Snow Whites Senior Year

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Snow Whites Senior Year

Chapter 1

"You can't just leave me here! With her!" I yell at my dad, who is busy typing on his I-Phone, totally ignoring me. No surprise there.

There is no way in hell my dad is leaving me with my stereotypical evil stepmother! Okay, she's not specifically evil or stereotypical, she pretends to be nice to me, but I just know there is something evil about her. She's all boobs no brains. No wonder dad married Daria Queen, Supermodel and my new stepmother. Not helping the fact is that my dad is not only rich but good looking. What makes it even worse that they married for the profit of it and not love.

It didn't even bother me anymore that different women left our house early in the mornings. But marrying Daria? That is just going too far.

"I mean she's old enough to be my sister not my stepmother! What were you thinking! Great sex blinding you?" I ask, trying to get some sense into the guy.

"Honey, could you wrap it up, I need to be at a meeting in 20 minutes." My dad finally looks up, not seeming interested in my accusation.

Looking at my dad is like looking in a mirror, except of course I'm a seventeen year old girl and he's a grown man. We both have the same black, wavy hair, dark green-blueish eyes, straight nose and full lips, except that my lips are abnormally red.

"Okay daddy. Bye, love you!" I chirp, my frustration washed away immediately, replaced by a big smile. I didn't want him to feel guilty for leaving me like this. Not that he would. Of course I know he loves me, he just has a different way of showing it.

"Okay, bye. See you in a month." He says standing up, gives me a kiss on the cheek and heads for the door, but turns around one more time. "I know this is hard for you, but please just try this for me."

"Okay daddy." I say defeated, resting my chin on my hand, staring at my half eaten breakfast.

"Love you!" He calls out before I hear the front door slam.

Not even the wish of dads traveling getting less was fulfilled, since he is already planned in a four week trip through Europe, two days after we moved and settled in.

I'm originally from London, but Daria insisted on us moving to Miami for her modeling business. Until the last moment I rebelled against it, but me, not being eighteen yet, had no say in the matter. Not like my dad is home at all, so it didn't really make a difference to him.

"Are you finished with your breakfast?" Matilda, our favorite member of the house staff, who came with us from England and who practically raised me, asked, pointing at my half full half empty plate in front of me.

"Yeah, trying to get my dad to stay 'till end of breakfast didn't work." I mutter, sitting up straight.

"You know Mr. White is a busy man." Matilda says and picks up both my fathers and my plate up from the counter and carries it to the sink.

"So I was told." I say sarcastically, "Where is your evil highness?" I ask, realizing for the first time that that bimbo of a wife is not in the living room doing either her annoying yoga or working out with her stupid weight loss DVD with her personal trainer.

"She went out shopping." Matilda answered, going back to washing the dishes, even though we have a dishwasher.

"Doesn't surprise me that the first thing she does at a new city is shop." I say, rolling my eyes and getting off the high stool. I walk over to the fridge and poor myself some Ice-Tea.

"You excited for school tomorrow?" Matilda asks, trying to change the subject for my sake.

I lean against a kitchen counter and take a sip of my glass, "If the correct term of exited means 'I want to hurl' then yes." I answer, giving her a sideway glance.

"That's what it's supposed to feel like." She says with a smile on her face.

"Yay, I'm normal after all." I cheer, faking enthusiasm.

"Your impossible, Joleene White." Matilda shakes her head at me.

"It's Joe." I correct even though I know she only said my whole name to emphasis her frustration. "I'm out."

I am just about to walk out of the kitchen, when the door bursts open and a fit of giggles hit me. Daria and her clone of friend sweep in with Markus, her personal assistant, trailing behind them, loaded with shopping bags. Could he even see a thing?

I hurry over and take some of the bags from him. He gave a thankful smile. How does he survive being around that woman?

"Who is that?" Bimbo number one asks, looking at my bare feet up to my shorts and plain shirt.

"That's just Adams daughter." Daria said breezily, as if she was dying to change the topic.

The ladies headed outside the patio to get a champagne breakfast. I just dropped the bags on the floor. I stare after them, shaking my head. Did that lady really just give me a criticizing look about my choice of clothing? I'm at home aren't I?

I shake my head and head up the stairs to my room. Good thing I didn't get lost this time. I swear, you need a GPS here. My room still needed some more decorating, but I'd do that on weekends. I drop down on my bed, wondering when this nightmare is going to end. I hear their stupid giggling from up here!

I stand up annoyed and walk to my window that has a good look at the pool and patio and close it, the giggling dying down immediately. I sigh. So much better.

I go back to my bed, but stop at my messy desk and pick up the brochure of my new school.

Miami Beach Senior High School, It read. Also called 'Beach High' or 'MBHS'. Stuff about how enthusiastic the scholars are and the different clubs and extra curricular, blah, blah, blah. It's all the same. I look at the pictures, mostly smiling students and teachers.

High School is evil. Well, that's my opinion about it. Nothing but stereotypical people. As you might of realized, I hate stereotypical people or things.

I spent most of the morning in my bathtub, singing along to Celine Dion. She's okay, but not my favorite. It is the CD that was currently in stereo, I'm just too lazy to change it.

A loud knock on my door startles me.

"Would you stop listening to that shitty music and keep your tone-death whales to yourself! I'm trying to have my beauty sleep here!" Daria yells, banging on my door one more time before the witch took off with her broom.

I burst out laughing and got out of the tub. After I was fully dressed I realized I had nothing to do in this massive house, so I got dressed again and decided to take an afternoon swim. After dinner, I fell asleep at around seven, listening to music on my I-pod. I am really jetlagged.

Snow Whites Senior Year (On Hold -Sorry!-)Where stories live. Discover now