Villainous Vandal

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Kee did not like Clark's friend Vandal on first glance. I mean Vandal? Who calls someone Vandal?! He was sneering down at her with a very strange face, and he unnerved her to say the least. But he was a friend of Superman's, so surely he couldn't be too bad? Anyway, uncle Clark would be there soon and he always made her feel better.

Opening the door she let Vandal inside and watched his eyebrow raise as she let him in. Obviously he was expecting something else other than an invitation inside.

" You know who I am?" Vandal asked in his creepy voice, towering over her.

' You are uncle Clark's friend '  She signed back, hoping he'd get the message that she couldn't answer him. 

" Yes...Yes I'm a good friend of Clark," Vandal answered her a strange look on his scarred face.

She didn't care about his scars, they were no different to her own so she didn't judge, however she did care that he knew sign language. It was a sweet relief to her and she relaxed slightly.

' You know sign language?' She inquired, a shy smile on her face.

" I know many things, child," Vandal answered, a foreboding tone in his voice that made her want to shiver.

Well, he did look like a smart man like her dad was. He was probably a reporter like Clark and that was how they'd met, or was a he a friend in Clark's other job. No, he didn't strike her as a member of the justice league, he didn't look like he had powers. But he did look smart.

' You know Uncle Clark well?' Kee signed, curiosity getting the better of her.

Vandal chuckled.

" I'm acquainted with Clark and your father Hal, they have both spent a lot of time with me in their ' hidden activities ' "He answered with amusement laced in his tone.

With a small shrug she hobbled over to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water, her throat seemed to have dried up. When she poured her own she offered one to Vandal who refused it politely. Shrugging again she downed hers in two swift gulps.

She didn't know what to do with the man who as currently looking around the house with narrowed eyes. She unconsciously reached for her necklace as she usually did when she didn't know what to do. Without thinking shed usually find herself rubbing the green gemstone between her fingers but with a surprised squeaking sound she noted that she hadn't put it on yet.

A knocking at the door made her heart lift happily, uncle Clark had arrived! She quickly made her way to the front door, not noticing Vandal stiffening behind her.

Throwing open the door she expected to see Clark, but instead she fund herself gazing up at a woman with long black hair and a white pencil skirt, she smiled down at Kee and her light blue eyes sparkled.

" Hi, you must be Kee, I'm Clark's friend Lois? He told you I was coming," The woman greeted with a bright smile.

Kee was utterly confused, wasn't Vandal Clark's friend? Sure, this woman looked much more like Clark's type of friend but she was utterly confused about what was happening.

' You know uncle Clark?'  She signed in confusion.

" Oh honey, Clark told me you can't speak but I don't know a lot of sign language, I'm sorry," The woman apologized sincerely.

Kee just blinked in confusion before letting Lois in to the house, she knew Lois wasn't lying, shed exhibited all the traits of telling the truth but so had Vandal.....maybe Clark had two friends?

A gasp from Lois made Kee's confusion grow even more.

She stood staring in surprise at Vandal who glared back at her fiercely from the other side of the living room. Lois pushed Kee behind her as she shakily glared at Vandal.

" What are you doing here, Savage?!" Lois growled shakily.

Kee peeped out from behind Lois with blinking brown eyes.

The man smirked before answering. " Lois Lane, the mortal who stole the heart of the Superman. I have heard of you," Vandal chuckled darkly, eyes scanning her before returning to his smug expression.

Lois gripped See's shoulder protectively.

" What are you doing here? Superman will destroy you when he arrives," Lois threatened weakly.

Vandal laughed full out this time before addressing them with an almost feral gleam in his cold eyes.

" I don't want Superman, mortal, I want the child of the Green Lantern," Vandal snarled.

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