Kee's Uncles

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When Kee was discharged from hospital with her crutches and pain medication it was a glorious day.
The doctors had said to give her the prosthetic once she got used to the crutches and the limited mobility. Kee hadn't freaked out yet, and was remaining cheerful through the whole thing but Hal could tell she wasn't completely okay with it.
She'd signed with her sign language the fact that she vaguely remembered seeing Green Lantern at one point an how excited she was that she'd seen her hero. Hal was happy that she seemed to be getting better faster than they expected but on thought still nagged him. He remembered the water shield she'd generated, and how her eyes had glowed blue, but she didn't seem to remember that, either that or the fact that she didn't want to talk about it. Hal couldn't ask her about it, since that would compromise her identity. However, maybe Green Lantern would ask her later? He'd have to, but for now they were home and Kee was excitedly picking up the new comic book he'd gotten her about Green Lantern for a coming home present.
Carol had taught him some basic sign language and he had recognised her thank you for the comic book.
Carol was at work, but she was coming over the next morning. It was the afternoon and Kee was decked out in her superman shirt, with her favourite Flash cap, Arrow socks and Green Lantern shoes. She was happy to be back, and in her super themed clothes after boring hospital clothes. However, everyone was painfully aware of the dangling jean leg where he left leg had been.
Hal and Kee were reading her comic together when the phone from the league had rung.
" Yes," Hal had answered, leaving Kee in the living room.
" Hal, look, I know that Kee is at home today, but Batman seriously need your help at the watchtower identifying an alien threat we haven't come across before," Said Diana's voice through the phone.
" Wonder Woman! What would I do with Kee? Carol can't take her tonight," Hal objected.
" Well........ what about Clark? He's not coming to the watchtower today, or tonight, and Kee met him in hospital. Why don't you ask him to watch her?" Wonder Woman suggested.
" Fine," Hal grunted.

He dialled Clark's number and after a few rings, his best friend picked up the phone.
" Hey Hal, how's your kid? She's home today right?" Clark said brightly.
" She's fine, and at home, but Clark........... the league called, and they need me in the watchtower today and all night probably, can you please watch your ' niece ' for me?" Hal pleaded.
" Of course! I'd love to get to know my ' niece ' more since she now appeals to me as Uncle Clark," Clark laughed.
" You sure you can handle her?" Hal asked worriedly.
" I'm superman, of course I can handle her. Besides, she's not a difficult kid," Clark chuckled.
" Won't she disturb your writing for the daily planet?" Hal inquired.
" She can't talk, can't move around much, and is a great kid from what I've seen, she won't disturb me," Clark said simply.
Hal sighed but relented.
" Thanks for this, I'll drop her off at four," Hal finished.

Kee hadn't protested when he'd told her he had to go to his job. She hadn't been suspicious, merely nodded and sighed that she didn't mind as long as he came and got her soon.
She wasn't sure what to make of being left with Uncle Clark but had let Hal know that she was okay with seeing him, even if she'd only ever met him when she was hyped up on pain medication and on a hospital bed.
She'd hobbled to her room, grabbed her batman bag and her superman pyjamas, and finally some activities to do and has promptly met him at the car, ready to go.
Hal had waited patiently while she figured out the right side of the car and then jumped in beside her. He'd cranked up her favourite radio station and seen her lip sinking silently to her favourite songs that Hal had taken a liking too as well.
They were halfway through Thundertruck, by ACDC, when they reached Metropolis.
Kee had stared with wide eyes at the city around her, it was a beautiful sight, watching her bright eyes staring in awe at the huge buildings.
Hal chuckled at her antics.
" Looking forward to seeing uncle Clark?" Hal asked.
Kee nodded and slipped on her superman sweater as she felt a bit colder with the air conditioner on. When they pulled up outside Clark's apartment complex Kee had stared in surprise at the huge building.
Uncle Clark lives there! She'd signed awkwardly around her crutches, gazing upwards.
" Yeah, he sure does kiddo," Hal had laughed.
Kee had grinned excitedly at the thought of being up high and when they entered the building had stopped in despair. Stairs. Her worst enemy. Stairs.
The elevator wasn't working and had an out of commission sign on the front.
Hal had had to drop her off in the lobby and hasn't noted the stairs. She'd hugged him tightly as he held her crutches for her while she hugged.
Off balance, he'd held her shoulder tight while she'd got her crutches back under her again and she'd flashed a smile, but there was anger at her uselessness in her eyes.
Hal had waved goodbye as he drove to the corner, where he could Zeta beam up to the watchtower.

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