Movie Night Drama

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Kee trailed after Kaldur, trying not to let her limp be too prominent, after all, he was the protégée to the king of Atlantis, he wouldn't care about her if she looked weak. Besides, he was fun! If the rest of the team were all like him then shed be in for the best years of her life.

They entered the living room, and she quickly noticed all the team lounging on the couches, watching KF and Artemis squabble over a small stack of movies. Meghan floated out of the kitchen, a plate of what looked to be burnt cookies in her hand.

" Darn it Baywatch! No one wants to watch the Walking Dead with you!" Artemis screeched, startling Meghan.

The martian dropped the cookies with a squeak of surprise, and Kee was quick to react. Reaching out her hand she called on the wind to channel and collect under the falling food and plate. She then proceeded to float them back to Meghan who was looking even more startled now.

" Oh! Thanks Elementum!" Meghan stammered, giving a surprised smile.

Kee nodded her head to the girl before casting a curious glance at the bickering teammates. Kaldur saw her glance and decided to fill her in.

" Artemis and Wally times," Kaldur explained, clearly thinking of a nicer word.

' Oh.....I thought, from what Wally told me, that they were dating!' Kee signed, still looking confused.

Kaldur and Robin, who'd tuned in to the conversation, both chuckled, with Robin practically rolling on the floor with his laughter.

" They are," Robin cackled.

Kee paused at this, before shrugging, still confused by their strange affection for each other.

" Come sit with me little Lantern," Robin invited, patting the spot next to him on the couch.

Kee grinned and skipped over to him, settling in beside him and becoming slightly excited when Kaldur took the spot on her other side, so she was wedged between the two boys.

" Fine, Arty, we can watch Pirates of the Caribbean, but we watch my choice next, deal?" KF grumbled, grimacing at his girlfriend's triumphant look.

They finally settled, and the movie started to play as they munched on Meghan's cookies. The martians girl was cuddled up to Superboy on the recliner, totally at ease with the gruff clone. It was strange, he didn't at all act like her uncle Clark.

She was totally absorbed in the movie, having never seen it before. She recognized some of the scenery from her home land, Australia, which only made her yearn for her old home in the bush, near the white sandy beaches and the blue ocean she'd played in as a child. Well, in the short time she was given to be a child before she had to grow up on the run.

As the sword fighting between Captain Jack and Will continued in the Blacksmith's workshop, she found herself rooting for Jack. For some reason she seemed to have a liking towards the often drunk pirate, laughing at his comments and despairing at his mistakes and peril. It was a genius idea for Artemis to choose this film.

However, as the movie wore on she found herself getting tired, and little by little she slumped down from her straight posture. In the end she couldn't fight her tiredness, after having a hard night of nightmares, and ended up drifting in to sleep.

Robin had been surprised when Kee slumped against him, her head resting on his shoulder. Looking down at her face she noticed that she was indeed alseep.

Lifting her head, he slid a pillow on to his lap and placed her head back down on it, patting her hair affectionately. Kaldur noticed the movements to his left and smiled at the sight he saw. Acting likewise, he placed a pillow on his own lap and lifted her legs on to it so she could stretch out comfortably. 

He paused as he felt something strange through the fabric of her costume, one leg did not feel right, it was hard feeling and seemed to weigh less than the other. He didn't pry, thinking it would be rude to do so, but he remained puzzled. 

However he did find a surge of protectiveness rise up in him at the sight of the small sleeping child stretched out across his lap. She is too young for this life, too young to face villains like Black Manta and the Injustice League. Whatever she is, meta human, human, alien, or something else entirely, I pray she can retain her innocent mind for at least a while longer.

Hal wandered through the halls of Mount Justice, heading towards where he knew the team would be. The living room, and if he was correct they'd probably be watching movies. 

What he saw made his heart swell with the adorable sight.

Miss martian was asleep, cuddled against the side of Superbly as the Hunger Games continued on in the background. Superboy himself was watching the film, looking incredibly complexed at the whole story line. Apparently, the writings of Veronica Roth were not Cadmus level. Artemis and Wally were both watching the film, munching in a bowl of popcorn between them, Artemis happened to be shoving Wally's hand out of the bowl so she could get some without moving her eyes from the violent scene in front of them. 

Kaldur and Robin sat on the largest couch, with Kee sound dead asleep across them. Her mask was off, but Hal didn't exactly mind. He walked up behind the couch and ran a hand through Kee's hair.

" I believe it is time Elementum and I were going home," Hal murmured softly.

The boys nodded and gently handed off the sleeping girl to her father, and with a soft smirk he cradled her to his broad chest.

" I see you like your new team," Hal whispered to his daughter, before flying off to the Zeta tubes.

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