Snow Whites Senior Year: Chapter 21

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Snow Whites Senior Year

Chapter 21

After the principle left, I excused myself from the guys and went to follow Aaron and Daniel. Those idiots have a lot of explaining to do. What the hell is it with those two? I know they don’t like each other but starting a fight? That’s not their normal behavior or their way of dealing with things.

They couldn’t have gotten too far. I walk further down the hallway when someone’s hand tighten on my arm and yanked me side ways and behind the wall, out of sight from the rest of the students.

“Calm down, it’s just me.” Aaron says hurriedly and flinches away just as I was about to hit him.

I let out a relieved sigh, “Gosh Aaron! Was that really necessary?” I demand, trying to calm my racing heart and glare up at him.

But Aaron wasn’t really paying attention to me but was carefully peaking behind the wall “Is the principle still there?” he asks and turns his head to look at me. When I shake my head he sighs in relief, “I can’t afford damaging my perfect record this school has of me.”

I roll my eyes, “You’re such a dork. Where did Daniel go and why isn’t he with you?” I ask looking around. Aaron and I are standing underneath the stairs or rather hiding underneath the stairs.  

“He went looking for you, I guess you passed him. Or that idiot most likely went the other way.” Aaron says, stepping out from underneath the stairs and checked around the hallway. People were still giving him stares of his previous fight.

“He’s not stupid to have gone the other way. Just because he’s not some freaky genius like you, doesn’t mean he’s and idiot and- ow, bloody hell, Aaron, your cheek!”

Now that I was really looking at Aaron did I notice the thin gash on his cheek. Thankfully only a scratch.

Aaron ran his fingers lightly over his injured cheek, “I was wondering why my cheeks was slightly pinching. Must’ve happened when Millan hit me against the locker, how bad is it?” he asks, as if all of this fascinated him.

“Aaron, you could have a concussion.” I say irritated. This is not something to be proud of.

Aaron snorted, “Yeah right, Joe. Stop exaggerating darlin’. I got hurt, that’s it.”

I took hold of his arm and pulled him with me. “I’m taking you to the nurse.” I say in a final tone.

A stupid chuckle came from Aaron. “You’re joking, right?” It wasn’t a question, but he let me pull him with me because he thinks I’m not being serious.

“Aaron, you know me. I exaggerate all the time and right now I’m taking you to the nurse to get you checked.”  I explain, not slowing my step one bit.

“I appreciate you worrying but I think I’d know better if I had to go to the nurse.” Aaron disagrees.

“Stop arguing, it’s not doing you any good.”

“You’re unbelievable.” Aaron says with an annoyed sigh.

I grin and drag him along to the nurse.

Aaron was right –as always- about me exaggerating. He’s fine. But at least Aaron admitted that he did feel a little nauseas because his head hit the lockers but otherwise everything was okay and he had no concussion as I would have thought. He got a pill that would help him against the nausea and strict instructions not to participate in P.E or jump around that would cause him to get a headache and make him even feel worse.

Haha, the last time I was here was when Daniel hit a door in face. Now Aaron is sitting on the edge of the hospital bed holding a piece of cotton with disinfect to his injured cheek. The nurse had just left the room, leaving Aaron and I alone in the room.

Snow Whites Senior Year (On Hold -Sorry!-)Where stories live. Discover now