Snow Whites Senior Year: Chapter 12

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I want to thank XxNeonLollipopxX for helping me with ideas in this chapter. I want to dedicate it to her.


Snow Whites Senior Year

Chapter 12

I wonder what dad would say if he knew seven guys were coming over. At times like this I’m glad he’s not here at the moment, even though I really miss him. We only Skype every second day and write an e-mail to each other once a week. I know some teenagers think it’s awesome if their parents leave for a while but if it’s all the time you don’t think that way anymore. 

I hear a car outside and jump off the couch, slipping across the room with my socks on the freshly polished wooden floors towards the window. I push the curtain aside just to see Eric walking towards my front door. I run to the door and open it, just to face Eric, who had his fist raised, ready to knock.

“Am I early?”

“Nope, you’re on time, but you’re the first to get here.” I inform him and step aside to let him pass.

He walks into the house and looks around. “Wow.”

I close the door and follow Eric into our large living room. The TV was still on, playing cartoons so I quickly grab the remote and turn it off. I know, I’m weird for still watching cartoons.

Eric turns his head to look at me, “Tom and Jerry?”

I look down at my grey socks with an embarrassed smile, “Yeah, I-it’s kind of a guilty pleasure.” I admit, giving him a sheepish smile.

He gives me a small grin and looks around again.

Wow, that’s the first time he actually smiled at me, even if it was a little one.

“I’m thirsty; do you want a drink too?” I ask, already walking backwards towards the kitchen.


I turn around and walk into the kitchen, opening the fridge to check what we have.

I hear Eric taking a seat on one of the stools, “I have water, juice, ice-tea and fizzy drinks, choose.” I say, turning to look at him.

Eric shrugs, “Sparkling water’s okay.”

I grab a bottle of sparkling water and a can of coke. I close the fridge door and leave my coke on the counter to open a cabinet and pull out a glass. I put the glass and bottle in front of Eric with a small ‘thank you’ from him before I got onto the counter with a hop and opened my can of coke.

We both take a sip while looking at each other, neither of us knowing what to say.

He clears his throat, “Uh, you look nice.”

I look down at my white jean shorts and black, grey stripped long sleeved oversized shirt and back at Eric in confusion, because I didn’t really try with this outfit and my hair is up in a messy ponytail with some loose strands falling around my face. But I guess he only said that because it was the only thing that popped into his mind or would stop this awkward silence.

I don’t know why, but I started to giggle. This was so weird. I usually always laugh when there is an awkward silence, depends on what kind. “Thanks.” Eric did lighten the mood for me, so conversation did come easily now, “What dwarf are you playing?”

“Grumpy. The guys said that, that character fits best to me.”

Eric does seem a little moody all of the time.

Snow Whites Senior Year (On Hold -Sorry!-)Where stories live. Discover now