Chapter : 1

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Hellloooooo everyone / anyone!
I just wanted to say before I go into the book that you will fall in love with some other creepy pastas because this is a Creepypasta x reader. No one said I couldn't ship us with the others. ;) ok let's get started. And for the sake of this being a reader x Creepypasta you hide your real name saying you are sky even though your not. For the sake of my creepy pasta pplzzz!!!

Edit: this may not make sense because this book used to be ticcitoby x reader so ignore all strange parts of that a/n.

-your p.o.v-

I stare at my phone. I don't want to look up.
No messages, no calls.
As I walk closer to the school gate I slip my phone in my pocket. I look at the ground. My gaze naturally goes toward the ground. Just know there's a reason for everything and there was a reason I stared at the ground. As my gaze shifts around from concrete paths to grass and dirt I make sure I don't run into anyone. I look up every so often checking my distance from my destination. Checking my surroundings.

I hear a voice. My face screws up instinctively when I hear it. I pull my black hoodie further over my face and I hang my head. Begging god she won't see me. Please god don't let her see me, please let me pass by. I mean I'm not very religious but it's gotten to the extent where I'll try any thing to stop it. Then time seems to stop. I know she's seen me I just know it. Shit, shit, shit. I cursed in my mind as time continued. And that's when I heard it. Or rather felt it. A hand grabbed my hood and pulled it up taking my hair up with it and someone laughed in my face. "Oh looky, looky here every one!" She grins, spitting in my face as she speaks, "It's miss cutty!" I hiss at her words, not wanting everyone to know that, indeed yes I cut. I grab her arm yanking it off my hair. "For your information," I growled, "my name is Sky!"

No it wasn't really Sky. My real name is (y/n), but after I entered high school I lied and told them my name was Sky. My family and I even got permission from the government to enrol me at the school under that name. My parents and old friends who I hardly ever speak to are the only ones who call me by my real name. The reason we changed my name is because I had some issues at my old school and I really didn't want to be recognised. My name change has saved me a few times, indeed it has.

Any way back to the bitch who calls me miss cutty. She glared at me, before smirking and turning her head to look at her group of bitch friends. When she turned back to me her face wore a smug smile. Now if you were wondering why I wasn't running away as fast as my legs could carry me it's because in the time I managed to yell at her. Two of her bitch friends grabbed my arms to restrict me and stop me moving.

Now I think it's time you knew her name, so let me introduce her. Stephanie, the most popular girl in the school, the type who has boys drooling at the thought of her. The type of girl who has had so much plastic surgery you start wondering if you could brush her hair and call her barbie. The type of girl who wears tops that stop at the base of her breasts and skirts so short you wonder why she even wears them. That type of girl. And the worst part? She, all her drooly boyfriends and bitch friends are in my class.

Stephanie grabs my face. Her thumb and finger nails pushing deeper into to the crevice in your cheeks between your two jaws. Tears stung my eyes but I refuse to give her the satisfaction of crying, so I death glare her instead. She slaps me before laughing and parading off in her high heels saying, "bye cutty," and waving her hand not even bothering to turn around.

I feel eyes on me. Burning through my soul. This is the last thing I want, to be bullied in the entry to the school building gaining everyone's attention. I grab my hoodie and yank the hood on again. Before looking up. Everyone just seems to stand there staring at me. Tears threatened to tip again but instead I growled pushing them all out of my way.

When I get into class I once again sit at the back. No one sits near me. Every one has their little groups and they all know better then to risk sitting near me and joining the 'get bullied' club. Or whatever. But as I walk into the room I feel eyes on me. Practically everyone is staring at me before they all turn around and whisper to their desk mates and friends, snickering and laughing at me. I sigh. I know this is gonna be another looong day.

So there you have it folks! ;3 don't worry the story needs some back story before we get into the creepy pasta stuff anyways! Maybe another chapter or two but trust me they explain the story better. Also, quick guide.
(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) =your last name
(F/c) = favourite colour
(Y/m/n) = your mums name
(Y/d/n) = your dads name
(F/f) = favourite food.

And all the text in italics (I) are your thoughts!

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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