The Message

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When Kee was soundly asleep, Hal finally found the time to look at the gift he'd been puzzling over for some time. The gift from Kee's mother, Kathryn. Tip toeing across the room he finally managed to find the present precariously placed next to the wretched necklace. 

Opening it, he saw something that greatly puzzled him, it was a USB in a box, one that he was hesitant, but still curious to plug in. He took it out, and with a deep breath, plugged it in to his laptop at his desk. The drive fit in perfectly, and on it, was just one item, a video. He slowly clicked the video and watched as an image of Kathryn, just as beautiful as he remembered, staring straight at the camera of what was apparently her own laptop. The date was five years ago when Kee was just a small child.

" Hal, if you are watching this then I am dead. By now you have probably heard that you have a daughter, and if I had my way, she will be living with you now. I am not a shallow woman, I know I will be hunted and killed by these assassins, for I have foolishly dealt with the shadows," Kathryn said.

The woman on the camera sighed and rubbed a hand through her long brown hair, eyes obviously troubled.

" I don't know how it happened, but Keelan was born with.......abilities.....beyond normal humans. You are better equipped to deal with this than I am, for I know your real job, Green Lantern. The necklace you gave me, I had it enhanced and gave it to Keelan to wear. It is equipped wit a serum that will make her forget everything that happened in the last few hours and is activated by her powers. The back has a retractable small needle, she can NOT know about her powers.

 Hal...I can not having her enter the same world that you are in, with powers like hers she could stop an army with a flick of her hand. You and I can both agree that because of that she will be targeted, thought dangerous. Please, just do not let her be harmed. Hal, look after our daughter, I have to leave now since we will undoubtedly be attacked in mere moments. But Hal, do not let Kee see this video, I have done this to protect her, but you can not allow her to see what I have been keeping from her," Kathryn murmured, eyes darting around the room.

Hal had expected a lot from this video, but a confession was not one of them. Kathryn what had you gotten yourself in to?! One thing was certain, if Kee knew that every time she'd used her powers before she had been forced to forget and not know about the tremendous power she held, she had been drugged to forget, it would taint every memory she had of her mother. One thing was certain, Kee knew of her powers now, and twelve hours erased memory would not help that, no, but he had a feeling that he knew one place that would be able to help his daughter learn to control and use her powers safely. One place where she already had connections. Maybe it was time to ask Batman about his daughter becoming a member of The Young Justice?

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