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My silent undoing
My silent undoing
My wasp in a jar
Protruding hips
And skull, and spine
Ribcage cuts a clear outline

I end up in Frank's car. He wanted to take me to the party, and quickly took me before the Way brothers realized.

"Gerard is probably going to kill me or is having a heart attack realizing you are in a car alone with me." Frank says sarcastically. I laugh.

"Probably both." I laugh slightly. The Way brothers were too cute acting all protective over me. Especially after only meeting me today. So cute.

"The party is at one of my bandmates' home. Tim Hagevik. He played the drums."

"Oh that's cool," I utter.

We get to his bandmate's house. Gerard is standing in front of the house.

"Lila! Don't tell me Frankie's touched you, and has taken your innocence!" He screeches. Frank rolls his eyes.

"Ass. I've only been chatting with her." Frank exclaims.

We go inside, and there are so many people everywhere. There were drinks on every counter.

People were everywhere. I suddenly am self-conscious of myself.

Frank looks over to me.

"You ok? No need to be nervous. Most of them are drunk anyway." he assures me. How is he able to tell how I am feeling?

Later at the party I loose track of where the boys are.

"You seem lost." I look up and see Tim. The owner of the house, and Frank's bandmate.

"I don't know where my friends went." I suddenly realize how isolated we were from the rest of the party. We were in a hallway near the living room. It was dark, and we are alone.

"I'm sure they are just busy with something." Tim looks down at me. He sort of reminds me of a predator looking down at its prey. I shiver in fear. I look for a way to get away quick.

"I better go look for them." I utter, and am about to go when Tim grips my arm.

I find myself trapped. He has me against the wall, and I feel myself freeze up in fear.

"I think you should stay." He tells me.

"I'd rather not, please let me go." I say as loud as I can. He then leans down and kisses me roughly. Disgusting I can taste the alcohol in his mouth. This was not how I wanted my first kiss to go, but as soon as it began it was over. I feel him pull away completely.

I look up and see Frank. I now notice I have tears in my eyes, and my make up is running. I feel disgusting, and yet numb all at once. Sick to my stomach.

"She didn't want you to kiss her dickhead." Frank says. He was the one that pulled Tim away. I am in shock. I feel myself fall to the ground, and then I black out.

Frank's POV

That asshole took advantage of Lila. Just because he was drunk gave him no right. Drunk or not that isn't right. She then passes out after I punch Tim to the ground.

"Fuck." I say. I then pick her up bridal style, and carry her till I find Gerard, Mikey, and Ray.

I find Gerard on the porch smoking a cigarette.

"Gerard we have to go." I say. He sees Lila in my arms, and his eyes widen.

"What happened?" He asks worriedly.

My Silent Undoing (Frank Iero)Where stories live. Discover now