How Much I Care

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Kee was fast asleep, curled up in the chair beside Hal's bed in Med Bay.

Clark had placed a woolen blanket over her, his sympathy for her tainting the very air. The poor girl, her father didn't know her! She adored him, it was clear to see, and he obviously adored her back. And yet at this very moment he had no clue who she was.

" He'll be okay Kee, it'll all be okay soon," Clark murmured, easing a pillow under her small head.

The man was obviously curious as to why this girl was constantly staying with him. She just sat there watching him, she slept beside him too! Who was she? Better yet, who were these people he was with? He didn't even know why he was wounded?! Who was he?

She was sleeping at the moment, tucked in by some loving person, probably the guy called Clark. He seemed to be fond of the girl, was she Clark's daughter?

" Who are you?" He murmured curiously, talking aloud to himself.

The child didn't stir, he hadn't yet seen her sleep and yet he assumed she slept beside him. However, by the black circles under her eyes she obviously hadn't been sleeping a lot. For some reason, he had this protective urge to readjust her blanket over her, it was falling off her bare shoulders. She might get cold! Her hair was messy, her clothes rumpled, and her expression grim, but she seemed nice enough.

" Good morning Hal," A smooth voice stated.

There he was, that strange green man who insisted he was called Hal. J'onn, Hal remembered the man was called, if he could count him as a man. Surely he wasn't an alien, aliens didn't exist! 

The strange man approached him, making barely a sound as he moved, as per usual.

" Good morning," Hal greeted back, albeit a bit cautiously.

The man seemed satisfied by his answer, and his gaze travelled over the sleeping child in the chair beside him. Hal noticed where his gaze was looking and smirked.

" Kid's been there for days now. Don't know why," Hal stated simply, smirking as the child unconscious clutched the blanket closer to herself.

J'onns mouth turned down in a frown at Hal's statement.

" I believe she is worried about you," J'onn answered calmly.

Of course she was worried about him, her anguish and emotional pain at seeing her father oblivious of her identity was so wrong it crashed over him like a tidal wave. Even in sleep her face was creased in a slight frown.

" Worried about me? Why in the world would she be worried about me?" Hal snorted derisively.

J'onn almost winced, he definitely understood why Kee was so upset. 

He had come for a reason though, and it was time to do his duty. He delved in to Hal's fragile mind, making sure the man had no clue that he was doing this. Hal's mind was very fragile right now, what with no memories to fill it. And the presence of Amnesiac had been strong in his mind after returning from the doomed patrol. However, it was weakening now, and with a smile, J'onn realized that it would soon be gone, Hal would remember everything soon, just a day or two left to wait! 

" Does the child's presence bother you?" J'onn inquired.

Hal paused before replying, a thoughtful look flashing across his face for a moment.

" No, it's kind of sweet that she wants to stay, and besides, she cooks me great meals so I guess I owe her," Hal answered slowly, giving a thoughtful glance towards Kee.

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