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Willow was hysterical, she could barely catch her breath. But somehow, when she walked over the border to Tristan's residence, everything stopped. The tears had stopped, and it was replaced with sheer anger.

She could feel herself weak by the minute as the poison engulfed Elijah's body. She could feel his pain and it was slowly killing her inside.

"Tristan De Martel" she shouted, striding through the hallway and into his main room. All strategy went out of the window and she hoped to just go insane on them. "Stop your hiding and face up to what you have done"

In floods, members of the Strix toppled into the room, there were loads, far too many for her to count, maybe far too many for her to fight. All of them dressed in suits.

" you are a surprising woman, I have to admit" Tristan emerged "all Elijah wanted to do was spend his last breaths with you, yet somehow you have abandoned him in his time of need"

"Elijah understands why I'm here" Willow stood tall and confident, trying to make it look like she wasn't taken aback by his words "he isn't selfish, he wants to save his family and this is our best bet"

"And how do you suppose you'd do that?" Tristan smirked, knowing he had an army in front of him and that there was no way that she'd survive this.

"You didn't account for the time before Elijah's death, I still have the strength of the hunter and I can take you down" she threatened, the overwhelming presence of these vampires ate at her, she could feel her body chemistry changing and soon enough, for the first time she'd welcome the hunter with open arms.

"One hunter against a hundred ancient vampires, I don't think you have thought this through. Your grieving brain is making you think funny"

"Try me" she posed at a stance ready to pounce on them.

Tristan laughed, raising his arm and signalling his vampires to run at her "occupy her before Elijah dies please, and when he does; lock her away" he said, turning around and walking to the other side of the room to watch.

Willow screeched, her hunter side being unleashed. Oh and didn't she have a field day with these vampires. They fell like flies, ripped hearts, dismembered limbs, blood flowing everywhere.

She pushed one to the floor and stamped straight on his head, causing a disgusting explosion of innards, splashing on his friend's shoes.

Eventually, they started to pile up, the bodies scattered over the floor. The blood splattered all over her face, but that wasn't the end of it. She still had a good few left to slaughtering, and shortly following her next kill, more members arrived.

And now it was too much. She only had two hands and multiple vampires were attacking her at once. Willow pushed two away, tearing ones heart out, the other managed to escape her grip.

They piled on her, pushing her backwards until her black slammed against the wall. Her head slammed against the photo frame and sent it toppling down.

She could feel herself weaken severely now, Elijah was near death and she should be there to hold his hand.

Willow blinked, looking at the corners of the room, something seeped from the ceiling and had began to creep down the walls without anyone realising.

She looked carefully at it, whilst pushing away the vampires. It was red, was it blood? Was this all in her imagination.

Before she knew it and to everyone else's surprise, the ceiling cracked and through it exploded so much blood, it rained over them. The coolness gave her a little more life as she pushed the vampires away, but this time they were screaming, falling to the floor.

Well most of them were, the blood only touched 3/4 of them. Willow realised it was her blood that was affecting them this way, yet so did the surviving vampires.

Willow turned as she heard the door open. Please, no more vampires. She hoped and hoped, and luckily it wasn't.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Klaus stood by Freya's side as they walked in, followed by Marcel and his vampires.

"Who's with Elijah?" Suddenly Willow saw them and reverted back to her normal self. Did it really take weakening Elijah to finally allow her to control her other side?

"Rebekah's with him" Freya said quickly "his final request was to make sure you were safe"

"And so we're all here to finish what you started" Klaus replied.

"Well, what're you waiting for?" Freya asked as she swiped her hand, making the blood on the floor disappear and free for the vampires to walk on.

Klaus smirked walking forward, quickening as he did so. A determined look on his face as he jumped up into the air and changed his form to a wolf being. He never got much opportunity to change, but this called for a great chance.

Marcel's army charged, Freya stepped back and started her magic, and Willow had started to fight again. Her body drenched in her own blood from Freya's little surprise.

When most of it was over, when all of the bodies of the Strix lay on the floor, that's when Willow felt it.

She bowled over, holding her stomach and screeching in pain. "Agh" she shut her eyes and yelled.

Freya ran over to her, being careful not to touch her. "Willow"

Her eyes shot open and she stood back up, this time as Willow and not as the hunter. She looked to Freya and then Niklaus who had changed back into a human, and had quickly put his clothing back on . "He's gone" she said. Willow bit her lip and shot a glance to Tristan "Elijah's gone"

Tristan stood straight and his eyes darted around the room, looking for the nearest exit. He had slowly watched his men fall, now cursing himself for not running when he had the chance.

He sped to the door aside of him, but Marcel was quicker, he blocked it. And Klaus blocked the next and Freya blocked the next. The rest of the vampires pushed Tristan into the middle, circling him.

In the middle of the circle, Willow stood. She was furious.

"I may not have the strength of the hunter anymore" she spat, her hair looked red with all of the blood over her, resembling Stephen king's Cassie. "But I have the means to kill you"

"Come here Tristan, let me give you a hug" she joked, stepping closer. As she stepped forward, he stepped back, like a lost puppy, not knowing where to go.

Someone threw her a wooden stake. Willow caught it and kept on walking until Tristan's back hit a few, very angry vampires.

He looked terrified. Finally, he was the victim. "Any last words?" She asked, but he stayed silent.

Willow stabbed Tristan in the chest, feeling all of his muscles tense up. "This is for Elijah" she whispered into his ear, pushing the stake even further into his heart.

She stepped back, brushing her hair out of her face and turning to her family. "Go to Rebekah" she told Marcel and Niklaus. "Freya, I need you one more time"

What did she have up her sleeve? Was Willow on a rampage now, out for blood of everyone that made Elijah's life a nightmare.

Next stop, the cemetery.

Guarded - Kevin Daniel

Willow ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now