Chapter : 14

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- your p.o.v -

"Take another step and you will regret it," the voice of a boy whispered. I let a silent shaky breath out. I stopped walking. "Rumour, is it? Well whatever, (y/n) your sick in the head. Fucking little psycho. You talk to yourself. Do you still cut? You killed the people who gave a damn. Haha," he taunted me. I knew he was trying to enrage me. But, he used my name. I smirked under my mask. "You and you creepypasta friends should die!" Ok it's people like this I love killing. He was under the bed, I pretended I didn't know. I fell to my knees and pretended to cry. Suddenly the taunts quietened. "That type of stuff gets you weak?" He asked laughing to himself. I smiled, "no!" I replied flipping the bed. I saw the horrored expression of a ginger hair boy. "Are you an idiot?" I yelled, suddenly not caring. "You know sometimes I realise people like them are more human then humans themselves. Because at least in this family no one cares if you lack a heart, if you eat people's body parts, if you have a carved smile from ear to ear because we like each other for who we are!" I saw the boys eyes widen and he let out a pitiful squeak as I knocked his head off his shoulders. I grabbed my crystal blade and tore him open, I got his kidneys and ripped his heart out. I smashed the heart with my crystal knife and wrote 'stay away' on the walls. I put the kidneys in the bag I carried around under my hoodie, especially for Ej. I growled one last time at the body. "You almost made me loose it boy," I hissed.

I let out a taunting chuckle as I headed down the hall, it echoed practically dripping insanity. I stopped laughing and clamped a hand over my mouth grinning this insane smile. My eyes widened and I had a flash back.


"N-no!.. (Y/N)! Stay away!" The little boy screamed. I took another step forwards, my hands clutching the cool metal of the handle. The blade stained in my own blood. I took another step toward the trembling boy. I laughed, I laughed so hard tears streamed down my cheeks. Then I clamped my little hand over my mouth, I felt the insane smile traced on my hand. The little boy wept as I towered over him. "You hurt me, you broke me..." I twitched, "and now," I moved my hands back to the grip on my knife, allowing my smile show. "It's your t-turn." He let out a scream as I clamped one hand over his mouth, stabbing him. Over and over I stabbed him until he lay still, "now you feel like me," I smiled sweetly, "dead inside." I ran and dragged the body through the water of the stream and dumped it in the bushes. Rubbing off any evidence in the water I let the blood rush away. I went through his house and grabbed a pair of his mothers gloves. Way to big for me but I wanted them. I hid them in the pockets of my little pink dress. I then walked to my home, three houses away. My mum looked angry when I got home, "six year olds shouldn't go off wondering around the neighbourhood by them selves," she said. I looked at her apologetically then went upstairs to my room. I fondled with the gloves.

~Flashback over~

I stood there staring at my gloved hands. My first kill was when I was six. I've always been sick in the head I suppose. I can't let this get out of hand. This is not good. I'll be fine, I reassured myself, I won't hurt them, I care about them.

- Masky's p.o.v -

I shouldn't avoid Rumour but since that, I felt like the secrets she hides have become deeper then just surface questions. That doll, red wrists? What's that about? I won't pry because we all have our secrets. Including me. I will stop avoiding her, I will confront Lj and puppeteer.

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I sighed. I heard a gentle knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled at the ceiling. The door opened and Hoodie stepped inside. He sighed as well. "T-Toby took Rumour, o-on his mission," he said quietly. I nodded my head, "she must be excited then." I said picturing her smile in my head. "A-are you o-okay?" He asked. I sighed again, I guess I should tell him.

He nodded his head. "Yeah i-it does complicate t-things a little. B-but, it's probably s-someone's sick idea of f-fun," he reassured. "Yeah... Thanks Hoodie," I said staring into space. He nodded and slipped back out the door.

- Toby's p.o.v -

I walked out into the hall to find Rumour staring off into space, no her hands. She was staring at her hands. "Found the blonde?" I asked quietly, she seemed to jump and turned around slowly to face me. She shook her head (no). "How about the ginger?" She nodded, I guess she killed him. She was covered in blood after all. We walked down the hall in silence, checking the rooms until we got to the one at the end. The boy hung there with a noose around his neck and a suicidal note below him. I shook my head thinking we are to late. But Rumour had different plans. She cut him down and ripped the rope off his neck. She whispered something, inaudible to me, in his ear. His eyes snapped open. "N-no, no, no, No, NO!" He yelled, his voice cracking from his lack of air. She grabbed him and tied the rope she found on the ground around his wrists. "C-can I have a m-moment?" She asked me. I nodded and walked outside the door.

1003 words wow

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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