Chapter : 18

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- Hoodie's p.o.v -

I just sat there leaning on her door. It had been an hour since Masky fell asleep. I was a little tired, I could feel my eyelids growing heavy. I leaned over, resting my arms on my knees. When the door opened. I shot up and turned around, only for it to close again. I knocked on the door softly and tried the handle. locked. I heard shuffling noises then the door opened again. "H-hoodie?" She asked weakly, trying to be quiet. I peered into her room over her shoulder, there was a bed sheet on the floor. I shrugged it off, maybe she decided to sleep on the floor or something, I'm not judging. I mean look at me, same issue. "A- w-," I couldn't decide what to say. "I'll be right b-back okay?" she said finally noticing Masky, "d-don't go in m-my room." I nodded, we all have our secrets, but Rumour, she has a lot. From her eyes to her face to her gloves and her story, none of us know, other then Slender, but he refuses to tell us.

She comes back up the hall with a black towel in her gloved hands. Then she enters her room, closing the door behind her. Maybe she had an accident.... awkward. Finally she opened the door and let me in. I noticed the sheet was gone and she was washing something in the bathroom. I entered and she started panicking but before she could shove me out I noticed the blood she was washing out of the towel. I blushed, I feel really bad, it was probably an accident and now I've pried on her. I landed mask down on her bed and waited for her to finish. I heard her close the bathroom door. I looked at the ground where the sheet was. There was a knife, her crystal blade, it had dried blood on it. Ew at least I clean my weapons. She finally walks out of the bathroom. I quickly looked away, blushing.

"It's not what you think so stop acting like that." phew. I looked at her, she looked at herknife and quickly picked it up, shoving it in her hoodie pocket.

What was I thinking, it was probably a victims blood, but still. She went to alot of effort to hide it. I looked at her scythe it was clean. Yeah I'm pretty sure she's hiding something. It puzzeled me but I said no more. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her scythe. "W-where ..?" is all I could say, I honestly don't even know what I wanted to say. "Killing, w-want to come?" she answered and asked. I nodded my head and got up after her. At least she's feeling better... I hope.

- Your p.o.v -

We left, silently exiting the house so we don't wake anyone up. I looked at him. He wrapped an arm around me comfortingly as we made our way through the slender trees. No wonder people call this slender forest, the trees are like him, slender and tall. I enjoyed Hoodie's company, and I was glad he didn't question me or force me into an uncomforatble situation. I leaned in on him and sighed. It was peaceful, eventually we started talking. It was interesting how he talked so nicely about everyone at the mansion. "Yeah, but Jeff's a dick!" I exclaimed and we started laughing. We had been talking about the pasta's behaviour. "I guess he's not really... maybe a little." We laughed again.

Finally we made it out of the tree line, the moon was high in the sky and seemed to dawn down on us playfully almost daring us to go get them. I grinned up the moon. I heard Hoodie gasp as the moonlight met my eyes, shit I hope he didn't see, it's my secret. My eye colour I mean. I looked at him, and thankfully he wasn't gasping because of me. I turned to look where he was looking, only to see a little girl about six in a night gown holding a bear pointing to us with a shakey little hand. Looking closer I saw she had long black spikey hair and bags under her eyes and she was lacking shoes. Suddenly I see her open her mouth as if to scream, I dash over to her and shove my hand over her mouth. "shh," I whispered in her ear. Geez I wasn't in the mood for skewering a little kid. I looked up at Hoodie, some how he managed to catch my scythe when I dashed over. I honestly didn't know I threw it. He was trying not to drop it. I sighed and looked at the girl. I picked her up and we ran into the forest.

When we were deep enough for her screams to not be heard I released her. I grabbed my scythe off Hoods and cracked my neck. "Hey, kid," I said in a cold voice, she nodded. "Why were you out here?" She stared at Hoodie, "Hmm?" I continued. She beconed for me to come over then she dragged me behind a tree. I put my hand up letting Hoodie know to wait there. Now that we were behind the tree the little girl looked up at me with tears in her eyes. Maybe she's scared? She beconed for me to lean down and she whispered in my ear, "M-my mast-ter rapes me." My eyes widened and she bursted into tears. Master? Was she sold or something. "I r-r-ran away," she sobbed. I hugged her. I knew what it was like, I could relate. I can't kill this girl. I picked her up in a hug and walked back from behind the tree. Hoodie looked at me curiously. I threw my scythe at him again, he fumbled to catch it. "Show me where," I said in a soft comforting voice. She dragged me along until we got to a run down house. "Wait here," I said reassuringly and pet her head. I put my hand up indicating that I want my scythe. Hoodie threw it to me and I caught it fine. "We found a new victim," I said in a cold voice again, pointing towards the house. He nodded and we entered.

"What are you doing?" He asked, I sighed. "It's just, shes so young and we both went through something similar." He looked at me. "Okay, I'm pretty sure we are, no, I'm sure we are looking for a guy, main victim. I'm not sure if he has company." Hoodie nodded. We snuck down the halls silently. I heard noises, crying, then it became muffeled. I stopped. If this guy has other kids or girls or something and Hoodie sees him umm, 'abusing' them, he will know... shit. "I- umm well can I please have the kills?"I asked, he looked at me then nodded. "J-just call me i-if you need help," he said. I nodded and smiled under my mask. I crept towards the first room, it was a filty living room. I snuck through it, fithy kichen, another door. I walked towards the other door and silently opened it. I peeked inside only to face what I feared Hoodie would see. A little girl, 4 men. Tears sprung in my eyes. Her eyes widened when she saw me, she looked at me pleadingly. This is for every victim to this awful abuse, I burst into the room.



1241 words

peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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