Chapter : 3

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-your p.o.v-

Every day, people push me more and more. I start having thoughts. Awful thoughts. For example what if I kill them all? Then what? Sometimes I even smile to myself when I think about it. The thought of killing.

I mean really, can you blame me? I've been hurting a long time. I've got depression, I cut! Isn't it natural to have enough?

Since I started getting depression I've started loosing feelings. Feelings like excitement, nervousness, disappointment and love. I've never really felt affection for anyone. Even if I did it would be no use considering my current situation. I guess I simply stopped getting my hopes up.

Every so often my sanity cracks a little, I start thinking about awful ways to kill a person and giggle to myself. I'm not scared of doing it. Recently I've been getting these thoughts more often. During class and sometimes around my friends. But not towards my friends.

When I woke up today it was the first thing I thought about.

Now when I walk out of my house there is a road and on the other side of that road there is a foot path. I walk along that path every day to get to school. On the other side of the foot path on my left when I walk to school there is a forest. It's peaceful, but of course, thanks to my paranoia, it gives me the creeps. Though that doesn't stop me from going there. I usually go there to escape the world. The sound of the wind and woodland animals for company.

I was only 17 when I did it. It was that very day. I didn't walk to school when I woke up, I walked to the shop and I bought a mask. It was blank, no patterns. Then I bought a black permanent marker. I brought it home. When I got home I drew on it. I drew a creepy Scribbly smiley face on it. I went through my wardrobe I pulled out my denim shorts, black turtle neck skive, my black converse, my black gloves and my grey hoodie. I pulled on my outfit and split my hair at the back so it fell on either side of my shoulders. Then I pulled on the mask. I looked in the mirror and smiled manically to myself, under my mask. Then I thought, it was perfect. I grabbed my crystal blade, I slipped it into my pocket. Then I reached under my bed and grabbed the scythe. I opened the case and grabbed the scythe. I admired it for a second then slung it over my shoulder.

It's time.

Then I entered the forest and ran through it the same way the path goes until I got to school. Everyone was already in class.

I smiled as I entered the building. Though my heart still felt hollow and empty maybe I could fill it with something new.

I walked down the hallways, making as much noise as possible. Some people peered out of their class rooms pointing a few screamed. Then I finally got to my class. I threw the door open. Some students screamed. My teacher told them to get under the desks.

I grabbed my scythe from around my neck and walked up to my teacher. I smiled under my mask as I felt the adrenaline slicing through my veins. Then I swung, knocking her head clean off her shoulders. I laughed as her body fell to the ground. Students screamed and I heard our lockdown bell go off. I quickly started killing my class, screaming, "stay in the cold!" I saw some students eyes widen when they realised who it was but I killed them before they could do anything. By the time I was done the floor was soaked in blood, so was I. It was just me and Stephanie. I laughed manically and took some threatening steps towards her. She screamed a blood curdling scream and begged for her life. I got up to her shaking body and whispered in her ear, "whispers and lies." Her eyes widened and she said, "Rumours?" I nodded and grinned. She gave an unsure smile and I laughed and pulled out my crystal knife. She screamed as I stabbed her over and over until her body, still warm, lay dead and bleeding on the ground. I yanked out her heart with my hands and smashed it with my blade. Blood went every where. Then I whispered, "I'm jealous, because my heart feels so empty." I dipped my fingers in blood and wrote, stay in the cold on the wall. These guys were special, they deserved everything they got. I jumped out the window and ran into the woods.

As I walked along I twitched and jolted. My insanity quite obvious. I was soaked in blood. I laughed under my breath.

When I got home I waited for my parents. I turned on the TV and saw a news report on the situation at school. I laughed until I quieted down to a manic giggle. Then I heard the door open, mother. She walked into the kitchen she didn't even see me coming. I stabbed her in the heart from her back. She turned around in shock as I yanked my crystal knife out and I said, "night, night mummy." And waved her to sleep. I left her body it the kitchen. 1 down 1 to go.

This was gonna be good, I can't wait to see the look on my fathers face. Just then I heard the door open. I smiled manically as my father stormed into the house. I jumped onto of the cupboard and called him into the kitchen. He walked in and screamed when he saw my mothers body, shaking as he reached for his phone. But I stabbed him before he could even press a single number. He looked at me as I stated quietly, "sweet dreams mummy, daddy." His eyes widened and I cut his head clean off. I wrote 'stay in the cold' on the wall again, before exiting and running into the forest. I ran and ran until I tripped and fell onto rocks, my scythe clanging to the ground beside me. The last thing I saw before darkness swallowed me was a glimpse of a man, or thing. It was like a really tall man who had no facial features at all and was pale white. It wore a suit and had tentacles spreading from its back. The last thing I thought before I blacked out was, slenderman?

Woah that was a long chapter! 1101 words! Finally getting into the gore and creepypasta stuff!

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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