to do right after stepping out of that restroom. I'm going to grab a drink. I groan at myself for being so damn awkward in a situation like this. Why can't I just let loose like I usually do?

I opened the restroom door and startled myself at the sight of two guys who look like they were just about to pounce on me. that...Niall?

He widened his eyes when he saw me and almost immediately went to talk with his friend and brought him away.

I shake my head and walk towards the table which was selling a lot of drinks.

"May I get you anything? One of our special drinks maybe?" I smile at the man who looked too young to even be here, or even work here for that matter.

"Um, just water please." I say, not realizing how embarrasing it was to order plain water. I blush and stutter, "I mean...not"

I couldn't think of any alcoholic stuff at all. Nor do I even drink alcoholic stuff.

The young man chuckled and handed me a cup of water anyways. At least...I think it's water.

"Thanks." I say, looking down shyly.

Harry's POV

Man, I wouldn't have thought it would be this hard to finally find the girl I wanted for tonight. There were a lot of virgin's around here, I could tell. But there isn't that one special one that I usually find on my birthdays. That was until I saw the girl standing outside of the stall  where I made out with Kendall. I swear if I hadn't seen her, I would have gone with Kendall instead.

I could tell the girl was a virgin. It was so damn obvious. I mean, she almost didn't look like a virgin with her heels and red lipstick, but her awkward shyness made me knew perfectly that she was my target for tonight.

I glared at the girl for a moment on purpose so she would know what's coming. I could tell she was aware of the glare and got creeped out a bit, which made me had to hold in a chuckle.

And the outfit she was wearing...I knew this was her first time in a club. I wonder how old she is.

"Thinking of something?" Kendall says. I snap out of my thoughts and looked around for any of my friends.

"Um..yeah. Have you seen any of the idiots around?"

As if knowing what I was planning,  she immediately shouts, "You two! Hurry up! Birthday boy calls!"

Louis and Niall finally show up. I wonder where Zayn went. Oh well, these two would do.

"Yo Harry! Finally found the girl for tonight?" Niall says in an almost drunk way. Just a few more cups, then he would be as wild as ever.

"Girl in the restroom." I whispered to the both of them. They both nodded and Niall was just about ready to head off but Louis stopped him. "Wait how would we know which girl?"

"She's the only damn girl in that restroom Louis. If she wasn't I would have described her for you now wouldn't I?" I say, sighing at his idiocy.

The both nodded again and hurried to stand in front of the girl's restroom.

"Have fun tonight." Kendall whispered through my ear. She was smirking at me, knowing perfectly that the girl in the restroom was my target.

I grabbed her hand and twirled her around before grabbing her by the waist to peck her cheeks, "I think I already have." I whisper to her ear, making her giggle with delight.

Niall's POV

"How did you guys manage to get in? Those so-called ID cards didn't work." I complain to my friends as I sat on one of the reserved couches.

"Yo mate, we're older than you remember? We don't need those dumb fake ID cards. Just a few more years Nialler." Louis jokes. I recounted how old he was and looked to him. 

"Chill mate. We have Liam, remember? Good lad he is. Of all places, he actually chose this place to work. Smart guy." Louis says. 

Everything was going tremendously well. I haven't even spot a glimpse of Selena anywhere, which is a good thing. I don't know why I still didn't like her, even after her saving my ass off. Okay I should be thankful for that, but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell my friends about her. 

Tonight was fun. I've been hanging with my close friend Louis and doing a couple of shots here and there. It made me almost forgotten it was Harry's birthday party when he called me and Louis over to grab another chosen girl for his special night. I didn't even know why he needed us to grab her. I thought he was great at flirting. He probably doesn't even need us at all.'s his birthday so...might as well just do as he says. 

Louis and I waited in front of the girl's restroom, waiting for it to open so we could grab the girl, put her in one of Harry's reserved rooms, and leave them be. 

The door finally opened and my eyes widened at the familiar looking outfit, and a pair of black heels stepping out of the restroom. No wait, those are Kendall's limited edition black heels. No, it can't be. Harry couldn't have chosen her for tonight. I looked to Louis who had wide eyes too for some apparent reason but quickly grabbed Louis' arm and dragged him away from the door.

I looked behind me to see Selena walking towards the bar, just to mark where she was so I don't get in any trouble with Harry.

"What the? What are you doing man? We were supposed to grab the girl. Damn it, now Harry is going to kill us. Nice going lad, really nice." Louis crossed his arms at me.

"Sorry. She was just, um, just so-" I need a lie. Quick.

"Gorgeous? Yeah I got that. But too bad it's not our special day right? Now hurry. Let's just go find Harry and say we lost her." I went along to what Louis has to say. Well, it wasn't technically a lie. She did look gorgeous. But there is no way Harry is putting her hands on her. God I hope she walked out of this club already. 

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