Chapter : 15

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- Your p.o.v -

"Well?" I stood over the blonde boy impatiently. "I-I- he- I don't know," he whimpered. "Liar," I hissed, "don't forget my threat so unless you wanna be chewing on his kidneys spit it out." He held his head, "Did you murder a kid around eleven years ago?" He asked. "Irrelevant," I stated nervously chewing on my lip. "Ok, ok we know your name because we hacked into the missing report files then the government files and saw you changed your name. W-we had been studying creepypastas for a long time and then a new one comes along. So we instantly studied the case, we found one girl was missing from the class massacre so we studied up on you," he finished. "So basically your saying you took a guess that happened to be right without evidence? Whatever," I sighed. I let Toby back into the room, lifting my mask to whisper in his ear, "after your done with the whole interrogation thing, he needs to die, he knows to much about me." He nodded and I quickly whispered in the boys ear before I placed my mask back on, "Tell him my real name if you want to be eating your own kidneys for dinner. DON'T in other words." He nodded, visibly shaking. I left Toby to the interrogating and started to walk back to slender mansion. I stopped at Ej's room on the way to my own. I handed him the kidney bag and walked off, with out saying a word.

After I was clean and back in my baggy sweat shirt and leggings I walked to BEN's room. But I stopped half way there.

I looked out the window at the sunset. It looks like the sunset I had when my family was alive. I stood there for a moment before running outside and scaling the tall building until I reached the rooftop. I sat with my feet dangling off the edge, I stared at the golden orb. I felt a tear run down my cheek, I can't go back, ever. I can never go back home and hear my mum welcome me. I can never go to school and see my friends. I'm over, dead and gone in some people's eyes. I wiped the tears away. I won't ruin this perfect sunset. I will cry later but for now I will watch this sunset like it's my last.

The tops of the trees were tinted golden from the sun. The warmth from rays of sun slowly faded from my pale skin as the orb dipped beyond the horizon. I watched silently as the stars formed in the twilight, creating a sparkly quilt across the sky. A slit of moon was visible and no more. I watched Toby emerge from the trees covered in more blood then when I left him. He didn't notice me and continued inside. I looked around the roof. I was the only thing up here, other then a chimney and a frisbee. I grabbed the frisbee and dropped it over the edge of the roof into the front yard. I continued to sit here thinking about what I've done. It reached dinner time, I heard a few pastas yell my name. The rest assumed I was out killing or something. Soon dinner passed and finally at 11:30 all the lights in the mansion were out.

I sighed and lifted my hands up to my face and removed my mask. I felt the cool breeze rush past my cheeks. I breathed smoothly and opened my eyes. I placed my mask in my lap and stared at it. It was quite disturbing, similar to Hoodie's mask. The surrounding darkness seemed to illuminate the features on the mask. I looked away. How can people believe I am shy with a creepy mask like this? I guess they aren't ones to judge on my shyness. I smiled to myself and laid back onto the roof, closing my eyes relaxing.

A tear slid down my cheek, glinting in the moon light. I put my mask back on and slipped around the side of the mansion to the second floor and through my window. I studied my room through my blurry eyes and locked the door. I grabbed my knife and slid into my bathroom, turning on the light and locking the door. Finally I let myself break down but only a little. I dropped my mask on the side of the bathroom counter. I walked back over to the basin. With one hand on either side of the basin I glared at the mirror through my tears. "I HATE YOU," I cried at my reflection. I cried and mourned and finally I ripped off my gloves and bandages and cut.

When I was through with my little outburst I was emotionless. All I felt was tired. I re wrapped my wrists and pulled my gloves back on. I didn't even bother to change, I just put my mask on my dresser, slipped into bed and waited for sleep to overcome me.

- Hoodie's p.o.v -

I looked around the mansion for Rumour, I saw her get home from her mission. I doubt she would go out killing after that. I looked through her room and found her scythe against the wall, still stained with blood. Her outfit was in the hamper too. I checked her bathroom there was no sign of her there but there was water on the walls of the shower suggesting she cleaned off after she got home. Eventually after searching the mansion for a bit more I gave up. She can't be far, I'm sure she's will survive after all she has her knife for defence. I shrugged when people asked her whereabouts at dinner.

I couldn't sleep after lights out so I went down stairs to grab a glass of water. I stood at the sink drinking it. When I noticed a figure sitting motionlessly on the couch, simply staring out the window. As I approached I realised it was Eyeless Jack. I stood beside him, leaning on the back of the couch. I followed his gaze and stood up sticking my head out the window. Over the edge of the roof dangled a pair of legs. The person sitting on the roof wore black converse. I looked back at Ej, he met my gaze. I closed the window and sat down beside him on the couch. "You think their hers?" I asked him, he looked over to me tearing his gaze away from the window. "Yeah," he said. We sat in silence for a while before he stood and walked up stairs. I followed him shortly.

A tear ran down the roof and dripped off the edge landing on the patio sparkling in the starlight, that's what I missed as I turned my back and walked to my room. Laying on my bed finally sleep came to me.



1159 words

Peace out ~ Untitled_hearts

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