Chapter 6 - Oh Brother

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After a few minutes of unpacking my clothes and my essential needs in my new shared room, I decided to take a shower. I really stink of sweat right now.

The cold water is so refreshing, it makes me wants to stay in the shower forever. Until I was pretty sure that I had rinsed off every single of soap and shampoo on my hair and body, I dried myself with a towel and wrapped the towel around me.

The bathroom in here was so much smaller from the one I had back then, but it made it easier for me to grab things. I should really stop comparing, it's giving me headaches.

I decided to dry out my hair first so I didn't have to go back in here after I change. Thankfully, there was already a hairdryer ready to be used. During this break, I should really start cleaning up this place. It could use a bit of some refreshing scents rather than smelling of laundry.

I walk across towards my bedroom and head to the clothes I had prepared on top of my bag.

"Um...what are you doing?"

I gasped and dropped all of my clothes onto the ground. It was a guy's voice. Oh God.

"Are you Niall?" I ask, not daring to turn around out of embarrasment. I wrap the towel around my body tighter. Out of all ways we need to meet, this is not what I had planned.

" still haven't answered my question. Who are you?" Niall asks.

"I'm Selena. Your soon to be stepsister? Or are we stepsiblings now? I don't know, one of those."

"Oh. Noone told me that." He says as if me only having a towel to cover myself isn't such a big deal.

I decide to just walk back towards the bathroom quietly to find someone was using the bathroom. Great, now I have to wait. I hear the shower turning on and groaned.

I can't stand just waiting here in a towel, it's starting to feel uncomfortable. My mind soon had an idea. Why didn't I just ask that careless stepbrother to step out of the room for a while?

So I did just that. I walked back in, this time facing him so I could finally see what he looks like. He had blonde hair which is clearly dyed since I could see his brown roots. He reminded me of those young boys you would see in movies whose job was as a milk man. He was using those varsity jackets where usually jocks where, clearly knew that.

He was playing a game on his phone, just laying in bed like a guy with no care about the world.

I coughed and he finally looked up at me, but then went back to his phone and continued with his game.

So I coughed again just to get his attention. He still didn't phased. So I coughed again. And again. And again.

"What? Do you need anything?" He finally groaned.

"Yeah. I want to change. And your bathroom seems to be used. So would you mind if you could wait outside for awhile?" I say, doing my best stern voice so I don't sound nervous.

He put his phone down and looked at me, clearly annoyed. "You're telling me to get out of my room?"

"Well technically this is our room." I say with no crack in my voice. "And I have a privilege to-"

"Great. You understand that I can't kick you out and you can't kick me out." He says, going back to pick up his phone.

"I really need to change. Please?" I say, hoping that the magic word would change his mind. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Please? What are you? Five years old?"

I groaned, this guy is useless. So much for hoping to have a sibling am I right?

I turn back around to check if the bathroom is done being used, but it was still locked. So I waited there, just staring at the bathroom door.

From behind me I hear him heave out a sigh before saying, "You know what, just change. Don't take too long." He stood up from his bed and walked out of his bedroom, not giving me a glance.

I quickly closed the door and smiled happily because now I could finally change clothes. I'll worry about bonding with my new old sibling later.

I dressed up as quickly as I can to my pajama shorts and a pink t-shirt before heading out of the room. Pretty sure that didn't take long. 

When I step out of the room, I couldn't see Niall anywhere. I walked towards the living room and spotted George sitting on the couch with a phone on one hand and a small menu on the other. He must be calling for delivery. He gave me a wave when he saw me and I waved back, not knowing what to do. I sat on another couch and waited until he is finish with his call. 

The door opened and in came Niall and my mom, both of them carrying plastic bags. Niall seems so joyful, but when he spotted me his smile fades. It is seriously getting on my nerves, but I try to brush it off for now.

"Hey, how was the walk?" George asks, already done with his phone call.

"Oh it was great. Your son has a very nice sense of humor." My mom says, smiling cheerfully whilst looking at Niall as he was putting his car keys in his room. He didn't come back after that, so i was left with nothing to do.

Mom came to sit next to me and rubbed my shoulders, "Hey. You've talked to him yet? He seems like he would be an amazing brother."

I sigh, "Yeah, right. He has been giving me this disappointed look. It scares me honestly." I rested my face on my hands.

"Hmm...pretty sure you will get along soon. It's a good thing you guys are sharing a room huh?"

I looked at her, bewildered at what she is saying. How is sharing a room with him considered a good thing? It would just make me uncomfortable and frustrated.

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