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Chapter Forty: Epilogue

            Just like that the tour finished. It went by quickly for me.  I hung out with my brothers a lot for support.  I looked after Gerard as well.  Since he was the main reason I came.  He was doing so well with me there.  I had fun on this tour, and was sad for it to end.

            Adam and I did exchange goodbyes, and Frank and I avoided each other.  Adam apologized for lashing out at me.  That made me think better of him then I originally did.  Ray and I also were hanging out a lot.  He made me laugh and happy even though I was still pretty upset about the whole Frank situation.

            "Hey you," Mikey says as he walks into my room. 

            "Feels so good to be in my own bed!"  I exclaim.  I stretch out on my bed and fall into my pillow. 

            "I know right."  He sits down on the edge of my bed.

            "Did you hear about Ray?"  I ask him excitedly.  He looks over at me in confusion.  "He went out with that merch chick last night."  I smirk. 

            "Wow we've literally been home for two days, and he's already getting chicks.  What the hell?"  Mikey says in shock.  Mikey was most likely wondering why he couldn't get chicks as easy as Ray did. 

            "Yeah.  Ray has more game than you."  I smirk at my brother as I tease him.  He smacks my arm in response.


            "Guys!"  Gerard screeches as he comes running into my room.  I smile at his dramatic entrance. 

            "Yes Gerard," Mikey sighs dramatically. 

            "Let's go out!  I want pizza!"  He demands.  I laugh at his cuteness.  I get up and kiss my brother on the cheek.

            "My dear brother I wish I could, but I have to go to work."  I smile. 

            "I thought you quit your job?"  Mikey asks while looking at me seriously.

            "I did."  I state and bite my lip.  "I also called them two weeks ago to see if I could work there again once I came back, and the manager there really likes me and said I could have my job back."  I smile at them both.

            "But we just got back!"  Gerard complains.  I pat his head as though he were a dog. 

            "It's okay Gerard.  You'll be fine without me.  Have fun boys."  I grab my bag on the desk next to my bed, and head out.

            I dread starting back at school in two weeks.  The summer really is over.  Today I decide to walk to work.  I missed being back home.  A walk through the neighborhood is what I need to clear my head for the shift ahead of me.

            Once inside I see my old manager, Lenny leaning on the counter.  I smile at him once he notices me.

            "Lila!"  He looks so happy to see me. 

            I didn't really need to be re-trained.  It was an easy small little record shop.  There wasn't anyone in the store at the moment.  So I have time to just walk around and familiarize myself with whatever was new.  Lenny left me to run errands.  He trusts me with this place. 

            I hear the bells jingle as someone opens the door.  I don't look right away.  "Forgot something Lenny?"  I laugh and look up to see him.  Him.  The one person I didn't want to see right now. 

            "Frank you need to go."  I whisper in a serious tone.  I could barely get my voice louder than what it was.  I felt like I was drowning.  I couldn't breathe. 

            "Lila," he utters with sad eyes staring into my own pair. 

            "I'm working."  I turn back to fixing the shelf I was working on.

            "Lila," I hear the urgency in his voice.

            "What?" I snap angrily.  I turn around to face him again.  "What more can you say to me?  You need to leave me alone Frank.  You can't just come and see me whenever you please.  I don't want to see you anymore." 

            "Lila, stop.  Listen to me."  He is suddenly standing in front of me.  He grabs my arms gently.  I flinch from his touch, and he notices.  His hands lower until they fall down to my own hands.  He's holding my hands, and I start to feel myself panicking.  I can't do this anymore.

            "Let go of me," I say while trying to block the tears from falling. 

            "Lila, I'm an idiot.  But sometimes so are you."  He says slowly.  My eyebrows raise in response to what he's saying.  "What I'm trying to say.  Why I came here...."  He pauses. 

            "There's no other way to say it." He utters.  I stare him back in the eyes trying to read his emotions.  

            "Lila Way, I love you.  More than most things, hell everything.  I tried to get over what we had, and I can't.  I was also afraid to commit to you during our last night together because with me touring all the time and you at school.  I-I wasn't confident enough to be your boyfriend.  Which now makes me feel stupid.  I love you.  I always have, and always will.  We've been through so much."  Every word he says makes my heart race.

            "I don't know if I'm too late.  Or if you even want to be with me, but I am prepared to give you everything and all of me."  I stand here in shock and I feel so overwhelmed.  He loves me.

            "F-Frank..."  I say while trying hard not to start crying.  "What-What if we-we don't w-work out again?"  Tears are slipping. 

            "Not this time my love.  This time we will both work hard to make it work.  Because I love you, and I don't want to let you go." 

            "I love you too," I say and before I say anything else Frank grabs my face and kisses me softly.  Almost as though I were in a dream.  I feel my knees weaken.

            "Well hmm...I know you're at work.  So maybe, like after work I come get you.  We could go get dinner or something."  He says awkwardly while scratching his head.  I smile at him sweetly. 

            "Frank Anthony Iero are you asking me out on a date?"  I giggle. 

            "Yes I am."  He says confidently. 

            "I'd love to.  I get off at 7."  He kisses me on the cheek and leaves the store.  I let out a massive sigh of relief. 
             "Oh my lord."  I exclaim while smiling so wide.

            Once 7 rolled around I closed the shop, and walked outside to find Frank leaning against his car waiting for me.  I feel my heart race.  I can't believe this is finally happening.   Frank and I are back together.


Thanks to Esme, my dear friend, who helped me find my way back into completing this story.  A big thank you to every single one of you that read my story, commented, voted, and saved to your lists.  It means the world to me.  I love you all and I wish you the best!

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