Meeting the League

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Kee didn't know what to make of this experience. She was so excited to meet some of her favorite superheroes, but at the same time she was terrified. What would they think of having her around? Would they like her? Would they even understand a single things he was trying to say? 

Thankfully Flash understood her. 

She was in his arms, listening to his insanely fast heartbeat as she cuddled in to his chest to keep her sore shoulder more comfortable. Flash didn't seem to mind, instead he held her tighter as she was introduced to some of the other heroes in the room. 

She decided on first sight that Batman was incredibly cool. He didn't greet her with words, he merely nodded to her and swept out of the room, she was okay with that. 

Captain Marvel was weird, nice, but weird. He talked like she did, not like an adult, and he seemed kind of out of place and awkward. But she liked his white cloak, he looked cool. He definitely didn't understand her though, that was plain to see.

Wonder Woman was excessively nice, but she was kind of scaring Kee. The woman had grabbed her from Flash and enveloped her in a bone crushing hug, delight clear on his strong but pretty face. " Aren't you just so cute!" The woman had shrieked loudly, nearly blasting Kee's ears. The girl had been taken back by Flash after that, and for that shed been very thankful. 

The other Green Lanterns were avoiding her gaze, and she didn't particularly mind that, since their last meeting had been less than stellar. 

Black Canary and Green Arrow were so obviously a couple that it made Kee want to snigger. Tough the man and woman both understood her whens he greeted them, and she decided she really like Black Canary's long blonde hair. Green Arrow was kind of cool too, and his hat reminded her of Robin Hood.

Hawkman and Hawkwoman scared her, they were both loud and bold, and their maces were terrifying. Their masks were also kind of scary, however, their wings were totally awesome. They definitely didn't understand a word she was trying to say.

Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter seemed to understand her, but neither seemed very social either. They were both kind of interesting, but seemed like their answers to things she said were programmed or something. Martian Manhunter's accent was amazing though, even if his green skin and red eyes reminded her of something from a child's nightmare. 

Flash could see her getting a bit overwhelmed and so he raced at super speed back to Hal, a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

" Can we grab something to eat, Hal? I think your daughter's a bit overwhelmed and the cafeteria seems pretty empty," Flash asked hopefully.

Hal shrugged nonchalantly. " Don't corrupt her, Don't lose her, Don't hurt her and yes, I don't mind you taking Kee to the cafeteria with you while we finish up here," Hal relented, giving Kee a small pat on the head as she passed him in Flash's broad arms.

" Come on, let me introduce you o the best room in the watchtower," Flash laughed as he supersped off, a thrilled girl residing in his grip.

Ten minutes later, Barry watched Kee as she juggled a frying pan in one hand, and a plate in the other. Flash had offered to cook something for them both with his limited skills but Kee had flat out refused him to do any cooking at all. Stepping back with a surprised expression he'd watched her start to make some sort of lunch for the two of them. She even took in the fact that he was a speedster and would need to eat more. 

When she was done she handed him a heaped plate of food with assorted food choices all over it. They sat down at a table and Kee hopped up next to him instead of across form him.

" Food looks great, Kee Bee," Flash commented, making up a stupid nickname for the girl.

Kee elbowed him, clearly annoyed at the nickname, which made Flash all the more determined to use it.

She delicately took a bite of her own tiny plate of food with a satisfied noise. Barry took the cue and started to try what she'd made. He had no clue what the meal was, but whatever it was, it was absolutely delicious and he found himself practically drooling on the first taste.

" You sure are a real chef in the making, let me guess, Hal and Carol can't get enough of your cooking?" Flash commented.

Kee blushed slightly but there was an amused twinkle in her eyes.

' They like it, but I do not think I am cut out for being a chef ' Kee answered back hesitantly.

" Well everyone up here would love your cooking, me included. How'd you know to make me a speedster size meal?" Flash inquired.

Kee blushed bright red at that moment. ' I have all your comic books ' She signed awkwardly.

" Well then you, Kee Bee, have great taste in reading material. Certainly better than my nephew Wally's, between you and me, I reckon you're way cooler than your dad," Flash commented with a grin.

Kee giggled softly and clutched on to his arm, shifting closer to the speedster. Flash let her, glad that ether was finally some fun back in the watchtower.

" So, Hal tells me you've got superpowers, that true?" Flash asked curiously.

Kee grimaced slightly. ' I do not know whether I would call them super, but they are pretty cool. Apparently I can control the elements, you know, water and fire and stuff. I guess it comes in handy, but I only found out this morning ' Kee signed, taking a while to get the whole speech across. 

Flash processed that for a moment, if what she said was correct about controlling the elements, then she would be a very dangerous foe once she grew older. She would surely become a member of young justice in a few years, after all, with all those powers she couldn't be anything but a hero or a villain, though with a leaguer for a father she was almost guaranteed to be a hero like him. Who knew, maybe Hal would have her as a sidekick? The pink lantern or something like that.

" You got a name for yourself?" Flash asked cheekily.

' Yeah, I want my hero name to be Elementum ' Kee answered brightly.

" Good choice, now lets get out of this boring place and I'll show you the watchtower where you'll be hanging out, and lucky for you, your best buddy Flash is here most afternoons after work!" Flash suggested, getting up with Kee and allowing her to grip his arm in a tight grip as she trailed along beside him.

' Thank you Uncle Flash ' Kee signed happily as she limp walked alongside him.

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