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Clark and Lois were sitting in Kee's bedroom when Hal raced in to the house, his eyes wide and panicked. Clark bent down next to the sleeping girl and gently shook her uninjured shoulder.

" Kee, your dad's here," Clark murmured gently.

Kee's brown eyes slowly blinked open and she smiled slightly as Hal raced in to the room, flinging the door open wildly.

Kee slowly unentangle her hands from under the blankets and turned herself to face Hal.

' Hey dad ' Kee signed.

Hal stepped closer to the bed and enveloped her hand in his larger ones. He smiled back at her reassuringly.

" Hey Kee, honey, I'm so sorry this happened, and that I didn't tell you, but I had to keep you safe," Hal apologized profusely, gaze seeking out her freshly bandaged shoulder.

' You had good reason not to tell me, I am not too upset with you, but I am a bit frustrated. Did you know I had powers?' Kee signed rapidly, wincing when it jarred her shoulder.

Hal breathed an inward sigh of relief that she wasn't too angry at him.

" I knew sweetheart, and you did too, but you forget every time you use them," Hal murmured, deciding not to mention the necklace.

Kee nodded and her eyes drooped tiredly again. But Hal had to tell her of their plan before she went to sleep.

" Kee, your uncle and I are going to move us to the watchtower until Vandal is dealt with, okay?" Hal informed, clutching her hand again.

Kee nodded tiredly and closed her eyes, falling asleep again, exhausted from the fight.

Hal quickly packed a backpack of her things and several sheets of lined paper for her to communicate with for the leaguers who didn't know sign language. Gently scooping the child in to his arms he watched Clark say his goodbyes to Lois before the three of them left to enter Hal's shed where there was a Zeta beam access point. 

With a flash of white light they found themselves being announced in the watchtower, and greeted by a very curious Martian Manhunter who was on duty at the moment.

He floated over cautiously, staring at Kee who was snuggled up to Hal's chest, fast asleep and wrapped in a green blanket.

" Greetings, Hal, Clark, would this happen to be Kee Jordan?" the martian asked curiously.

" Yes, J'onn, this is my daughter and she'll be staying here until Vandal Savage is dealt with. Her attacked our house an hour or so ago. Would you call a meeting please?" Hal murmured quietly so as not to wake his slumbering child.

J'onn nodded and moved back to his duty while the two superheroes continued along to Hal's room in the watchtower that was seldom used. While most of the league knew about his daughter, he felt safer if he informed them of her stay.

Leaving Kee curled up in his bed with Clark to watch over her, he took a deep breath to calm himself before stalking towards the meeting room with renewed vigor.

" Your kid is staying up here?" Asked an incredulous Flash with a wide and cheeky grin.

Hal face palmed, he had not expected this reaction, most of the gathered heroes were giving each other smirks, while the women were eager to meet the little bundle of joy Hal couldn't stop talking about. Some of the had seen her in hospital when she'd lost her leg, but she'd been unconscious and hurt, now was a different matter. 

" Yes, Flash, and no you can't corrupt her! She'll stay out of the way and just do her own thing so you guys don't have to worry. She's a good kid, I'm sure she'll like you guys," Hal said protectively, casting a daddylantern glare to Flash.

Barry rolled his eyes in reply to the half hearted threat. " Geez, fatherhood's changed you, Hally boy," he chuckled cheekily.

Diana punched him lightly in the arm, earning a muffled yelp before she spoke up.

" When can we meet your little angel?" The amazon asked eagerly.

Hal inwardly cringed, knowing that Kee would hate being called that, but replied none the less.

" When she wakes up you can meet her, but be nice, she's had a rough time lately and just found out she has powers," Hal sighed, relenting to their pleas.

That made the room fall in to silence, and the league stared at each other in surprise.

" You didn't mention your kid was a meta, or is she a mini-lantern or something?" Flash asked curiously, twirling around in his seat.

" I don't know about a meta, but she's not a lantern and never will be if I have a say in it," Hal grumbled, his protective streak showing again, making the women in the room giggle softly.

A small knock on the door of the meeting room caught their attention and the door opened to reveal Clark in his Superman gear looking down at a small girl hiding behind his leg and gripping his cape like a lifeline. Her wide brown eyes peeked out at the league from behind her brown fringe as she slowly leaned further out from behind Clark.

Tentatively she disentangled her hand and waved slightly.

Instantly Hal swooped forward, not caring at how his chair spun in his wake. He instantly swept the nervous girl in to his arms, cradling her against his chest where she moved to be. Kee's wide eyes stared at the multitude of people at the meeting table, all of whom were staring at her with gentle smiles on their faces.

" They won't bite, honey, it's okay to say hi," Hal soothed, petting her hair slightly.

' Hello ' Kee signed nervously, a slight blush coming over her cheeks.

Not all the heroes in the room knew sign language but they got the general gist of it, and figured the kid had said hi.

With a rush of wind and a flash red, the Flash was standing in front of them, his sudden appearance making Kee grab a tighter hold on to her father, and making Hal glare at Flash in annoyance.

" Hey there kiddo, I'm the Flash, welcome to the watchtower," Flash greeted with a huge grin on his cheeky face.

Kee smiled up at him, eyes wide with wonder before she slowly unzipped the jacket shed put on upon waking up and changing clothes. The jacket fell open to reveal the bright red shirt below it with a yellow flash symbol emblazoning it. Her eyes sparkled as she saw one of her favorite heroes for the first time.

Flash laughed brightly when he saw the shirt, the laugh making Kee giggle her strange choking laugh.

" I like you, kiddo, we'll be the best of friends in no time," Flash laughed, holding out his arms.

Kee grinned wider when Hal reluctantly released his grip on Kee to the eager Flash who zoomed her around the room in less than two seconds, making the girl laugh full out, her hair now wild from the wind.

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