Chapter : 27

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-your p.o.v-


It's so dark

It's so peaceful

The absence of reassurance finally ceasing

So warm

So dark

So comforting



The absence of light would usually be unnerving

But it brought me peace

I could finally rest

-Author p.o.v-

She was nothing but a doll, a living breathing doll. Every so often her black dilated eyes would blink. Her breathing and blinking the only movements she made confirming life did not cease from the empty excuse of a girl. A horrified Masky had come across her. Her dark, hollow eyes devoid of any life. He shook her and yelled, trying to break the trance she was in, to no avail. The life didn't find its way into her vacant mind.

His panicked screams traveled around the mansion, waking the sleeping pastas. They were used to him having nightmares but he never sounded this panicked.

A groggy Eyeless Jack sat up, rubbing his empty sockets. Laughing Jack's eyes snapped open and his neck made a sickening crack as he pushed himself up. Slender's tentacles shot from his back in surprise, puncturing walls and sending him into an upright position. Hoodie flinched at the noise from where he was reading and felt a sense of dread fall over him. Gold shot up from his bed, tumbling to the floor, taking his bed sheets with him. BEN who was hunting fell through his TV in surprise. Jeff jumped and turned to face the mansion,that he was walking away from, intending to go on a hunt. Toby and Clockwork jumped from the bed they were in, bumping their heads together. Jane hit her head on her dresser in confusion as Masky's screams sounded next door to her in... Rumour's... Room.

-Masky's p.o.v-

Shit, shit, shit. She won't respond. No matter what I do. But I couldn't find the will to stop shaking her. I couldn't form the words to call for help and panicked screams were the only thing that left my mouth. No doubt waking the others but this was urgent. She didn't respond to anything her only confirming movements were her steady breathing and occasional blinking. No, no, no, WAKE UP!

I need help! Where's Slendy when you need him. Finally after an agonising minute or two that felt like an hour something happened. Jane burst through the door running to my side. Upon seeing Rumour she gasped, and started trying to get her to react. Her yells almost harmonised with mine, sounding through the mansion. Slowly pastas started streaming in. Even, him. Stupid dick. He made her like this. I left Rumour to Jane and started yelling at him, "get out! GET OUT!" I took threatening steps toward him and continued yelling at him, "GO AWAY... THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" I advance towards him and trying to strike him, only for a tentacle to yank my body off the ground. I seemed to lose control, like a wild animal I screamed and growled reaching for him, making more in humane noises. Finally a deep static voice cut the noise of all the confused pastas who poured into the room, silencing them and myself as we listened to Slender's voice. "Toby, get out, NOW." I hung my head, tears that were hidden, now dripped from the eyeholes in my mask. Toby's eyes seemed to widen and his mouth opened as if to say something, but Slendy decided against letting him speak. "NOW ROGERS!" He ordered. Surprising everyone. It's not like Slender to yell, unless..... It's something serious.

I slowly turned around to face the featureless man. He didn't meet my gaze and I felt more panicked tears squeeze out from my eyes. "Everyone except, Ej, Masky, Hoodie and Jane, please return to your rooms," he spoke again. Everyone seemed to nod mechanically, worry and fear seemed laced in their features but no one moved. Slender placed me to the ground but I just hung my head. It was only then that they all started leaving.

I knew I wasn't the only one crying, Jane and Hoodie seemed to hang their heads, crying as well. "Jack, do you know what's wrong with her?" Slendy asked, worry laced his words as he pointed towards her. Jack looked as her, the shook his head. "Maybe the stress got to her? So she shut down for a while, like a coma." Slender nodded thoughtfully at the suggestion. I joined Hoodie and Jane who were huddled on the bed. Something told me, if that was the case then I'm pretty sure it's not just Toby cheating on her while she was in the the room that got to her. Or, the... Kiss.


I don't know what they were talking about but I watched as Hoodie seemed to inspect what little I could see that appeared to be her neck. Then she hugged him. I felt my heart drop a little. But then she lifted both their masks and kissed him. My eyes widened in shock and my heart seemed to stop. My head hurt and the world suddenly grew dark. I heard her screaming an apology then thumping and finally Hoodie, he was screaming after her. I opened my shut eyes to find the window of her room was open and Hoodie was standing in front of it yelling after her. I stepped back from the slightly ajar door and felt tears pricking in my eyes. I ran down stairs and out the door, attempting to go after her. With no success I returned around 4 am, all I managed to do was kill a camper and let loose my tears.

When I woke up I heard yelling, Hoodie's voice and Toby's voice. I had never heard Hoodie yell that loud but he never said why he was yelling at Toby, but I knew. I sighed and made my way to the couch, my aching body hurt as I plopped down on the couch. I flicked the news on and everybody stopped and listened incase Rumour was on it. In fact someone or some people had killed 357 people over two towns, everyone's jaws dropped. "But that's only people!" The news reporter exclaimed, "the deranged killer also murdered a variety of pets and animals. But the most mysterious part was they always left the saying, 'whispers and lies' at the scenes in the victims blood. The original killer who seems to be a local for, (your home town) may actually be an occult or a group. Or perhaps someone's copying them," the news reporter kept blabbing on as several photos of Rumour's saying popped up. The pastas had no doubt it was her, it seemed to me as if something had snapped inside her, but there no way she could have gotten to those two towns in a night on foot. She must have hijacked a car or something.

~Flashback over~

-your p.o.v-

The darkness fell away and instead I relived all my worst memories, I saw me cutting, every time all sped up. I could hear my own cries of hurt. Then I cut deeper then usual, in real life, I black out but instead I saw Hoodie's mask peer down at me, I let a gentle smile grace my lips, but then this image faded and the memories continued. The smile left my lips. Then there was a memory of me hiding from my dad in my closet, the door flew open and instead I saw Toby crossing the living room in front of me, giving me a guilty look. My eyes widened and I screamed, he jumped in shock and raced towards me, but the image faded and hurtful memories continued. Hours passed and the void seemed timeless. My dad wrapped a had around my neck as he raped me, then Masky appeared trying to feed me food. He sighed and looked at my eyes. I let a smile grace my lips again. His own eyes widened and I heard him yell my name as the vision faded, leaving me to my father again. This continued, every so often I would see other pastas but mainly Toby, Hoodie, Masky and Jane who usually had Sally with her. I sighed, missing them from within my void of lonelyness.


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