The Elementals

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Kee was having the strangest dream of her life.

She stood in a forest, with moonlight filtering through the leaves, setting a silver hue to everything. It was an incredibly strange feeling, as she found herself in her uniform, the hood of her cloak pulled up to his her face in shadows. Around her was possibly the coolest village she'd ever seen.

It looked medieval, with small wooden cabins arrayed in neat rows, dirt paths that were obviously well trodden linking them all. Men and women traipsed these paths, talking and laughing together in medieval clothing. The children raced around them, giggling as they tried to catch each other, and being scolded by the adults all at once.

However, she was incredibly confused as to why they couldn't see her, she was hovering right over them, cloak flying in the wind and eyes glowing silver in the moonlight.

" Is this a dream?" Kee whispered in surprise, staring around her.

Yes, she whispered, and it sounded like she had used to when she was a girl. What was happening?

" No, Keelan, it is not a dream. Rather a memory," A scratchy voice murmured.

She stiffened, turning midair to find a man standing behind her, garbed in a brown tunic and cream shirt. The same style as most of the men in the village.

" But, but I've never seen this place before. How could it be my memory?" Kee asked in awe.

Better yet, how could he see her and the others couldn't.

" It is not a memory of yours. No, rather a memory of our people as a whole. Their last memories," The man grumbled, his voice deep and rich.

Kee backed away from him slightly, unnerved by how he was floating as well. Did this man have powers? Why did he mean?

" Our people? I don't understand!" Kee seethed anxiously, balling her hands in to fists.

" Of course you don't. No one remembers our people anymore and no one will unless you choose to understand. Do you not want to know who your ancestors are?" The man inquired, an eyebrow raised as his piercing eyes studied her.

She backed up more, not trusting him one bit, and yet one thin resonated with her.

Do you not want to know who your ancestors are?

 " Why do you want to tell me? You don't even know how I am!" Kee asked, a slight tremor in her tone betraying her mistrust.

The man's shoulders slumped, as if he carried the weight of the world. His face suddenly seemed much more weary.

" Child, I know more about you than you yourself know. And I do not want to tell you, however, for the sake of your ancestors I must tell you," The man murmured, ending in a sigh.

They both floated there for a moment, neither of them speaking as they gazed at each other's faces. He did seem reluctant too hare with her, which begged the question why was she here?! 

That's just it Keelan, you aren't here. This is a memory, so stop acting like a wuss and see what he wants, after all, you've gotta be here for a reason right?

" Tell me. What is this memory you must share with me?" Kee asked finally, eliciting a relieved sigh from the man.

" Thank you, Keelan. These are the last moments of our people, and this is the birth of your abilities. You are not human, as you have undoubtedly discovered. And I, as your great ancestor from your mother's family line, am in charge of delivering this message. 

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