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Okay, to all readers, I'm warning you right now that this is the last chapter of this book. But fear not! Straight after I post this I am starting up its sequel. If you follow me it will probably come up in your notifications that I posted the sequel, if not, then You can look it up. I'm calling it The Green Bandit.

You guys have been such great readers, and your comments are awesome, but this sort is getting so long that I figured I'd make it in to a series, so in an hour or two you should have the sequel up. Cause I'm not mean enough to leave you guys and gals hanging!

Kee couldn't tear herself away from her father, she just stayed in his arms, sobbing her whole heart out as she shook like a leaf.Hal couldn't tear himself away from his daughter, as he sobbed and shook along with her, fearing that if he let go of her she would disappear.

Was he real? He had to be, there was no faking those strong arms, that familiar scent of alpine soap, or the way his slight beginnings of stubble tickled her forehead as his chin rested atop her head. He was here, he was whole, he knew her.

He wasn't going to ignore her any longer. While she liked hanging out at Robin's place, she needed her dad, and now he was here, and he was never leaving her side ever again.

" Daddy's here now, daddy's here my girl, I am so, so sorry my baby girl, daddy's so sorry," Hal repeated over and over again, rocking them both back and forth where they knelt on the floor of the hallway. 

Kee just sobbed all the more, clutching his uniform like a lifeline, her teary eyes looking up in to his as though she could barely believe he was real.

" I know, and I love you," Kee managed to whisper, before her ability to speak was lost again.

Together they stayed there for what seemed like an eternity, content to hold each other and let all their pent up emotions spill out. Neither cared about the uncomfortable ground, nor about the eyes of her teammates who'd come to investigate when they heard Green Lantern announced.

They just simply held each other close, and neither was prepared to be the first to let go.

Later that night, the two of them were sitting up in Hal's bed at the Watchtower. Hal and Kee had had dinner with Carol down in Coast City, before beaming back up when Kee started getting tired.

Hal was reading aloud to her, as they finished the last words of Uncle Clark's latest work in the Daily Planet's Newspaper.

When they finished the last few words, and he noted how Kee's eyes were half mast with tiredness, he turned off the bedside lamp and tucked the covers over them, allowing Kee to snuggle up to his chest. He carded his hand through her hair soothingly as his baby girl drifted off to sleep.

" Goodnight Kee, I love you," Hal whispered quietly, kissing her on the forehead lightly, before settling in to sleep as well.

" Goodnight Kee, I love you," A mocking voice taunted.

In the darkness of the room, vicious, glinting eyes could clearly be seen, as the observer watched the two sleeping heroes. It was sickening, just how sweet Green Lantern was being. Ugh, the observer hated it completely. 

Yet here he was, revenge was so close. He could just make three smooth movements and both would be dead, no one would even know! And yet........something was holding him back. He almost laughed at himself for being so soft, but he had a better idea. Killing his enemies was just oh so easy. However, he knew just how to break them. And in the darkness he attacked.

No one saw

No one heard

No one heard even a single whispered word

Elementum, was gone.

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