Stand Alone

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Kee and Wally just stared at the screen for a few moments, watching the small amount of tape run round, and round, and round. Even Kee, who had never been to Gotham, knew exactly who that was. It was the Joker, and it was almost impossible to to know who Joker was.

" Help us all," Wally murmured quietly.

See's eyes narrowed dangerously and she balled her fists tight. That jack-wad had her father! He'd hurt her daddy, and Uncle Clark, and Uncle Barry. They were in for a hell of a fight. She tugged on Kid Flash's arm, making her movements precise so that he could at least get a bit of what she was trying to say.

' What is the plan?' Kee asked curiously.

Kid Flash seemed to understand her, thankfully, and so he took the reins.

" We've gotta assume that Robin has been captured as well. Red Tornado since he's mostly offline won't be much help. However, I think I do have a plan though. You're gonna need a costume," Kid Flash explained, an idea clearly forming on his devious face.

Hal was extremely groggy as he hung limply, chained to the wall with yellow chains. He had been injected with something, he wasn't sure what, but it was making him extremely tired and limp. So he lay, staring though half lidded eyes at the crazy man and woman skipping around in circles, checking the bindings on the trapped heroes, and taunting a weakening Clark, who's chest was assaulted by Kryptonite.

His thoughts however, were on his daughter who he knew was with her friends, the other sidekicks. He prayed his daughter would be safe, that she wouldn't come after him. His beautiful girl couldn't be caught up in this mad adventure. 

" Please be safe," Hal whispered to himself.

He knew Batman was worried, since his son was currently suspended, unconscious next to him. The young boy had tried to secretly free his mentor, but he'd been electrocuted when he'd tried to unpick the lock on the manacles. He had tried to wake the child when the Joker had been taunting Superman, but it hadn't worked in the slightest.

It made Hal worry all the more.

Kee Jordan was uncomfortable, that was for certain. She was currently garbed in a black singlet and pants from her home, but Wonderwoman's silver war helmet was perched over her eyes. And it was way too big for her, feeling as though it weighed her down. She'd also taken Wonder Woman's dark blue war cape, really hoping the older woman wouldn't mind when this was over. 

According to Flash, she needed a suit to be the superhero Elementum.

Yet she hadn't pictured her rescue mission to be done wearing an Amazonian helmet and cape. Oh, and not to mention the twin katana she'd swiped from Nightwing's room that were currently strapped to her back.

This was all part of the plan, she'd march in there and totally throw the villains, who had no clue who the heck she was, while Kid Flash would zoom round and try and free a few leaguers who could then help them out. She couldn't help feeling utterly afraid when it was time to face the most crazed villain she'd heard of. 

Thankfully, the fact that she was floating outside the locked door, meant her voice was in tact. It also meant she could scream at the man who was hurting her dad!

With a deep breath, Kee commanded the air around her to form an air funnel with enough force to send the door flying off its hinges. And in she flew, unleashing the katanas and setting a murderous look in her deep, now glowing eyes.

" I am Elementum, and I command you to let the justice league go," She snarled, her strained and awkward voice emanating a deep snarl.

To say that Hal was shocked was an understatement. Here he was wishing his daughter would stay hidden, and she burst through the doors with a look of pure murder on her face. And was that Wonder Woman's and Nightwing's gear?

What she said startled him even more, and forced him to seriously wonder id his girl was crazy. The Joker would sure get a laugh out of this!

Kee floated mid air in the hangar where they were kept, her cloak billowing around her and the helmet glinting in the light. 

" Who are you?" Harley asked blankly, a smirk on her face.

Kee turned her murderous eyes to Harley, floating steadily closer.

" The one you really shouldn't have angered," Kee hissed.

The Joker dissolved in to laughter, his purple suit crinkling with giggles.

" Are you another of the bat brats? Oh please tell me you are!" The Joker giggle happily.

Kee slammed the Joker in to the wall behind him using the wind, merely flicking at him with her hand. The man gasped slightly as he hit.

" I am my own hero, and it's time you learnt that," She snarled, anger sparking within her, despite the fact that she was acting.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a yellow blur as Wally quickly grasped the Kryptonite off of Superman and ran it away quickly, as a grateful Superman started to regain some color. And then the blur returned to unshackle his uncle Barry, who gratefully nodded to him.

Harley's gaze was rivetted on Kee, and she made a move to stop her. Instantly, Kee sent a blast of water her way, making Harley gasp and splutter as she hacked up the lungful of water she'd just gotten. But the Joker wasn't as restrained as she'd thought, and thankfully her father saved her life.

" Duck left!" Hal screeched worriedly.

Kee reacted on instinct and ducked left as Joker sent a punch to the right of her head. With a sigh of relief she moved out of his range.

" You aren't ready for this life little sweetie. It don't suit ya," Joker chuckled darkly, making Kee want to shrivel up and die inside.

However, she mad herself keep a straight face as she answered, wanting Wally to have more time. He had been right, the sunrise of a new face was keeping them interested.

" You got in to this life," She murmured bluntly.

The Joker snickered at that, but his eyes had a clarity that scared her. " I got in to it by murdering my father. I doubt you did the same, little sweetie," Joker cackled.

Kee wanted tis nail at that, visions of her mother flashing in front of her eyes, but she forced herself to remain steady.

" You don't seem to be much of a rescue mission, hon, besides, they're all going to die anyway, starting with Lantern over there," an amused Harley laughed.

Kee felt her vision go red at that, and she had never wondered just how good a thing that Flash had. He slammed in to Joker, now recovered, and started pummeling the man unconscious, leaving Kee to vent out her rage on Harley.

With a yell of rage, the ground exploded under Harey's feet, a crevice appearing and sending the woman trapped in dirt up to her shoulders before she was stopped form falling further. The woman was utterly surprised, but thankful when the child moved off to free the captives.

The stupid Kid Flash was helping the freed ones to get the others safe. And a thankful Kee unshackled her father, before flying up to unshackle batman.

Grabbing the shackles around his wrists, she didn't heed the worried warning the her father sent her, before she was zapped by a bolt of electricity.

Hal was disorientated, but still fast enough to catch his falling daughter. Cradling her in his arms and flying her to a safe corner, he cradled her close, tears of fear and relief threatening to spill from his eyes. He'd been so worried the whole time, even if it was an act his girl had put up.

" Kee, Kee baby can you hear daddy?" Hal pleaded hopefully and giving her a small shake.

Kee blinked at him with wide, sightly disorientated eyes.

" Yeah, I'm fine dad, just startled a bit is all, maybe got a few fried hairs," Kee whispered hoarsely as her powers retreated.

Hal smiled and pulled her close, refusing to let go.

" My brave girl," he whispered gently as he stroked her hair.

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