Family Matters

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A thirteen year old girl sat on a crowded plane, staring out the tiny window. Through the glass she saw the airport to Coast City. A strange name for a city, but then again, all of America was strange to her.
What is my father like? He only met mum for one day?! How could he abandon her, but then again, at the time I wasn't in existence yet. I can't imagine what he felt when he found out about mum! He probably doesn't even remember her! And now she's gone............... Well, I guess he'll have to do! But what will he think of me? He can't find out about my secret.
She thought as the plane landed. She knew her dad was a pilot in the airforce, her mum had told her stories of him all her life. Stories of how amazing he was, how handsome and dashing he was, how important he was.
The head flight attendant, a peppy blonde lady who looked like she'd got a job purely because of looks, addressed them all.
" Thank you for flying with us today! We hope you've had an enjoyable flight and enjoy your time in Coast City," She said with a blinding smile.
The girl rolled her eyes, and upon hefting her black batman backpack on to her small, incredibly tanned shoulders, preceded to walk out of the plane. She practically dragged her feet on the way to the airport from the Tarmac. People walked past her, talking excitedly about their plans for their stay here but the young girl ignored them.

A blast of cool air greeted her as she entered the airport, she shivered with cold, everything in this darn country was much colder than her previous home! She shrugged and waited by the turning conveyor belt for her plain black suitcase with its distinctive batman symbol. Finally when it came around she hefted it off the belt and wheeled it expertly through the endless corridors. Nervous energy filled her, she was about to meet her father for the first time, the man who was about to care for her permanently. She forced away the tears that threatened to spill at the thought of her mother's death and instead wiped her left eye on the sleeve of her blue superman shirt.
She pulled down the front of her red Flash cap and started to scan the crowd of waiting relatives.
She noted the signs with her eager light brown eyes and finally noticed that no signs said her name. The social worker had told her to look for her name on a sign. No one was there. Soon all the relatives with the other people from her plane  had eagerly embraced each other and left the airport, leaving her to stand there awkwardly.
With a resigned look on her face she rolled her suitcase behind her and put it down outside the airport. She sat on the top of her suitcase, and slumped her shoulders, his first day and he'd forgotten about her!
Her name was Kee Jordan, and her dad, Hal Jordan, was late.

She waited for two hours, and the sun started the set. She kicked her feet aimlessly and continued reading her comic book about the Flash. She'd already finished the one about Batman. She was saving her favourite, Green Lantern, for later. She hoped that maybe she'd meet Green Lantern while she was here but she doubted it, besides, not even he could help her.
She couldn't call anyone, Kee couldn't talk to them even if she could. So she had to wait and hope he'd remember her. She wasn't angry at him, she was just bored.
With a swig from her doctor fate drink bottle she realised that it had been two and a half hours since she'd landed. Rubbing her jade green necklace between her fingertips she was reminded of her mother, who the necklace belonged too. Her father had given her mother this necklace, on their one night together, as a parting gift.

" My gorgeous Kee, do you know how gave he this necklace?" Her mother had asked.
Her mother sat on the foot of her bed, her dark brown hair falling beautifully around her face.
Kee had shaken her head vigorously, curiosity in her gaze.
" Your father gave this to me! He told me, that green was the colour of safety, that as long as I wore this necklace he'd always be with me, keeping me safe!" Her mother had said wistfully, remembering times gone by.
Kee had looked at her mother hopefully.
" Oh yes, little Kee, it keeps you safe too! Your father may not know you, or you him, but this necklace protects us," Her mother had chuckled.

Now the necklace was hers, it's so called, protective charm, hadn't saved her mother from her terrible death. The man had come out of nowhere, just as Kee and her mother, Katrina, had been crossing the road. He'd barrelled towards them over the speed limit, drunk, and as her mother had pushed Kee out of the way, the car had slammed in to her mother. The man had just driven off after that, leaving Kee with the broken body, and a whole lot of tears. She couldn't even say that she loved her mother, much less goodbye.

