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"Are you sure this is okay, Christopher?" Willow asked, her eyes scanned her surroundings before relaxing slightly

"For all the time you are in New Orleans, I can't keep you indoors, you've been locked away too much" he replied, letting her take his arm as he strolled her through the quarter.

"Still can't believe it" she looked around "I mean, I'm states away from my hometown, who would even go that far?"

"Trust me, you could be worlds away. But as long as you still have poison in your blood and as long as the originals still have enemies, you're always bound to end up here" he explained to her "the original vampires have made a hell of a lot of enemies, I'm just glad i am here for you"

"No, cause if you weren't, I'd still be Tristan's little blood bag" Willow tugged Christopher to the side to help him avoid a cyclist riding quickly up the road. "I wonder what will happen when he realises I'm gone"

"He'd be very scared, he'd probably retaliate in some sort of way; that's why the Mikaelson's are preparing themselves" Christopher walked her up the foot path and carried on "Niklaus and the mother of his daughter are working with the wolves, Freya is working on her power, Elijah is working on the vampires as well as his own strengths"

She hadn't met Niklaus yet, nor anyone else of importance. She had met Elijah, he had been kind to her, but she was young and new to this all, she was terrified.

"And you?" She nudged him, that tone in her voice telling him he was about to receive a lecture. "You're practically an enemy to them, through association of the Mikaelson's and help to get me back"

"I'm taking it as it comes" Christopher shrugged with a smirk on his face.

Willow let go of him and stopped in the middle of the footpath, just under a few balconies. She had her arms folded and she waited until Christopher was a few steps ahead, until he realised she had stopped.

"What's with that face?" He turned around and asked her, shrugging his shoulders as if nothing was wrong with what he just said.

"If the oldest..." Willow looked around and said the next word in a hushed tone "vampires are preparing themselves, then you should too"

"Look, Wills, I'm completely fine" he walked up to her "okay?"

"No, Christopher because you're like family to me, you're the only one I have left on this God forsaken planet and if you die, then I'm alone" she lectured him, an unimpressed look on her face as she snapped.

"Don't you worry my dear" he said, walking forward and motioning for her to follow, but she didn't, she stood there "this Earth has a plan for me, and I'm not quite finished yet"

As soon as he said that, the crowd had begun to bustle around them. Was it a coincidence? Probably, but with Willow's mentality, she thought it was done on purpose, like it was done for her. She had lost sight of Christopher.

"Christopher?" She called out, standing on her tiptoes to attempt to see above the crowd, but she was too short. "Chris!"

But it was no use, she couldn't get through the crowd in his direction. She wasn't sure if it was in her head, but she heard a voice shout 'run'. She didn't want to leave, but Christopher was ten times stronger than Willow, so she stepped back, turned around and ran.

With every step she took, panic consumed her body more heavily, to the extend that she felt like she was carrying weights attached to her ankles. Her breath was deep and she cried with every exhale, not only for the thought of what would happen to her, but what was happening to Christopher.

Passers by looked at her oddly, a young girl running down the street, sobbing loudly. Willow was in need of a stroke of luck, something she hadn't had until Elijah rescued her from that room. She needed a hero, because right now, she wasn't strong enough to save herself. Willow was weak, she couldn't even kick a punching bag and make it sway.

Just as she ran, Elijah had been exiting a voodoo shop across the way, he had heard people's conversations about what a girl was doing. How a girl was crying and running to fast for anyone to stop and see what was wrong.

He took a step off the curb and saw her, Willow's face was a strange red colour and she was running with urgency.

It took her by surprise when she was pushed into a nearby alley way, one which she was about to run past. It was almost enough to make her throw up with the worry, upset, and visions of oblivion she would have faced if Elijah wasn't standing in front of her.

Willow took a sigh of relief, though she couldn't stop the sobbing sounds or the tears running down her face.

"Willow" he tried to snap her out of her panic "What has happened?"

"Christopher" she managed to stutter his name as she looked out into the street "he- he's gone"

Elijah followed her gaze and then turned back to her, taking his phone from his inner pocked and dialling Christopher. He pressed his phone to his ear and lowered it once he heard a beeping tone. "He isn't answering"

From what Elijah knew now, he had two options. Go and find Christopher, or take Willow home and sending some vampires out in a search party. If he had gone to search, Willow would have had to make her own way back, and she was in no fit state.

"Come on" Elijah gently pushed her forward "Christopher will be fine, I'll get on it straight away. Let's get you back"

Carmen - Lana Del Rey

Willow ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now