Waiting Room Woes

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Hal Jordan sat with his head in his hands in the waiting room, shoulders hunched in worry. Carol had arrived a moment ago and had asked for news. He didn't know any. She had hugged him after that and now the two of them waited for news. Doctors and nurses had been rushing in and out of the room Kee was in, and Hal felt absolutely helpless.
Kee was only his daughter for two days, and already he'd screwed up.
No one knew how the fire had started yet, but it was under control now, according to Carol. A pinging sound made him check his phone, his second phone which was only used for contacting the league.
He growled and walked to a corner.
" What!" He snarled in to the phone.
" Green Lantern, you're needed on an out of world mission," Stated Batman's monotonous voice.
Hal growled in to the phone, there was no way he was leaving!
" I can't leave," Hal snarled.
" That was an order, Hal, J'onn will send you coordinates," Batman replied coldly.
" I am NOT leaving, you know I just had to take in my daughter, well she's in hospital and I don't know of her condition. I can't leave!" Hal growled ruthlessly.
He'd never stood up to Batman like this, never.
" We need you Hal, you won't be gone long, but the world is at stake," Batman grunted.
" Kee's life is at stake!" Hal shot back.
" Hal, we need your help now. I you hear any news you can go back but we have to have your help!" Batman growled.
Hal sighed, maybe if he worked to save the world, it would save Kee since she was part of the world. Carol would stay, she'd tell him any news.
" Fine, but if she dies and I'm not there, I will never forgive you," Hal snarled in to the phone before ending the call.

Hal stormed back to Carol.
" I have to go, tell me if anything, ANYTHING, happens," Hal grumbled.
Carol nodded to him, tears in her eyes. He smiled reassuringly to her and raced out the hospital doors.

Hal saw Batman waiting for him in the watchtower, where they'd proceed on the mission. Batman, the man Hal wanted to punch so badly right now.
" Thank you, Hal, I hope your daughter recovers," Batman said simply.
" So do I," Hal sighed as he brushed past.
The two of them, with Martian Manhunter, Captain Marvel, and Doctor Fate were going to deal with the injustice league's activity near the watchtower.
The villains didn't know their base was there, but they had to be stopped before they found it.

Hal hovered in space, feeling the familiar rush of being away from earth's atmosphere. Batman flew in his jet behind him, Captain Marvel, with a specially designed space helmet, hovered next to Hal. Doctor Fate and Martian Manhunter hovered on his right side.
" Let's get em," Captain Marvel said excitedly, as Batman gave the signal to fight.
Hal flew straight for the jet flown by Poison Ivy.
Plants grew out towards him but he created a green machete and sliced through them as fast as she could grow them. The rage he'd pent up over the last hour could finally be expelled.
Poison Ivy released yellow spores in Captain Marvel's direction, but Hal created a wad of green flypaper, that made the spores stick to it. He vaguely registered the yells of Ivy as she set more plants his way. He was smacked in the side and sent spinning backwards when his communicator went off, the one he'd given Carol for emergencies, the communicator patched all messages to his ring.
Batman contacted him via the mind link set up by J'onn
Hal! Get rid of that thing right now and concentrate on the fight! Batman growled at him through the link, as he sent a wave of gunfire from his jet at Joker's jet.
No! I have to answer it, what if it's about Kee? Hal grumbled.
My friend, receive the message after the fight, if it's bad news you' won't be able to fight! Doctor Fate thought awkwardly.
If it is bad news I have to know! Hal growled.
Please, just wait till you've finished here. If you fight harder now it'll be over faster! J'onn consoled.
Hal narrowed his eyes but didn't argue, they were right, but he felt like a terrible person. But he had to focus. He had to focus! With a roar of anger he slammed in to the windshield of Ivy's jet, causing it to spin out of control, and Poison Ivy to be thrown out of the pilot seat. Hal created a glowing green boulder and threw it at the windshield, breaking it instantly. He flew in and pushed a spare helmet from beside the pilot seat on to Ivy's head so she could breathe. However, she didn't stir from oxygen loss, she'd passed out.
Hal narrowed his eyes and flew back, practically shoving her in to Batman's jet.
The others had finished their fights, and while a few of the injustice league had gotten away, most were being showed on to batman's ship, unconscious or wounded.
Now Hal could check the message.
Tapping the ring the message was projected holographically in front of him.
" Hal! Get back here now, something's happened and you need to be here when she awakes, or so help me I'll wring your neck,"
The message read.
Instantly he felt relieve at the fact that Kee wasn't dead but worry washed over him, what had happened?! He didn't need to tell anyone where he was going, his wave of emotions had been enough to make J'onn wince.
Hal zoomed towards earth again, he had to see Kee!

Rushing in to the hospital, the woman at the desk told Hal that Kee wasn't ready for visitors. He has nodded, but not before seeing the raw sympathy in the woman's eyes. He saw Carol leaning on the wall sobbing in to her hands.
" Carol! What happened?" Hal demanded as he rushed over and hugged her, out of his super hero suit now and in his normal attire of a shirt and jeans.
She looked up at him with pain written all over her face.
" She was dying, I had to lie and say we were married so that I could give permission for them to save her life!" Carol whispered.
" Save her life?" Hal echoed in fear.
" Her left leg was crushed! She was dying and they needed family permission," Carol sobbed.
" Permission to what?" Hal demanded.
" Permission to amputate," Carol whispered.

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