The Necklace

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" So how are you feeling this morning?" Hal asked as Kee hobbled in to the kitchen.
She looked exhausted and glanced at him with a tired smile.
I had a dream about Batman locking me up in an underground cell for no reason Kee signed, fear still in her eyes from the nightmare.
Hal almost choked in his coffee.
" It was just a dream kiddo, don't worry," Hal managed to say.
" So......Kee, you kind if we have a chat?" Hal asked hopefully after silence stretched on.
Kee shrugged and sat next to him at the kitchen bench, eating a piece of toast slowly like normal. Her eyes were wide in confusion at his nervous look.
" Well, ummmm, it's just that, I wanted to ask about your childhood. Did you ever....... did you ever feel like the water around you was doing what you wanted it to do, when you were little?" Hal asked.
Kee's gaze darkened considerably but when she was about to sign something Hal noted something, the necklace she wore, glowed for a moment. Not long, but for a second or two.
No, That has never happened to me, why? Is it supposed to? Kee signed.
Her eyes didn't have that dark look anymore, they were bright like usual.
Hal nodded and opted to call Batman soon.

" Bruce, when I asked her about water related powers as a kid her faze went all dark and guarded as though she had bad memories, and then her necklace that I gave her mother years ago glowed for a moment," Hal explained quietly.
" And then?" Bruce inquired.
" She was back to her usual self and didn't seem like she remembered what she was going to say before the glow," Hal finished.
" Was she wearing the necklace last night?" Bruce asked curiously.
" No, she doesn't wear it to bed, but she wears it all day every day," Hal answered.
" Can you get me that necklace, I want to test it for something," Bruce asked.
" Maybe, I'll try it tonight," Hal promised.

The day dragged on slowly, mainly it was filled by Hal helping Kee to learn to use the new metal leg that Bruce had given her. Clark had dropped by and had helped him teach Kee to use it. Kee was ecstatic to see Clark again and had begged him to read to her more comic books. Clark had showed her that he'd put her superman drawing in the paper and she'd practically jumped in excitement.

When night came, Hal snuck in to her room. She was sleeping soundly, and Hal managed to get the necklace from the nightstand where she always kept it next to her single contact lens.
He had then proceeded to fly as fast as he could to Wayne Manor in Gotham. Bruce was waiting for him, every and dark as ever. Robin was at Barry's house with his nephew Wally and so they had the house to themselves.
" What do you expect to find on the necklace?" Hal asked curiously.
" I'm not sure, but I haven't suspicions that whatever it is, it isn't from earth," Bruce said darkly.
" But I brought that necklace for her mother, it's jade!" Hal said in exasperation.
" Whatever that rock is, it isn't jade," Bruce rebuked firmly.
Hal gazed at the rock in the centre of the silver necklace, a sudden thought came to him.
" Check the back, I got them to carve her name in to the rock!" Hal ordered.
Bruce checked the back and then shook his head, mystified.
" there's no name there Hal. Somehow I think that Kee's mother changed the rock!" Bruce murmured.
" why would she do that?" Hal inquired.
" Because she found out her daughter was too strong, and wanted her to not remember so she wouldn't go out in to the hero business," Bruce deducted.
Hal looked at him in surprise but shook away the thought, Katrina wouldn't have done that! Or would she?

Bruce whistled as he gazed at the rock in front of him, he'd put it through the scanners, and they'd gone off the charts! It's energy signatures were skyrocketing! The rock was almost, almost as if it was alive! And it had a tendency to suppress the power of whatever it was in. Bruce's scanners were mostly blank screens, as the rock had shut them down!
" It's stopping her powers," Hal whispered in awe.
" And her memories," Bruce murmured darkly.

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