The Intruders

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A loud crash was the first sign that Kee's house was being invaded.

Hal had made sure that she would be safe while he went on his date with Carol. After all, Uncle Clark was coming over to watch her in an hour. However, he'd called to say that he would be late, and so shed decided to go to bed early. 

It was in the midst of her pleasant dream about a wild stallion in their backyard, shed been awakened by a loud crash.

Bolting upwards in her bed, her wide eyes stared around her room to see that the crash had not come from there, from the sounds of it, the crash had come from the kitchen. Fear filled her, gripping her in its clutches as she remembered that she was alone. Was it Uncle Clark? No, of Course it wasn't, he was coming later on in the night!

So who was it?

She climbed out of bed quickly, after strapping on her prosthetic, and hoped that the fake limb wouldn't creak. She considered wearing her mother's necklace for good luck, but decided against it in favor of a quicker start to her investigation of the noise.

A creak from the floorboards of the living room made her almost leap in fright, but she stopped herself in time and continued creeping further down the small hallway. The house was dark, but she had the layout memorized and so avoided bumping in to things like their intruder obviously had been doing. 

Who was she kidding? She couldn't take on a robber! But then again, how was she to know whether there really was anything in the house at all?

Steeling herself, she gazed around the corner in to the living room, and saw something she would never forget.

Standing in the living room, emanating a soft green glow, was a tall man with dark skin and a very familiar suit. Beside him was another, buffer man in the same suit and giving off the same soft green glow. No way.........In the living room were two of Earth's Green Lanterns! One was missing, but two of them were right in front of her! And they were so cool! 

She wasn't sure what gave her away, maybe her metal e.g. had creaked, but whatever it was, she was yanked forward by a glowing green chain, that quickly encircled her chest and pinned her arms to her sides. Dragged forward, she hit the floor and was reeled in until she stopped right in front of them. 

Surprise at her sudden restraint made her struggle wildly, until she struggling face caught sight of both Lanterns staring down at her in shock.

" Well this was unexpected," The stronger one whistled in surprise.

" What in the world is this kid doing here?" His companion inquired curiously.

Kee struggled against the green chains, glaring at them in annoyance. This was not the way she had imagined meeting her heroes, no, she'd imagined that they would save her from some great villain or something. But then again, when the other Lantern had saved her from Hal's burning office building it had been real. But her memories of that event were hazy at best, Maybe the memories weren't even real?

" Hey kid, why were you in this man's house?" The strong one asked her.

If her hands weren't pinned she would have face palmed, how was she meant to answer him without the use of her hands for sign language??!!

" You're a quiet one huh?" He snorted derisively.

She glared at him, emitting her deep hiss she'd grown quite fond of. It was one of the only sounds she had actually mastered.

" Were you stealing? Or do you know something about Hal Jordan that you shouldn't?" The small one asked, suspicion clear in his voice.

Kee really wished she could face palm, she lived here, why would she be stealing? And what was there to know about her dad? He was just a pilot.

" It would be in your best interests to answer us," The small one warned.

Thankfully, the opening of the front door saved her. And through the door walked Uncle Clark, her favorite person at the moment. His gaze picked out the situation in the living room and he seemed to recognize the two heroes holding her captive.

With a sigh, Clark took off his glasses and fixed both Lanterns with an icy stare.

" You looking for Hal?" He asked with a sigh.

" Yes, it's Lantern business," The strong one answered.

" Well you could start by releasing his daughter," Clark sighed.

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