Young Justice

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Kee had been excited when her father told her about Young Justice. She got to work with Robin and Kid Flash for real now! And who else would she meet, would there be any girls on the team? She sincerely hoped there would be, she couldn't be the only female in a sea of guys! 

Her dad was setting up the Zeta beam, Batman standing beside him. They were about to beam down to Mount Justice, where she'd meet her team who'd be there waiting when she appeared.She was practically vibrating in excitement, just like Wally usually did.

" Stop squirming around Kee, you'll achieve lift off," Hal scolded lightly, but a proud smile was on his face.

Kee smirked and stood close to her dad, absolutely beaming in her new uniform. 

It had been her own design, and with the help of her dad and the overexcited Black Canary, they'd managed to create her superhero uniform.

She was currently garbed in a black bodysuit with tall black boots, adorned with silver buckles. She wore a silver belt where a knife was hidden, a small emergency button behind her new symbol. What she loved most however, was the midnight blue cloak she wore, that billowed behind her when she walked. 

On her chest was her symbol, a silver, capitol E in a circle.

She was absolutely ecstatic, and the silver domino mask over her eyes made her feel so secretive, almost like a spy.

She knew her father was nervous, he obviously didn't like letting his daughter out of his site armed with some wickedly sharp knives by her sides. She could tell he was nervous because he kept squeezing her shoulder in reassurance, when in reality, it was him who needed comforting.

The Zeta beam activated with a whir of light and sound, and with pure delight she heard their names announced, and her eyes were filled with a view of her new team.

Young Justice members were standing casually in the transport room, ready to meet their new member. No one had been told anything, other than the new member's mentor was Green Lantern. Although Robin and KF knew the real truth.

" Oooohhh, do you think they'll be nice?" Meghan enthused happily from her spot next to Connor.

" I'm sure that our new member will be kind, Meghan," Kaldur calmed, trying to sooth the easily excited girl.

The Zeta beam whirred to life.

" Batman A01, Green Lantern A05, Elementum B07," The mechanical voice announced.

And there they were, Batman looking as brooding as ever, stepped down from the platform and stopped short near Robin. Green Lantern followed him, assisting a much smaller person down from the platform. The two turned to face the team and there she was, Elementum.

With a small wave, and a shy smile she broke them out of their haze of surprise. For she was so small, so petit in size, and when she walked there was the sound of a dull metal ringing. 

Kaldur was the first to greet her, sliding forward and holding out a webbed hand to her.

" Greetings Elementum, I am Aqualad, leader of Young Justice. Welcome to the team," Kaldur introduced, ever polite.

Elementum stared at him for a few moments, the eyes behind the domino mask wide with awe, before she timidly took his much bigger hand and shook it firmly. However, Kaldur was puzzled by her lack of answer or speech of any kind.

" HI! I'm Meghan Mor'orz, but you can just call me Meghan. I'm so excited to meet you!" The martian yipped excitedly, skipping the hand shake in favor of an all out hug that almost squeezed the life out of poor Kee.

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