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Hal hated the flu.

He'd seen Bruce sniffling silently when they'd examined Kee's necklace, but hadn't thought anything if it at the time. But when he awoke with a splitting headache and aching muscles he silently cursed batman.
Bruce gave me the flu! There is no way I can go to the league meeting with the flu. What am I supposed to do with Kee? I could have infected her too!
Hal groaned and stood up, grabbing the side table as the world spun for a moment. Swallowing his nausea he stumbled out in to the kitchen. As usual, Kee was awake already and cooking him breakfast.
As much as he loved bacon and eggs, the thought of food made him cringe inside.
" Morning Kee," Hal murmured, his voice sounding nasal.
Kee furrowed her brow at his nasal voice and hopped over to him. He was sitting at the counter now, head in his hands as she came over and gently put her palm on his forehead. Hal nearly jumped in fright when Kee emitted the strangest sound he'd ever heard, a sort of incredibly deep, raspy growl. When he looked at her face he noted that she looked angry and the sound was the closest she could come to yelling a stream of unladylike curse words.
Dad, you're sick! Why didn't you tell me you were feeling sick last night? Kee signed rapidly, annoyance clear on her face.
" I wasn't sick until this morning. Besides, I'll be fine, and I'm needed at work today," Hal defended, squeezing her hand lightly.
He was yet again startled by the strange noise Kee managed to emit, and the annoyance of not being able to express her feelings in words was clear in her expression as she made that weirdly terrifying sound.
You are NOT going to work today,  get back to bed this instant! Kee signed angrily.
" I have to go, Kee, I'm needed," Hal said with a deep sigh.
The only place you are going is your bedroom. The world will survive without Hal Jordan for one day Kee reasoned, an eyebrow raised at him.
" Fine, I'll go back to bed, but you need to go and strap on your leg and practice with it," Hal mumbled as he stood up.
No way, practice can wait, I'm making sure you get better Kee signed fiercely, pointing at his bedroom door and tapping her fingers against the kitchen counter.
Hal sighed but didn't complain, he felt terrible and the thought of sleeping was pure bliss. He stumbled back to his room, and saw Kee put his breakfast in the bin before disappearing to stay on her artificial leg.
Hal collapsed in to his bed, eyes closed before his head landed in the pillow. He gave in to exhaustion and fell asleep, his headache loosening mercifully.

Kee fumbled with the clasps of her leg, emitting her newfound growling noise as she attempted to put it on like Hal showed her. Finally she figured it out and took a few stumbling steps before getting used to it and managing to manoeuvre somewhat easier in to the kitchen. Grabbing a thermometer and a bowl of ice water she stumbled in to her father's room.
It's a good thing he sleeps, mum always said sleeping was good for sick people so they could get better more quickly. Sleep well dad, and let me care for you.
Kee popped a thermometer in to Hal's mouth and waited for the beeping sound. Taking it out she saw that his temperature was at 103°, that was very high!
She made a slight hissing noise and started to apply icy cold cloths to his forehead and the back of his neck. Hal wriggled in his sleep when the icy cold cloths were applied but soon settled down. His body didn't though, and it kept shaking until Kee pulled the blankets up around her dad.
" Carol, no don't go in there! Carol!" Hal murmured restlessly, thrashing in his fevered dreams.
A flying hand whacked Kee off the side of the bed she'd been perched on and sent her thudding to the floor. She hit the floor hard and grimaced as her metal leg jolted. With a small hiss she tried to stand, grabbing for anything she could pull herself up with. Finally she found what she could grab, the side of the bed, and after a few tries she managed to pull herself back up on to the bed  near Hal, who she applied more cooling cloths to.
" Kee! No don't amputate her leg, no, she can't live that way! How could you let them amputate?! I should have been there!" Hal yelled in his fever induced delirium, thrashing slightly, eyes still closed.
Kee felt her heart thudding with familiar  fears, she'd dreamed of the terrible fire many times, and she remembered her efforts to conceal her fear in front of her family upon waking, her efforts to not let them know her terror at NOT being able to feel one of her legs. Now she was reliving that fear because her father was too.
No! Keelan Jordan, you can not panic now, you have to stay strong and help your father through his sickness, not wallow in your own fear plagued self pity.
Kee grimaced as she used her own full name and started to reapply her father's rapidly drying cool cloths.

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