Chapter : 20

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- Your p.o.v -

I heard a click and the cold barrel of a gun was held to the side of my head. "Put your hands up," A husky, gruff male voice ordered me.


- Your p.o.v -

Slowly and cautiously I put my hands above my head, not dropping my scythe. I'm immortal because I don't age as a creepypasta, I can still be killed. "Huh, so this is the famous killer, Rumour? haha you've got to be kidding me a stupid teenage girl," The voice said. I gritted my teeth. "Well you didn't do that bad, you really did a number on my men. I'm surprised though, why would a killer go this far to rescue some dumb little girls. I guess your just like them though. Hahaha," he laughed. My anger was burning, how dare he! "Drop the scythe," his tone suddenly changed, "NOW." I clenched it tighter before dropping it to the ground. "Good girl," he grinned, I could smell alcohol on his breath and it was trying to force up memories. I twitched. "Now, lets see under your mask," he said reaching for my mask. I growled but he didn't stop. If looks could kill. He pulled my mask off and grinned when he saw my face. "She's a pretty one!" he exclaimed and a few dirty chuckles sounded around the room. Then my mind seemed to process my current situation and my heart dropped. no, no, not again. I'd rather die.

I tried to make a run for it but he grabbed my hair and pushed the barrel of the gun to the middle of my head. "Stay put," he growled. I squirmed around and struggled against his grip. Fear dragged at my heart, making me lose my strength and clouded my mind. He dragged me along behind him to a room and threw me inside with a very revealing sailor cosplay outfit. "Put it on or I blow out the brains of this one," he said as a guy threw Teddybear on the ground. She saw me and gasped. My heart sunk. She stared into my eyes whimpering as the gun was held to her head. I had no choice but to change. He laughed when I was done. I secretly slipped my crystal blade in one of the long sleeves. It's all I have left. He had tied up Teddybear and put her in a chair. Other men walked into the room and the first guy came up to me. I cried out as he ripped my top, revealing my breasts. Teddybear, cried through her gag screaming and kicking. He pulled my skirt down and forced me into a kiss. I could taste the alcohol in his mouth as well as cigaret smoke and... drugs.

Then when he positioned himself at me I snapped. I'm sorry if I kill you Teddybear. I killed every single man I saw. Starting with Mr druggo. Blood stained my naked body and I became delusional. He must have passed some of the drug into me when he forced me into a kiss. I fell to the ground and blacked out. Darkness engulfed me.

- Promise's p.o.v -

Was she playing them that whole time? I don't think so. They even used me as a threat. I tried to tell her it didn't matter if I died aslong as she lived but they gagged me. I felt bad for her and cried as mr boss man tried to hurt her like he does to us. Then she pulled out this knife she had hidden in her sleeve and stabbed him. A guy was gonna shoot me but she stabbed him in the neck. She hacked away at the guys, at one stage she slipped and cut my ropes in the process. She didn't seem to notice me though. Finally when they were all dead she fainted and fell to the ground. I panicked and went to get the other girls who were still hiding in the clothes storage. They gasped when they saw all the dead men and her covered in blood. I stood up on a chair. "Okay! now we are going to help our hero!" They cheered and we started to clean her off and dress her. I went and grabbed her mask and scythe from the girl storage room. Soon she was back to normal. I stared at her beautiful face before placing the mask back on her.

We snuggled up to her and fell asleep, peacefully for the first time in years.

- Your p.o.v -

I woke up. It was still night time and I had a pounding headache. The air was crisp and cold but for some reason I didn't feel cold. I looked at myself and realised why. little girls. I looked at them for a minute then it all came back. I was saving them, I almost got raped again, I killed all the men. So why am I clean and wearing clothes. The memory of my father popped up in my head and I started crying. The little girls started stiring, they hugged me and I eventually clamed down. Teddybear hugged me then I stood up remembering the other girls.

We tipptoed down the hall while Teddybear and Honey explained how they cleaned me up. I smiled under my mask as they beamed up at me. We freed all the girls and I told them to wait outside while I did something.

First of all I walked back into the room incase I forgot anything. I looked for gasoline and matches. Instead I found the druggo guy, still half alive. I growled and grabbed my crystal blade. "Like my little game?" I asked coldly, he started crying. "p-please, please don't kill me," he begged. "As if I wouldn't kill you, filth," I growled. He cried and howled as I go closer. "You cry to much," I smirked, "I can fix that!" I stabbed out his eyes. Then rose my knife above his chest. "Karma's a bitch," I said before stabbing him in the heart, intsantly ending his life. Then I wrote my saying on the wall in his blood as well as a note. It was just about wishing the girls who died here peace. I kept searching the building and finally found some gasoline and a lighter. I ran gasoline around the house leading outside where the girls were waiting. "I'm gonna do a Toby," I mumbled as I lit the house on fire. I crouched down with the girls and took my mask off and took a photo of us with the house burning in the background. Then I took another one with my mask, for memories. I looked at the photo, Tedd-Primrose she told me her name, was on one side of me, Honey was on the other and little Rose was in my lap. Honey and Rose didn't have names so they wanted their little nick names. They really liked them and it made me happy. All the other girls stood around us in the photo smiling.

They followed me to an orphanage. "I'm sorry you can't live with me," I apologised once again. They told me it was ok. I rang the door bell and jumped into a bush. A kind looking lady saw them and gasped, "why are you here alone? Oh my god your skin and bones, come in, come in!" all the girls except Primrose, Honey and Rose went inside. They looked over at me sadly. The lady looked at them, then at the bush. Then It clicked. "I will let you say goodbye, come in when your done," she said. The girls nodded and ran over to me, engulfing me into a hug. "I will really miss you, thank you so much!" Primrose cried, "Me too, Thank you!" Honey wailed, "I love you! thankyou!" little Rose sobbed. "shh, shh don't cry. If you manage to stay alive then one day I will see you all again, I'm sure of it! Just stick together!" They smiled and lifted my mask to kiss my cheeks. We hugged once more and I wipped their tears away. "Bye girls, see you in the future! I'm sure!" I said, crying a little as I left. They waved me goodbye and walked into the orphanage. A few tears streamed down my cheeks, in that short time I spent with them I managed to secure a pretty close bond. I smiled under my mask.

It was dawning into morning. But I felt like killing, kinda ruins my moment but I have to let off some steam.

I cleared eight houses and a group of cops.

This experience only made me stronger, I faced my fears and for once I was the good guy. Heh it's an interesting change.

As I walked home to the mansion I stopped at a pretty lake. I took a detour to go exploring and I found it. It's really pretty roses and violets grew around it and it had a little waterfall. I dipped my feet in the water before heading home. After I sleep I'm going to draw this lake. I think I'll bring painter with me.


1039 words

Guys I lost this chapter at the part where Honey was saying good bye, I lost sooooooo much and I thought i was gonna have to re write it! THANK GOD, THANK YOU it saved as a previous copy. TEARS OF RELIEF RIGHT HERE!

ps If you like my story please vote and comment because it would make my day <3

bye my smol gods and godesses (I kinda doubt boys will read this tho hehe)

peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

WAIT PPS or is it PSS ? lol IDK BUT WAIT! THE STORY ISN'T FINISHED JUST SAYING SO YOU DONT GET THE WRONG IDEA! :) Plus I haven't created my ships for Rumour yet!

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