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Willow walked into the compound, Elijah had already gone upstairs to brief Freya on what was going on. But Willow trailed behind slowly, throwing her bag on the table in the front room.

She rubbed her eyes and tried to subdue the nausea she could feel in her stomach. The ride home was completely silent, though she had so many questions about this witch, about his dreams, about everything. She didn't manage to ask one.

"You've been out with Elijah all day?" Bradley's voice made her jump, it was like he was hiding in the shadows waiting for her.

"You wouldn't believe the day I had" she let out a small chuckle and a smirk, expecting him to sit down and ask her all about it. But oddly, he didn't.

"You were with Elijah?" He urged the part of the question he wanted to know, his voice sharp like a knife.

Willow looked at him strangely, a small scowl to sum up the way she looked. "Yes" she said carefully "why is it so important?"

She should not have said that. She should not have opened the gates and allowed him to indulge himself in something she had been preventing for days now.

"Was there anything between you two?" He asked, leaving Willow utterly speechless, not knowing what to say back to him. "Did you two used to be together?"

"Why is it important?" Willow dodged the question

"Because I've been asking it for days and you're always seeming to answer it with something completely different. Don't you think I've recognised the way he acts around you, the way you act around him?" Bradley asked

"Bradley, this really isn't the time" Willow tried to stop him but he just carried on.

"You haven't touched me ever since I've been here, you've not kissed me and the closest thing we've had to intimacy is when I was attacked by that vampire and you bandaged my neck up" he argued. Willow didn't want any of this, the pressure she was under was amazing and she couldn't deal with yet another weight on her shoulders. But he kept on, persisting.

"Yes, okay?!" She turned around and snapped at him "me and Elijah were together, but we're not anymore. Are you quite happy now?"

"Do you still love him?" Bradley asked in return, feeling quite accomplished yet really hurt that he had managed to get it out of her. He really wanted her to say no, they were never together.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you still in love with him?" He repeated, slightly changing his words to make the question clearer.

"I'm not answering that" Willow held back her anger trying to pierce its way out in the form of tears "this whole thing is stupid, I have a lot more to worry about than your silly insecurities"

"So you do" Bradley huffed, shrugging his shoulders as he watched Willow turn around to walk away.

"I didn't say I did" she snapped, infuriated at how he was acting

"You didn't have to. If you didn't love him you'd immediately say no, if you truly loved me, you wouldn't allow yourself to fall for someone else" he described

Willow sight, clenching her jaw before she spoke "fine. If you want the truth, me and Elijah never really got closure, I forgot all about him, I never really fell out of love with him, I just haven't forgiven him" Willow didn't raise her voice, she would have if both of them were alone "I don't even know what you want me to do about it"


"What?" Willow squinted her eyes, hoping she had misheard what he said to her, what he demanded her to do.

"I want you to choose, me or Elijah" He outlined "if you choose me, we'll get out of here as soon as this thing has blown over. If you choose Elijah, I'll make sure you're okay, and I'll leave on my own"

"You want me to choose, right now?" She asked, her mind immediately choosing one of them over the other, she didn't voice it though. She could choose right now, if he demanded it.

"No, I'm not a monster, I'm going to give you some time, a few days at most" he bartered with himself, not knowing whether he actually wanted to know or not.

"Not a monster" She repeated, if he wasn't a monster then he would solely focus on getting Willow back to being her normal self instead of put more pressure on her. Not a monster, he said, Willow had met a few monsters in her time, but no one angered her like he had. Not even Tristan. "I'm going to bed"

"Ashley-" Bradley wanted her to stay with him for a bit, but she pushed past him, her shoulder barging into his as she stormed upstairs and slammed her door.

Willow sat by it for a minute, listening for any of his movements, acting as a human door stop in case Bradley decided to barge in.

She seemed like she was always crying recently, everything was so intense, so stressful. She would've chosen there, but now she was given time to think everything through. She didn't know.

Waiting game - Banks

Willow ↠ Elijah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now