Night Visitor

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" Batman, I need to talk to you about my daughter," Hal said in to the phone quietly.
" What about her," Batman asked tersely.
Hal swallowed hard, hoping he wasn't going to regret this.
" I think she has powers," Hal murmured quietly.
Silence greeted him for some time.
" You're sure," Batman asked coldly.
" Yes, although I'm not entirely sure she knows, in any case, I need help finding out if she does. I need the help of a certain bat," Hal murmured.
" Tell me more," came the gruff reply.
" When she was in the accident, something exploded and before I could out up a shield, there was this sphere of water around us, and her eyes were glowing completely blue," Hal said quietly.
" That sounds like powers to me. I'll see what I can do," Batman murmured.

The next night, when Hal put Kee to bed she curled up comfortably in her bed and hugged him good night just like normal. Except for the fact that Hal saw the outline of Batman outside her window, silhouetted in the moonlight. Whatever he was going to do, he better not hurt his girl!

At midnight Batman made his move, he knew he'd have to make a situation to make a similar reaction to that of the night of the accident. Kee would be fine!
Outside in the yard he set up a bonfire and set it alight. He saw Hal glancing out his bedroom window but Batman waved him away, assuring him it'd all be fine. Then he got Robin ready.
" I hate this," Robin grumbled in annoyance as he fiddled with his fireproof suit.
" You and me both," Batman grumbled, hating to put Robin in this situation, even if he would be safe Batman was still nervous for his adopted son.
Then he stared the plan.
Robin stood in front of the roaring flames, and let out a yell of fake fear.
Batman saw the tired face of a ten year old girl appear in her window. Fear flashed through her eyes and Batman felt a twinge of guilt, knowing she was probably afraid of fire. Her gaze rested  on Robin who had set artificial fire on the glove of his fireproof suit.
Batman saw the girl's eyes widen in sudden fear before with a sudden crash she broke the glass of her window and dropped unsteadily to the grass below. He saw her eyes fill with fear but another fake shriek from Robin made her close her eyes tight shut. Batman was starting to seriously doubt Hal, when the moonlight vanished and he looked up to see storm clouds forming above. Glancing at the girl again he was surprised to find her eyes weren't brown anymore, they were glowing dark blue. Instantly rain started to fall and the girl started to levitate off the ground, a soft blue glow around her. She floated quickly to Robin and raised her arms, causing water to douse Robin and the bonfire. Instantly the artificial fire was doused.
" Thanks," Robin whispered.
Instantly the girl turned her glowing gaze on him and her eyes flashed yellow for a moment.
" You should know better than to try and fool me, Batman, and you too, Robin, you two are treading a fine line showing up here. Leave before I decide to forget my sense of good will and remember that you were trying to trick me," Kee hissed.
Batman stared dumbfounded, she could speak! She was speaking! Her powers must allow he to be able to speak!
Batman stepped out from his hiding place, covering the soaking wet Robin with his cape.
" How did you know?" Batman asked gravely.
" I'm mute, not deaf, I heard you running through the plan with your faithful partner," Kee hissed.
" If you're mute, then how are you speaking?" Batman asked gravely.
" My power allows me to speak when in use," Kee grunted.
" And Kee knows about all this power stuff?" Batman asked curiously.
" I am Kee, genius! Of course I know! I just don't talk about it because A, I can't, and B, every time someone finds out, I'm one step closer to being controlled as a weapon," Kee hissed, glowing eyes narrowed.
" people try and control you?" Batman inquired.
" Yes, TRY being the optimal word there. No one can control my power, not even me," Kee said with a shrug.
" You seem to be doing a pretty good job," Batman grumbled.
" This is rare, I can't turn on my power when I want, I can't turn it off when I want, it just happens. That is why I don't save myself from bad situations more often. It doesn't work that way, geez, sometimes when I wake up from using my powers I don't even remember using them," Kee said with a shrug.
" You threatened us to leave and now you're chatting with me, sharing secrets about your ability. You should never tell someone your secrets," Bruce advised dryly.
" Well you're lucky tonight is a forget the whole scenario night, I won't remember a thing about tonight in the morning. But I'm telling you, because I have a feeling you may need to tell a certain Lantern that the girl he saved isn't dead yet," Kee said, sarcastically cackling.
" I'm sure he knows, this is his city after all," Batman growled.
" Well, I'm feeling the strange feeling that I'm about to black out, so, since I won't remember this, at least you will. If you survive my black out, remember that I'm NOT a bad guy so get off my case," Kee said cautiously.
Bruce was about to ask her what she meant by ' survive my blackout ' when he was answered.
Kee's eyes rolled back in her head and she fell from where she'd been floating  and crumpled on to the grass. Bruce stepped forward, with Robin's small arms clinging to him.
" Don't touch her!" Robin whispered fearfully.
And then the rain poured down harder, hail started thundering down, smashing in to Bruce and Robin, wind whirled around them, making it hard to move, let alone stand upright. With one final blast the wind slammed in to him, sending him, and Robin, flying backwards and slamming in to the hard ground painfully.
Bruce groggily pushed himself up as Hal raced over him.
" Bruce, you and Robin okay?" Hal asked fearfully.
" Yeah, but darn, Lantern, your kid packs a punch," Robin said groggily.
Hal shrugged and then raced over to pick up his passed out daughter. Gazing at the glass of the window he used his powers to put the pieces back together and form a strong window again before disappearing inside to put her to bed.

" Your plan was to make her panic and protect Robin? Did you wonder whether she'd wake up and think, why the heck is there a fire outside? and why is there a weird boy in our yard being burnt by it?" Hal asked with a raised eyebrow.
" Actually, the more surprising the situation, the weirder it is, the best reactions you get out of people," Batman said simply. " and I'd say we sure got a reaction out of your daughter!" Batman growled.
Hal shrugged, he couldn't doubt the logic, and the fact that his daughter was currently passed out in his arms from actually TALKING and creating a near hurricane.
" That didn't look like what she did with me, besides, her eyes were the wrong shade of blue this time," Hal murmured thoughtfully as he leant on the door frame.
" There's something off. She knew, said she'd heard our plan, but I doubt it. She's different, Hal, and I have a feeling it's a dangerous different," Bruce grumbled.
" Dangerous? She's a one legged, contact lensed, ten year old girl! She's not dangerous," Hal snarled protectively.
A sound made Hal whip around to see Kee hobbling in to the room with her crutches, blinking tiredly.
Dad, why is Batman here? Kee signed in surprise.
Batman read her features and noticed genuine surprise, he couldn't believe it, she actually didn't know what she'd done!
" You're dreaming Kee, go back to bed," Hal said gently.
Kee nodded tiredly and slowly stumbled back to her room.
" That girl is dangerous. Keep an eye on her, Hal, because if she does something to endanger people, you'll have to stop her. It may be a good idea, to have a talk to her about this," Bruce muttered quietly.
" She barely ever remembers her powers," Grunted Hal.
" She will have to. You'll have to make her. This world isn't safe for heroes who don't know their own powers," Bruce said in his cold voice.

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