Snow Whites Senior Year: Chapter 2

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Snow Whites Senior Year

Chapter 2

"Please welcome our new student from Great Britain, Joleene White." The teacher looks around the class, waiting for a reaction. None came, so he just added, "Uhm, Aaron will be so nice to show you around." Still no reaction, everyone is just staring at me.

"Sure, mate." A blond guy from the back of the class calls out.

"Take the seat next to Aaron." He says to me, but I hesitate so he starts pushing me gently as if he wants to get rid of me but does not want to seem rude about it, "Move along then."

I know that was suppose to be encouraging, but it didn't help at all. But I make my way to the seat in the back anyway, because I didn't want to look like a complete douche. As I sat down, I took a better look at the Aaron guy, he is gorgeous I have to say.

"Aaron Fitzgerald, at your service." He said in a teasing tone, a mischievous glint in his grey eyes.

"Well, thank you, Lord Fitzgerald. Joleene White, but you knew that. Friends call me Joe." I play along. I naturally have a British accent but I exaggerated it at the moment.

"Nicely played, most girls would shy away." He said appreciatively.

With his looks, I could imagine any girl freezing in the middle of a sentence.

"Well, I'm not most girls. You're Australian I presume?" I ask, even though I could tell by his accent and disheveled dark blond hair.

"Smart gal." He commented giving me an easy smile before we turned our concentration back to the teacher.

We're at Physics with Mr.Renold who is blabbering on about the 'Wave nature of light'. Every time he asked the class a question, no one would raise their hand. When I realized no one was really going to pay attention or say anything, I gave it a try and raised my hand and answered correctly to everyone's astonishment.

A guy in the seat in front of me turned around with a confused look, "You know this stuff? You really speak geek?"

"It's called intelligence, genius." Was witty answer as I raise my eyebrow, which I'm quite good at.

"You don't look like a geek." He said in an insultingly astonished voice.

Was that and insult or a compliment? I guess both, since he called me pretty but stupid.

"You don't look so smart either." I say, going with insulted.

"Aw, bro. You got owned by a chick." The guy next to him says with a grin.

The guy in front of me turns back around, embarrassed and mutters, "Shut up, Josh."

Aaron is trying to keep in his laughter, but I see his shoulders shake and his face turn red.

The rest of the period went smoothly, but now that Aaron knows my intelligence, he starts challenging me. I am surprised as he gave a very smart remark on the topic, since I've never really met anyone who could fill in more details to my already perfect answer. So the rest of the period, Aaron and I argue and discuss the right and wrong answers. Every time Mr. Renold would ask a new question, Aaron and I would raise our hands so high, we'd almost be standing on our desks, daring the teacher to choose between us. That was the most fun I've had in physics in years.

The bell rang to everyone's relieve and I follow Aaron out into the hallway that is packed with students.

"That was very interesting back there. To be honest, I didn't really think of you as a geek either." Aaron says impressed. "I'd like you to come with me at lunch; I want to introduce you to some of my friends."

Snow Whites Senior Year (On Hold -Sorry!-)Where stories live. Discover now