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Hal felt like his world has shattered.
" They had to amputate Hal, they're was nothing else they could have done," Carol whispered, hugging him tight.
Hal just stood there dumbfounded. No! He could have done something if he'd been there! He should have been there!
" When will she wake up? When can we see her?" Hal demanded.
" We can go in in another hour, but they think she might take a day or too for her body to wake up, she had quite a few injuries," Carol murmured.
Hal sighed and slid down the wall, sitting with his back against it, head in his hands and tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Carol slumped down next to him, none of the doctors or nurses minded, they knew what had happened.

They stayed like that for half an hour, just sitting there blankly staring around them, images of his girl happily making him breakfast that morning made Hal feel sick. She'd been so happy! Wearing her Green Lantern outfit......would she want to wear it now she knew that the great hero hadn't save her leg? How would she take it? Would she be terrified? Would she be calm? Would she hate Carol and him for not doing more to help? He'd left her in that office!
A strong hand was placed on his shoulder and Hal looked up with a blank expression to see Clark Kent, Oliver Queen and Barry Allen standing around him.
" We thought you might want some company of friends," Clark murmured.
Hal and Carol stood up and Oliver comforted Carol as she wept in to his embrace. Hal just stared at his friends. Suddenly he couldn't hold back and he hugged Clark tightly, feeling broken inside. Clark hugged him back, not caring at all at this sudden show of weakness from his friend. He couldn't imagine how upset Hal was feeling.
Soon more of the league appeared, all in disguise of course.
Diana, Dinah and Shayera were comforting the distraught Carol who felt awful at having to make the decision for amputation by herself.
Ray and Carter, came to stand with Hal. He didn't mind Atom and Hawkman showing up, but was surprised that they did. In the end, most couldn't stay but the whole league took turns coming to console Hal and Carol.
In the end, when they were finally allowed to see Kee, only Clark, Barry, Oliver, Diana and Dinah had been able to stay. They were all about to go in to the hospital room and find space to stand in the room, while Hal and Carol sat by Kee's bed.
The girl was pale and small in the huge bed. Countless machines were hooked up to her body and when Hal took her hand in his she didn't awaken. She had stitches on most of her cuts, including the long one all down her left arm and there was distinct lack of leg shape under the covers on her left side, where her left leg had once been.
Clark couldn't believe that she'd survived when Hal had told them what had happened and gazing at her now, even in her sleep, the girl's strong expression made him realise that she truly was Hal's fearless daughter. If the fact that she didn't look exactly like him wasn't enough. He hadn't met her yet, none of the league had, but Hal had told them about her when he'd received the news of her mother's untimely death a week ago. It was a horrible way to have a first meeting.
Clark looked to Hal, whose expression showed regret and sadness equally mixed.
They stayed there for hours, and yet nothing changed.
Oliver, Dinah and Barry had to leave when their families called, Oliver having to make sure Roy was okay with Dinah going with him since they were together now. Barry had apologised but his Nephew, Wally, was sick and his wife needed his help picking up some medicine for him.
So now Clark, Carol and Hal were the only ones left.
Around midnight, no one was asleep, but someone came in, dressed in a black suit and tie as always. Bruce Wayne.
Hal glared at Bruce as he entered.
" Bruce, what are you doing here?" Hal said in annoyance, clearly angry on being dragged on a mission.
" I come to see how she was, and how you were holding up," Bruce said simply.
" Well, as you can see, she's not fine! She'll have to adjust to hobbling around her whole life," Hal said bitterly.
Bruce went forward and placed a long metal contraption in front of Hal, on the bed.
" Maybe this will help," Bruce murmured.
Hal glared at it.
" What is it?" He asked hoarsely.
" Wayne industries has several therapy clinics for veterans from war. We develop a large variety of prosthetics and this metal contraption is a new leg," Bruce explained.
Hal stared at it and saw that it even bent well where her knee cap should have been. It was sturdy, worked well and looked good.
" She will have to use crutches for a while but she'll get used to it and soon will be able to walk as well as possible in her situation," Bruce said gruffly.
" Thanks Batsy," Hal said after a moment of silence, and his grateful tone showed he meant it.
Batman nodded to him and left as silently as he'd come. Clark caught him as he was leaving.
" That was good of you, Wayne, thanks," Clark said appreciatively.
Bruce shrugged and kept going, leaving the hospital to drive home to young Robin, who would need him if he awoke from nightmares again.
Clark walked back to Kee's room, hoping that the young girl would awaken soon.

At four in the morning his hopes were answered.
With a small shifting movement Kee blinked open her eyes. Hal was bending over her in an instant.
" Hey there Kee, you know where you are? You gave us quite a scare," Hal said, choking on some of his words.
Kee shook her head, unsure of where she was.
" You're in hospital sweetheart, but you'll be okay now," Carol murmured, stroking Kee's long hair.
Kee nodded tiredly and her eyes fell on Clark, she gazed at him questioningly.
" That's Clark, he's my friend and if he agrees, I'd like to make him your godfather," Hal filled in.
Clark smile brightly.
" I definitely agree," Clark said with a smile, he didn't mind in the least. The fact that Kee wasn't shrieking in pain and fear already, made him prod of her bravery. She really was just like Hal.
She weakly lifted her uninjured right hand and sighed two words. Clark smiled, he knew sign language.
" Yeah, that's me, your uncle Clark," Clark said with a smile.
Kee smiled weakly at him before her eyes started to close again and she feel asleep again. Hal was shaking with relief.
" She will be okay!" He sighed in relief.
" She didn't notice the leg," Carol said worriedly.
" She did notice, I saw her try to shift it and then figure out it wasn't there," Clark said softly.
Hal stared at him.
" She didn't freak out, I thought she hadn't realised," Hal murmured in confusion.
" Oh she definitely realised. But she was being brave so we didn't know she was scared," Clark murmured, having seen the signs of a suppressed fear in her eyes partway through the conversation.
" She will get through this," Hal said with a smile and gripped her hand once more. " Daddy's little lantern," Hal whispered.

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