Chapter 14 - Neon Sign

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Selena's POV

I looked to Niall then to mom and George, then suddenly let out a huge laughter. "Seriously? Me? Parties? No thanks. Plus, I know no one there. Except Niall, of course. But-"

"Honey, that's the good thing about the party. It would help you make friends. In preparation for school tomorrow." My mom says, trying to comfort me. I stopped laughing. Oh God, I'm not that good with strangers or even making any friends. I don't even want new friends, I want my old friends back. Though I don't think that's ever going to happen. 

I look to Niall who seems so done with life. He was tapping his feet impatiently waiting for me to say something. I assume he doesn't want me to come. " thank you. I don't need a party to make friends, Mom. I can try talking to someone tomorrow." I say.

She suddenly gives me a serious look, "You need to go. I don't want you feeling lost tomorrow and not recognize anyone. Besides, I'm sure Niall here has lots of friends, he'll introduce you to them."

After a while of just staying silent and me thinking things way too hard, my mom says, "Please? Just this once. You need this. It's been a while since you've went to parties. Have fun for a chance." 

I knew that if I didn't agree my mom would just talk a lot later, which I didn't want to hear, so I nodded my head and she cheered happily while Niall let out a sigh. 

Niall's POV

"Yay! Now go ahead and get ready, you can't use that to a party." I watch as Sarah motions for Selena to go to my room to change. She better not wear something so dressy and put all that makeup stuff because she won't be using that for anything. I'm going to leave her at the park nearby, pretty sure she'll enjoy herself somehow. 

A few minutes of me sitting down on one of the chairs in the kitchen counter, mentally arguing with myself of how this night was going to end, Selena's voice came in the room, "I'm ready." she says. I stand and notice that she isn't wearing something dressy after all. She was only using jeans and a tank with a loose flannel top around it. 

"Great. Let's go." I grab my keys before walking out the door, her following behind, trying to catch up with me. I could seriously care less if she can keep up with me or no. 

As I drove out of the parking lot, I quickly searched through my mind of any parks I can remember. After finding one, I turned left and did a U-turn to finally reach the park. I completely changed my mind when I saw a few men hanging in the park, with drinks in their hands. Terrific. I can't leave Selena here, who knows what will happen when I come back late at night and she isn't here. Not like I care...okay I do. That would be some serious issue. I start thinking of another nearby park, and found that the nearest was 2 hours away, in the city. And a 2 hour way back, plus lots of traffic. It would drive me nuts. 

I groaned mentally, guess now I have to take her with me to the party. Or...she could just stay in the car while I'm at the party. that won't work. If my friends or even Kendall  find out that there is someone in my car what would I have to say?

Before I knew it, I had already driven my car towards the club, giving up on trying to find another park. 

Selena's POV

I can't believe I agreed to go to this party, if only Mom wasn't so pushy about things.

All the way to the party, I was starting to wonder if Niall actually knew where the party was. He passed a park, and I heard him groan before turning around and going pass the same park. Such a weird man.

Soon the car had stopped, and I looked out the window to see what the party looks like. It wasn't exactly how I expected it to be. I though his friends party was the ones held in big mansions, guess I've been watching too much movies. 

We weren't even in any area where a mansion would be. We were still in the quiet areas of town. In fact, even more quieter. I felt the rythm and beats of music due to a slight shake in the ground, which I'm guessing probably comes from the party that I'm still trying to find. Maybe there is a secret passageway I don't know about.

My eyes caught attention to a bright neon light sign located across the street, I couldn't quite put out what the sign says due to the way Niall parked the car. There were some people lining up and trying to get pass a security guy. But I also notice some other people right away going in, they wore much better party outfits compared to the ones lining up.

"So where's the party?" I ask Niall. I have no idea why I asked really, it's pretty obvious it's inside that door with the neon sign. I was just wondering why the party needed some sort of security guard. As I thought about it, my mind finally decided on thinking that the security is to make sure that people with invitations are the only people allowed to come inside.

As I have predicted, Niall gestures his head to the door with the neon sign across the street. He didn't give me a look though. He was thinking, I knew he was. I could tell by his straight-faced expression, just staring front.

" are we going out or not?" I ask him, making him have eye contact with me and stop with his thinking look, it's starting to make me worry. 

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