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Kee liked Tim.

He obviously didn't talk a whole lot, but his multitude of books proved he like reading. Not talking a lot was just fine by her anyway.

Damian didn't seem like he liked her very much, but then again, he didn't seem like he liked anyone very much. When she met him, and promptly apologized for borrowing his katanas some weeks ago, he just grunted something intelligible and sauntered off down to the cave. 

Jason was fun, he was laid across the couch, limbs flopping over the armrests without a care, watching Man Of Steel, apparently to annoy Bruce. 

And then there was Robin, sitting on the armchair next to Jason, cackling at all the inaccuracies of the film. 

" Oh man, if only Clark could see this!" Robin cackled.

Jason snorted in agreement, a smirk on his face. 

" I do believe Master Kent would not appreciate this depiction of his life," Alfred commented, alerting the boys to his presence.

Their heads shot up, two pairs of eyes widening in surprise.

" Alfie! How do you do that?" Robin whined, obviously startled by their arrival.

Alfred just sighed, and nudged Kee in to the room.

" Hey kid," Jason greeted casually.

Kee waved slightly in his direction. 

" Hey Kee! It's so cool you can stay here for a bit! I'll show you around after we come back from the mountain later," Robin offered, a wide grin on his pixie face.

It was strange seeing him without a mask, but she now recognized him as a boy she'd seen in a newspaper while staying with Uncle Clark.

' You're Richard Grayson?' Kee signed, a curious look in her eyes.

Robin chuckled lightly. " That I am," He answered.

The mountain was unchanged, even if her life was. While she liked staying at Wayne Manor, even if she'd only been there for an hour, she still didn't feel like it was home.

Her home had a hole through it that was being fixed. Kryptonians wrestling with  villains could do that to retaining walls. 

" Hey Kee! Aren't you excited?! Your first mission!" Meghan tittered happily, rushing to her as she exited the zeta tube.

Okay, that threw her, she had had no idea she was going on a mission any time soon. Maybe she was meant to be excited, but for the time being she felt unable to have much emotion at all. If only her dad was here, he would have been delighted for her, also terrified, but delighted none the less.

Kee just nodded, hoping that was an okay reply. She'd better get her uniform on then.

Waving a quick goodbye, she scurried to her unused room, knowing that her spare uniform was there. It made her feel strong, powerful, brave, even when she really was not. The mask fit over her eyes, and she blinked at her reflection, choosing to put up the hood of her flowing cloak to hide most of her face ins shadow. It was a comforting presence.

" Hey Kee, you coming?" Artemis called, knocking on her door.

Kee looked at her reflection one last time, before exiting the room and finding Artemis standing outside, bow in hand.

" You ready for a fight? Cause Robin reckons this mission is a good one," Artemis commented, walking beside her.

' It'll be good to get some experience under my belt ' Kee joked weakly.

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