Tonight's Terror

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Kee jolted awake, eyes snapping open and body jolting up in to a sitting position. She barely registered the fact that she was screaming and crying all at once, but instead her thoughts were on one image, the blood soaking her clothes as she cradled the dead body.

Her eyes were locked on to the wall, not really seeing anything, and a wild wind was whipping her hair around her face. She heard nothing, and didn't really notice her screaming until her throat grew hoarse with it. And its unnatural sound, with her ruined throat, sent a banshee-like sound through the halls of the watchtower.

Kee didn't notice the arms around her, nor the slow rocking her body was subjected too. Nor did she realize how frantic her father was becoming.

" Kee! Kee darling, it was just a dream, you're okay now, you're safe," Hal pleaded, trying to calm his daughter.

She didn't listen to him, nor did she acknowledge his presence in the slightest.

" Come on, work with me kid! You gotta calm down," Hal begged, not sure what to do.

That was when his door was flung open with a metallic hiss, Clark, Oliver, Shayera, and Diana rushed in, eyes wide with worry and weapons haphazardly drawn.

" What's happening?!" Oliver snapped, worry clear on his face.

" Damn it Hal, what've you done now?!" Shayera snarled as she knelt down in front of the distraught child.

Hal stood, bringing Kee with him in a cradle hold, her prosthetic wasn't attached so her grey pajama shorts didn't quite hide the stump of her leg.

" I dont know whats wrong! She won't snap out of it," Hal hissed, absolute terror on his face.

He didn't know what to do, usually she was a bit unnerved, but okay with her nightmares when she had them. This was something new entirely. The other heroes crowded around, and even they were unnerved by how Kee just seemed to look straight through them, as if she didn't know they were there.

" Hey Kee, can you tell Uncle Clark what's wrong?" Clark cooed gently, patting her head gently with his large hands.

Kee couldn't scream anymore, her throat wouldn't allow it, and so her mouth was parted in a silent scream, and her eyes were pouring tears. She certainly didn't reply to them.

" I'll get J'onn, he can help!" Oliver vowed, rushing out of the room.

Until his return they tried to calm her, but issued no response at all from her. She was still being rocked in Hal's arms as he slowly paced back and forth, worry creasing his handsome features. Clark, Diana, and Shayera were doing what they could to help, trying to sing lullabies, or talk her out of it, or just be there. 

A few minutes later, J'onn phased through a wall, entering the room with worry showing on his features as well, and out of breath Green Arrow trailing behind through the door.

" What has occurred here?" J'onn asked, moving over to them.

" We don't know! She just won't snap out of it, can you help?" Shayera asked, her stress obvious wit her snappy replies.

J'onn didn't bother replying, he just floated over and placed two fingers on her forehead. Instantly, Kee sagged limply in Hal's arms, out like a light due to the Martian's abilities. Now that the child wasn't freaking out the adults found themselves able to calm slightly.

J'onn placed his palm against her forehead next, and his eyes glowed for a moment. When the glow died, he staggered back from her, a deeper frown caressing his green skinned face.

" Did you find out what was wrong?" Hal asked hopefully, his worried gaze meeting the martian's.

J'onn paused before replying, clearly not wanting to say what he'd seen.

" I did, but I do not believe it is for me to share without Kee's permission," J'onn answered awkwardly, pausing every now and then to decide what to say next.

" I'm her father! I need to know what's troubling my baby!" Hal snarled, hugging her closer.

J'onn rubbed his temple as if he had a headache, but finally relented.

" She has found out what she is. And that is all I am willing to say," J'onn murmured, before phasing back out of the room.

Everyone reluctantly went back to their rooms, leaving Hal still cradling her child in his arms. She looked peaceful at the moment, a far cry from before. She was also curled up to him n the most adorable way, snuggling her head over his heart and fisting his night shirt.

He'd been absolutely terrified when he'd woken to her nightmare. Absolutely terrified. And now nothing was alleviating his fears.

" Whatever you are, my baby girl, I'll always be here for you. And when you wake, daddy will help you through this nightmare," Hal whispered, hugging her closer as he lay down too.

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