Kee had to force the tears back again as a sudden sound of car tyres alerted her to someone stopping their car in front of her. It was a ute, an older car but still sturdy and strong, reminding her of the cars in Australia. She didn't look up though, still staring at the pavement in front of her. A pair of brown booted feet came in to her vision as someone stood in front of her.
" You wouldn't happen to be Keelan, would you?" A man's deep voice asked.
Kee grew angry at the use of her full name but forced the anger down. She finally glanced upward to see a young man in front of her. If she could have gasped, she would have. He looked like her! She looked exactly like him! This ha dot be her father.
She nodded vigorously in answer to his question, hope in her gaze. He awkwardly help out a hand for her to shake. She did, and shook it, her strong hand meeting his strong hand.
His eyes showed the same shock she felt, as he too realised their similar appearance.
" My name is Hal, and I guess I'm your dad," he said awkwardly.
Kee had waited for this moment all her life and flashed him a huge smile. He was everything her mother had said he was! She leapt up from her seat on her suitcase and threw herself at him to hug him. Hal stumbled backwards by the sudden hug but awkwardly hugged her back, his height causing her to be off the ground.
" Hey there kid, you want to go home?" Hal asked with a laugh.
Kee nodded and dropped from his embrace, landing easily, her long brown hair flapping around slightly as she landed. She grabbed her backpack and Hal took her suitcase for her, amusing her to grin again. A gentleman, just like mum said!
She hopped eagerly in to his car and waited for him. He opened the door she'd just closed to her side of the car and laughed out loud.
" Aren't you a bit young to drive?" He chuckled.
Kee stared at him in confusion and glanced down to find the steering wheel in front of her and the realisation hit her. You idiot! American cars have the wheel on the other side to Aussie cars! She thought in annoyance with herself.
Hal saw her surprised expression and realised what she'd thought, he let out a laugh as she scooted over to the other side and Hal leapt in to the driver's seat.
" like the justice league?" Hal asked curiously, noting her clothing and bags were covered in tech symbols of his coworkers, the justice league.
He waited for her response and didn't hear any, he looked over at her to make sure she'd heard him and saw her nodding.
" Whose your favourite?" He asked, secretly hoping she'd say he was! But then again, she wouldn't know he was Green Lantern.
Again, no response.
Turning he saw her brandish a comic book of green lantern and point to the front.
Hal grinned brightly, he liked this kid, she obviously liked his alter ego!
And yet she hasn't said a word!
" You know, you can talk if you want," Hal offered, glancing at her.
Again, no reply but when he looked to her he saw her with an annoyed look on her tanned face. She made some weird hand movements at him and he was pretty sure that they meant something colourful in Aussie culture. Why isn't she just talk to him? Was she afraid of him? She didn't seem to be, by they way she was gazing at him in awe.

The rest of the drive home he tried to get her to talk to him, but she never did, she responded by expressions and pointing to things but never spoke. Hal finally decided that she was probably shy.

It was dark when they pulled up at his small house, letting her in and smiling at her wide eyed expression, he out her suitcase down. He noted the missed call, and evident voicemail on his phone. Clicking the button the voicemail rang around the house, it was a voice that Kee knew well, the social services lady!
" Mr Jordan, don't forget that your daughter will be arriving at three o clock in the afternoon," the woman's message played.
Hal's eyes widened in surprise and he swore under his breath. Three! He'd thought the plane got in at five and had picked Kee up at five thirty! She had waited for him for two and a half hours on her own! He was a terrible father!
He turned and knelt in front of Kee, taking her hands in his.
" Hey there kiddo, I'm so sorry that I was late! I misheard the time your plane was getting in! Why didn't you borrow a phone and call my number that was mailed to you? You could have told me to come get you!" Hal said in concern.
What if something had happened to her?! If wasn't safe for her to be alone out here! Maybe that was why she'd resigned to not talk to him.
Gazing in to her eyes he saw desperation in her gaze and she pouted at him.
" Is this why you won't talk to me, sweetie?" Hal asked anxiously, still kneeling in front of her.
Her desperate gaze turned to frustration and she glared at him in annoyance, making one of those funny hand gestures again.
She swept her hair back from her neck and Hal was shocked at what he found.

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