Chapter 26 - Take Me Home

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"Um..Haz..your uncle is going in." One of Haz's friends say.

A little dash of hope came through me. This is it, I can be safe after all.

"Oh shi-" he looks to me and starts pulling my panties down all the way.

"Please don't." I begged again. He then went to take off his own pants in such a swift move. I closed my eyes. I really don't want to look. Instead I started shouting.

"Helppp!! Pleasseee!! Anyonee! I'm being-"

Suddenly his lips meet mine harshly. I tried to move around to make him stop, but his hands has already held my cheeks so sternly.

I kicked my legs around, but stopped when I felt something going inside of me.

I stopped in shock.

"Stop!" I shout, well due to the pain it comes out more of a moan.

He smirked at me, and I couldn't talk anymore. The pain was just too much to bare.

I shut my eyes closed while tears flow out of me once again.

I wanted to hold something, anything, but I can't if my hands are tied up like this.

As if reading my mind, Harry went to untie whatever he tied on my wrists.

"Go ahead, roam around, baby." He whispers to my ear. I didn't want to roam around this sickening guy's body, but my hands seemed to be doing so. I held his muscular arms, but instead of pushing I just grasped it.

Suddenly another shock of pain startled me. I released a loud moan and my hands gripped the bed sheets.

"Stop, please. You're hurting me."

I blacked out.

The only last actions I remember getting from him was him giving me another kiss and saying, "You're mine now, my naughty, naughty girl."

I woke up the next morning to the sound of loud music playing. Damnit Niall, he couldn't go one second without annoying me huh?

I opened my eyes to find myself in a room that is definitely not my room. Or the room that I share with my dear old stepbrother.

"Where am I?" I asked myself. Suddenly pieces of memories from last night filled my mind.

I was in a party. Someone put me here and...

No, that couldn't have happened. Could it?

I went out of the bed and find myself in only my tanks and underwear. I started walking but then realized how awfully painful it was for me to walk.

I sat on the bed and cried. He couldn't have. Why did I let this happen to me? Why why whyyy did I agree to go to this so called stupid party? If I just stayed at home, oh how heavenly safe I would have been.

I took deep breaths and start walking ever so slowly to get my flannel and my jeans.

The door opened and I didn't even have the energy to be startled or embarrased of how underdressed I am.

"Selena." Someone gasps.

I look to the door and there was Liam in shock. "Oh um sorry." He says, about to close the door.

I let out a cry. I really didn't want to hear his stupid voice. He is such a traitor. He opens the door again and comes back.

"Oh no. Are you okay? What am I saying of course you're not." He starts walking over to me and goes to hug me, but I stop him and sat on the bed.

"Don't." I say.

He sighs. "Listen, Selena I...I didn't mean for this to happen."

"I trusted you Liam. I trusted you." I say in small breaths.

"I know...I know." He whispers and sits on the bed next to me and brought me in his arms. I cried into his shoulders and let it all out while he rubs my back.

"I had to protect my girlfriend. If I didn't do as he says, who knows what'll happen to her."

"So you care more about her than me?"

He looks at me for a moment.

"Sorry what was I thinking? Of course you care more about her than me." I say while trying to stand again.

The pain strikes me again and I fell back on the bed.

Liam looks at me in sympathy and moved me to his lap, caressing me gently.

"There, there, it's okay."

"No it's not Liam. It's never okay. He-he.."

"Liam?" A girl's voice came through the door. She had tan skin and dark hair and she looked at us in shock.

"Sophia. What on earth are you doing here?" Liam says, removing me from his lap and standing up.

"I came here to see you, what do you think?!" She says angrily while shaking her head at him. She starts storming off with tears in her eyes.

"Sophia wait!" Liam was about to chase her but then remembered me.

"Just go. I'll be fine."

"No you won't. Come here." He goes to pick up my ruined flannel and my jeans that he found on the floor and goes back to me.

"I'll help you dress."

I nod and stood up as he helps me with my jeans.

I have to admit, these jeans are making me more uncomfortable to walk. But I had to live with it.

He handed me the flannel and I made another knot to it. It didn't look as satisfying as before, but I'll fix that later.

He held my hand and I notice he was wearing a uniform. I gasped, "I...I have school today. I can't miss my first day of school." I say in panic.

"Woah woah woah. School time is over. It's like 4 pm now."

I sighed. "Where do you school?" He asks.

"Same as you." I say, judging by the color of his uniform.


"Why? You dislike me that much? Of course you do. Why on earth would you give me to him anyways?" I groan.

"No, no, no. That's not it. He schools there too. Him and all his friends." He says.

My eyes widened in shock and worry went through me.

"But you'll be fine. I'll protect you this time." He says.

I just nod, not fully trusting him with his words.

"Now let's take you home alright?"

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